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But it didn't work out translate French

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But it didn't work out.
Si tu avais réussi, je t'aurais pas embêtée.
I'm sorry it didn't work out, but...
Désolé que ça n'ait pas fonctionné, mais...
- But it didn't work out that way?
- Mais ça ne s'est pas déroulé ainsi?
It could've been wonderful, but it didn't work out.
Ça aurait pu être merveilleux, mais ça n'a pas marché.
- Yes, it's possible, but he needs to come to terms with life because that didn't work out.
Oui c'est possible... il faut bien qu'il en prenne son parti parce que ça c'est raté.
Of course, I knew it wasn't you in there while the burning was going on, but supposing your escape device didn't work and you oouldn't get out? What then?
Je sais que vous sortez avant la combustion, mais que ce passerait-il si vous restiez bloqué?
It's funny you should say that, but there had been a girl in the town that he'd been going around with an artist or something like that, and it didn't work out so well, so I...
- Pas du tout. - A-t-il laissé un mot? - Pas que je sache.
The occasional client... I tried, but it didn't work out.
Il arrive qu'un client... J'ai essayé en vain.
There are also those who work. I wanted to work once, but it didn't work out.
Moi aussi, je voulais travailler, mais je n'ai pas réussi.
But it didn't work out, did it?
Mais ça n'a pas été le cas, hein?
I was married when I was very young, but it didn't work out.
J'ai été mariée très jeune. Un échec.
But it didn't work out.
Mais sans succès.
He sent me someplace else after that, but it didn't work out.
Ensuite il m'a envoyée ailleurs, mais en vain.
Cornbread y est pas arrivé, mais on travaillera dur, on te sortira d'ici.
- Yes, but it didn't work out.
- Oui, mais ça n'a pas marché.
- I did, but it didn't work out.
- Aussi, mais ça ne marche très bien.
We had a thing, it didn`t work out and it`s over now, but he still likes me.
Non! Il y a eu quelque chose, mais c'est fini. C'est toujours un ami.
But it didn't work out.
Peut-être que c'était bien, ce que j'ai fait.
We tried some doubles this morning but it didn't work out.
On a essayé de faire un double ce matin mais ça n'a rien donné.
But it didn't quite work out that way.
Mais ça n'a pas fonctionné.
We gave it our best shot, but it didn't work out.
On a fait de notre mieux mais ça n'a pas marché.
I was supposed to do research in your country... but I'm afraid it didn't work out.
J'étais sensée faire des recherches dans votre pays malheureusement mes démarches n'ont pas abouti.
Mind you, I almost did... but it didn't work out.
J'y ai pensé, remarque... mais ça ne s'est pas arrangé.
Vous avez dû en parler.
I was involved, but it didn't work out.
J'avais un ami, mais ça n'a pas marché.
But it just didn't work out between us.
Mais ça n'a pas marché entre nous.
No, no, I was engaged once, but it didn't work out.
Non, j'étais fiancé, mais ça n'a pas marché.
But Lady Penelope had other plans and it just didn't work out like that.
Mais Lady Penelope avait d'autres projets, et ça ne s'est pas passé comme prévu.
I got close in my 20s once, but it didn't work out.
J'ai failli une fois entre 20 et 30 ans, mais ça n'a pas marché.
I did that here, but it still didn't work out.
Je l'ai fait, ça ne marche pas.
But the first time that you tried something... that was really important to you, to us... and it didn't work out, what did you do? You ran home to Mom.
La première fois que tu as tenté une chose importante pour toi, pour nous, et que ça échoué, tu t'es réfugié auprès de maman!
The plan was I was gonna go back to work after Emily was born... but it didn't really work out that way.
L'idée, c'est que je retournais travailler après qu'Emily soit née... mais ça n'a pas vraiment marché comme ça.
Thought maybe Franny and Renee would give me some, but it didn't work out.
Je comptais sur Fran et Renée, mais ça n'a pas marché.
It's a shame it didn't work out, Marge... but George just felt this neighborhood brought out the worst in him and -
mais George pense que le quartier fait ressortir la bête en lui et... Mon Dieu.
I tried many countries but it didn't work out
Je suis allé dans plusieurs pays, mais ça n'a pas marché.
I always wanted to go to college, but it didn't work out.
Je voulais faire des études, mais... ça s'est pas fait.
I always thought I'd go, but it didn't work out.
J'ai toujours pensé que j'en ferais, et puis non.
I managed to stay the night with her but it didn't work out
J'ai réussi à rester la soirée chez elle, mais... Ça n'a pas marché.
My own life didn't work out exactly as I wanted it to, but I was energetic and lived a full life in my own way.
Bien sûr, ma vie n'a pas vraiment tourné comme je l'avais souhaitée. Mais j'ai quand même vécu ma vie énergiquement, pleinement.
I think that was not only a decision to get away from here... but to try to straighten out his life... and it didn't work too well.
Je pense pas que c'était juste pour partir d'ici... mais pour essayer de redresser sa vie et ça n'a pas très bien marché.
You dated, it didn't work out, but then you got past all of your issues and now you actually trust each other, right?
Vous sortiez ensemble, ça n'a pas marché, puis vous avez résolu vos conflits et dès lors vous vous faites confiance, c'est ça?
My mom, she tried hard but... Why, it just didn't work out.
Ma mère s'est battue, mais elle a perdu.
I'm sorry it didn't work out, but my therapist says that I have a fear of intimacy.
Dommage, mais mon psy dit que j'ai peur de l'intimité...
I mean, I got an "A" in social studies. But that was just for the effort. Stuff I did, it didn't work out.
L'idée n'a pas vraiment marché
But in the end, it didn't work out.
Mais en fin de compte, ça n'a pas marché.
I was engaged last year. but it didn't work out.
J'étais fiancée l'année dernière mais ça n'a pas marché.
It was kind of recently, actually, but it didn't work out.
Récemment. Mais c'est tombé à l'eau.
Yeah, I did. But, you know, it didn't work out.
J'en avais une, mais ça n'a pas marché.
I was gonna try to subtly work it into the conversation, but it didn't pan out, and I thought I should try to give it to you before you see me dance.
Je n'ai pas réussi à l'introduire dans le fil de la conversation, alors je préfère te le donner avant que tu me voies danser.
I was going to be the guy you read about but somehow it just didn't work out that way
J'allais être de ceux qu'on voit dans les magazines. Mais, en fait... ça n'a pas tout à fait... marché comme ça.
But it didn't work out.
Mais ça n'a pas marché.

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