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Translate.vc / English → French / [ B ] / But thank you very much

But thank you very much translate French

235 parallel translation
But thank you very much, Mr. Honey.
Mais je vous remercie beaucoup, M. Honey.
I don't know who you are, but thank you very much.
J'ignore qui vous êtes, mais je vous remercie.
Well, I admit it would be more convenient but thank you very much, Mr Kingston.
J'avoue que ce serait plus pratique. Merci beaucoup, M. Kingston.
I'm afraid I'll have to pass, but thank you very much.
Navré, je dois décliner mais c'est très aimable à toi.
Oh, thank you. I don't get out very much, but if I do get the chance- -
Merci.Je ne sors pas beaucoup, mais si j'en ai l'occasion -
Oh, yes, and thank you very much, but I'll have my secretary attend to it tomorrow.
C'est très gentil, mais ma secrétaire s'occupera du courrier demain.
Oh, thank you very much, madame, but I'm afraid that'll be impossible.
Merci beaucoup, madame, mais j'ai peur que ce soit impossible.
- Thank you very much, but who gave you my address?
- Je vous remercie, mais qui vous a donné mon adresse?
Thank you very much, but I shall leave like anyone else.
Merci! Mais je tiens à sortir d'ici comme n'importe qui.
Thank you very much, but I think I can do it myself.
Merci, mais je crois pouvoir le faire moi-même.
Well, thank you very much, but I'd rather have this dance.
Merci, mais je préfère que vous m'accordiez cette danse.
Thank you, very much but that won ´ t be necessary.
- Merci mais c ´ est pas la peine.
- Oh, thank you very much. But I still don't have the doctor's permission.
- Oh, merci beaucoup, mais je n'ai pas encore la permission du médecin.
- Thank you very much, but...
Merci beaucoup, mais...
- Thank you very much, but I don't need anything.
Merci, mais je n'ai besoin de rien.
Thank you very much, but... my grandmother had the happiest life of any woman ever... because she went back to Danny.
Merci beaucoup, mais... ma grand-mère a été heureuse toute sa vie... parce qu'elle est partie rejoindre Danny.
Thank you, thank you very much, but I'm getting sick of so much work.
Merci beaucoup.
Thank you very much Mr. Comissioner but I guarantee that -
Merci beaucoup, mais je vous assure que...
Thank you very much, but I really couldn't...
Merci, mais je ne peux pas...
- Thank you very much but I can't wait.
Merci, mais je dois partir.
Thank you very much, but I have to see a friend uptown. - Good-bye, Mr. Birnam.
Merci beaucoup, mais je dois voir un ami en ville.
Thank you. But I'm sure we'd enjoy very much some of your music.
Nous vous écouterions aussi avec joie.
But before you go, I'm sure the whole board wishes to express its deep sorrow - at the passing of Peter Bailey. - Thank you very much.
Je suis sûr que le conseil voudrait exprimer ses condoléances pour la mort de Peter Bailey.
Well, thank you very much, but I can't make it.
Merci beaucoup, mais je ne peux pas.
Thank you very much, but Mr. Gordon can take me home.
Merci beaucoup, mais M. Gordon peut me ramener.
Thank you very much, but I like the way I am.
Merci bien, mais ma manière d'être me convient parfaitement.
Uh, thank you very much, but I've come in to have dinner with my friends...
Merci, mais je suis venu pour dîner avec mes amis.
Well, I can't explain, but I wanna thank you very much for the dance.
- Je ne peux vous expliquer.
Thank you very much, Mr Saint John, but I haven't got the slightest intention... Of running my father's mill.
Merci beaucoup, M. Saint John, mais je n'ai pas la moindre intention de reprendre l'usine de mon père.
Thank you very much, but I have quite enough to pay for this.
Merci, mais j'ai largement de quoi payer ce repas.
Thank you very much but there's 1,700 of them.
Merci beaucoup, mais il y en a 1 700!
Thank you very much, but personally, I don't need a thing.
Merci, personnellement je n'ai besoin de rien.
But anyway, thank you very much, young ladies.
Mais merci beaucoup, jeunes dames.
I thank you very much, but I don't need any help, thank you.
C'est très gentil, mais je n'ai pas besoin d'aide.
Well, thank you very much, but Dave has so much energy,
Merci, mais Dave a une telle énergie,
Well, thank you, Mr. Sylvester, but he's a big boy now, and I like him... very much.
C'est un grand garçon. Il me plaît... beaucoup.
Well, thank you very much, but me wife and I don't take much to the high places.
Merci, mais ma femme et moi n'aimons pas les mondanités.
Thank you very much for this afternoon, George, but, um... I don't think it's really helped, you know.
Merci pour tout, George, mais... ça ne sert à rien.
I thank you very much for your concern for me, but what you have heard is not true. I know this.
Merci de te faire du souci pour moi, mais tout ce que tu as entendu est faux.
Well, thank you very much, Mrs. Kravitz but I'm not upset.
Eh bien, merci beaucoup, Mme Kravitz, mais je vais très bien.
Thank you very much, but we don't deserve that chocolate for this.
Merci beaucoup, mais on mérite pas ce chocolat pour ça.
- Thank you very much, sir. I don't want to seem negative, but I want to be frank.
Je ne serai pas négatif, mais franc.
Thank you very much, but that honor's not for me.
Mlle Stowecroft, merci, mais ce n'est pas à moi que revient cet honneur.
Thank you very much but I don't need it now
C'est gentil, mais je n'en ai pas besoin pour le moment.
Only yesterday I told my wife, one man should open Allenby. But the directors, you can trust them. They'll get the thank you very much and the medals.
Hier je disais à ma femme, il faut ouvrir tout Allenby, mais les directeurs, fais-leurs confiance, ils recevront le merci, les médailles, les accolades.
Thank you very much for everything, but I'm leaving.
Merci pour tout, mais je pars.
Thank you very much but why would I want to bring Burke on your birthday?
Merci beaucoup, mais pourquoi l'amènerais-je pour ton anniversaire?
No, thank you very much Mrs. Mac, but I just have no appetite.
Non, merci beaucoup, Mme Mac, mais je n'ai vraiment pas d'appétit.
Thank you very much, Aziz. But if you're married, what should I do with you?
Je te remercie beaucoup, mais maintenant tu as une femme et un fils.
Thank you very much madam, but I have to go.
- Madame, je vous remercie, mais je dois m'en aller.
Thank you very much, but I'm supposed to be marching in a R.O.T.C. parade.
Je vous remercie, mais je suis censé défiler in a R.O.T.C. parade.

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