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Translate.vc / English → French / [ B ] / But thanks for the offer

But thanks for the offer translate French

99 parallel translation
But thanks for the offer, Uncle Jed.
Mais merci pour ton offre, Oncle Jed.
But thanks for the offer.
Merci de l'avoir proposé.
Merci quand même.
I'm just a regular bed kind of guy, but thanks for the offer, though. I can't do this. Good night.
Bonne nuit.
I can't do this. I'm just a regular bed kind of guy, but thanks for the offer, though. I can't do this.
D'accord, on le prend.
But thanks for the offer.
Mais merci pour votre offre.
I'm afraid I can't do that, but thanks for the offer.
Je crains que ce ne soit pas possible, mais je vous remercie de l'offre.
But thanks for the offer.
Je te remercie pour l'offre...
But thanks for the offer, that sounds nice.
- Mais ça m'a l'air bien. Merci.
Ayear is too long for me... but thanks for the offer.
Un an, c'est trop long pour moi, mais merci de me l'avoir offert.
Only therapy I need is finding the Williams boy, but thanks for the offer.
La seule thérapie dont j'ai besoin c'est trouver le garcon, merci pour l'offre.
But thanks for the offer.
Mais merci pour votre proposition.
I gotta get home. But thanks for the offer.
Je dois rentrer chez moi.
But thanks for the offer.
Merci quand même.
- But thanks for the offer and the image.
Merci pour l'offre et la vision.
About that bull. Thanks for the fine offer. But if I can't afford it, that ends it.
- Pour ce taureau, merci pour l'offre mais je ne peux pas me le permettre.
Thanks for the offer, but I'm in a hurry too.
Merci de votre offre, mademoiselle,.. .. mais je suis pressé aussi.
Thanks for the offer, but the decision's been made.
C'est très aimable, mais ma décision est prise.
Thanks for the offer, but I live in a restricted neighborhood, no hyenas.
Merci, mais j'habite un quartier snob. Pas de hyènes.
[Chuckling] Well, thanks for the offer, but I don't need the work.
Eh bien, merci pour l'offre, mais j'ai pas besoin de travail.
Thanks for the offer but...
Même pour toi, c'est non.
But thanks very much for the offer.
Mais merci beaucoup pour ta proposition.
Thanks for the offer, but li'm on a low-wood diet.
Merci, mais j'ai un autre régime.
Thanks for the offer, but I'll just stay here.
Merci, mais je vais rester ici.
Thanks for the sentiment, Weebo, but... this is really not an area you're qualified to offer perspective on.
Merci de ce sentiment, Weebo, mais tu n'es pas qualifiée pour donner ton avis dans ce domaine.
Thanks for the offer, but I can take care of myself.
- Merci de ton offre, mais je peux me débrouiller.
Quince, man, thanks for the offer, but it's all set for just me and Bill.
Merci, mais Bill et moi suffisons.
Thanks for the offer but I think I'll find somebody else.
J'apprécie... mais je voudrais quelqu'un d'autre.
- Thanks for the offer, but...
- Merci de l'offre, mais...
Thanks for the offer, but we don't have the proper career chips.
Merci, mais aucun d'entre nous ne porte l'implant nécessaire.
Thanks for the offer, but my hands aren't going anywhere near your staff.
Merci, mais je n'ai pas l'intention d'accorder mes mains à votre équipe.
Thanks for the offer but no.
Merci mais non.
Thanks for the offer, but I think we've got it covered.
Merci, mais on a la situation en main.
So, thank you for the offer, Leda, but... No thanks.
Merci pour ton offre, Leda, mais non merci.
Thanks for the offer of conversation, but I'd rather not.
Je crie comme un fou.
Thanks for the offer, but, uh, I have a girlfriend.
- C'est sympa, mais... - j'ai une copine.
Well, thanks for the offer, but, no, thank you.
Merci pour l'offre, mais non merci.
Look, thanks for the offer, but I'm here as a journalist.
Ecoute, merci pour l'offre, mais je suis ici en tant que journaliste
Thanks for the offer, but we don't own the suit.
Proposition alléchante mais la combinaison ne nous appartient pas.
These were human beings but of the kind on whom pain had been inflicted, Grace thought as she was suddenly interrupted by a strangely exotic accent when we were slaves we were not required to offer thanks for our supper
C'était bien des êtres humains, mais des êtres qui avaient été opprimés, pensait Grace, quand elle fut interrompue par une voix à l'accent étrangement exotique. Quand on était esclaves, on n'avait pas à dire merci pour notre dîner,
I don't - I don't think you know what I mean. Look, thanks for the offer, man... but I already got a team. Listen.
Thanks for the offer, but we got it under control.
Merci pour ton offre, mais on gère.
Thanks for the offer but, you have a family.
Ta proposition me touche mais tu as femme et enfants.
Thanks for the offer, but I'm gonna go home and make love to my wife.
Merci pour votre offre, mais je vais rentrer faire l'amour à ma femme.
All of a sudden he adopts a nice, polite, smiling face and says "Oh, thanks for the offer, but I've got to go now, maybe another day".
Soudain, il devient souriant, poli, et dit : "Merci, mais je dois y aller. Peut-être une autre fois."
Thanks for the offer, but it's a no.
Merci mais non.
Thanks for the offer, but we have other problems...
Merci, mais on a des problèmes bien pires à gérer.
But uh, thanks for the offer.
Mais merci quand même.
Oh, thanks for the offer, but no.
Merci pour l'offre, mais non.
Thanks for the offer, but someone has to go after El Diablo.
Merci pour ton offre, mais quelqu'un | doit pourchasser El Diablo.
Thanks for the offer, but I'm not looking for a guy.
Merci pour ton offre, mais je cherche pas de mec.

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