But that's okay translate French
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You're an ugly crier, but that's okay.
Quand tu pleures, tu es laide, mais ça va.
Okay, but that's only because you play it more.
T'as plus d'entraînement, c'est tout.
But he was okay with that.
Mais il s'en fiche.
Okay. But then that's the challenge.
C'est l'occasion de te dépasser.
And, okay let's have one, but that same group cannot advocate for farmers, help subsidize their operations, manage commodity foods, subsidize the price of growing things, and then turn around and say,
Très bien. Mais il y a un conflit d'intérêt : ce groupe soutient les fermiers, gère les subventions, gère les denrées alimentaires et annoncent "maintenant on va aussi écrire les directives nutritionelles".
That's forward of you, but okay. I'll do it.
C'est direct, mais d'accord.
But that's okay.
Ça va.
Well, okay, but how about finding a dream that brings in some bucks?
Et s'il trouvait un rêve qui rapporte?
I know, but, honey, that's the furthest thing from my mind, okay?
Je sais, mais c'est pas ce qui importe.
Okay, that's a "Yes, that's true, but" -
D'accord, c'est un "Oui, c'est vrai, mais..."
Okay, hold that thought, but whoever the killer was, he didn't take any cash from the victim's wallet, and crime scene techs found glove smears on it.
D'accord, gardez ça en tête, mais peu importe le meurtrier, il n'a pas pris d'argent du portefeuille de la victime, et les techniciens de scènes de crime ont trouvé des traces de gants dessus.
Okay, look, I'm not saying that everyone in this school is ready to embrace the gay, but maybe, at least, they've evolved enough to be indifferent.
Okay, écoute, je ne dis pas que tout le monde dans cette école est d'accord pour accepter les gays, mais peut-être qu'au moins, ils s'en soucient assez pour y être indifférents.
Okay, I understand that it's a last resort, but it's a bad last resort.
C'est notre dernier recours, mais c'est une mauvaise idée.
But that's chuck's decision, okay?
Mais ça c'est la décision de Chuck.
I thought you were going to say yes. But that's okay.
Je pensais que tu dirais oui, mais tant pis.
Okay, no offense, but maybe that's a little bit of an excuse for not acting on your feelings.
Désolée, mais c'est la bonne excuse pour pas assumer tes sentiments.
- I know, but it's rude to talk, that's all. - Okay, all right.
Je sais, mais c'est malpoli de parler.
It-It's okay for me to say that, but that-that's a negative stereotype that we... that we've been fighting for years.
Ça ne me gène pas de dire ça, mais c'est un stéréotype que l'on essaie de combattre depuis des années.
Okay, look, we might meet another rep At a brunch, but that's a casual thing.
On va peut-être voir quelqu'un à un brunch, mais rien d'officiel.
Main lock boxes are all full up, but... Now if that's okay, we got some more ones back here that don't get used anymore.
Les coffres du devant sont pleins, mais si ça vous va, il y en a derrière dont on se sert plus.
But it's important you understand that, okay?
C'est important que tu comprennes.
But my sister just changed her wedding to August 20, because that was the only day they could get the hall. Okay.
Mais ma sœur vient de changer son mariage au 20 août, parce que c'était le seul jour ils pouvaient avoir la grande salle.
Okay, I get that, and that's good, but... how can you turn this down?
Je comprends. C'est bien. Mais comment tu peux refuser ça?
But that's okay. I don't get many invitations.
Mais c'est pas grave, je reçois pas beaucoup d'invitations.
Yeah, but that's okay.
Ouais, mais c'est d'accord.
Okay, I'm not busy. But I hate that guy's face.
Mais j'aime pas la tête de ce gars.
But it's raw. Use that emotion, okay?
Mais brut, servez-vous de cette émotion.
- Okay okay, clearly you two approach things differently, but here's the part that I don't understand.
Vous voyez les choses différemment, mais voilà ce que je comprends pas.
And while you're knocking'em back, you know everybody's laughing, but that's okay'cause that's what you need.
Et pendant que tu bois, tu sais que tout le monde se marre, mais c'est pas grace, c'est ce dont tu as besoin.
Okay. You never mean to do anything, but that's the point.
Tu ne veux jamais rien, mais justement.
And I think that we should just stick with that instead of ruining it with all of these almosts, okay? But...
Et je trouve qu'on devrait simplement s'en tenir à ça au lieu de tout gâcher avec une série de compromis.
But do you really think he's going to be okay later when he finds out that his parents never loved each other? Even when they had him?
Mais est-ce que vous croyez vraiment qu'il... qu'il appréciera le fait de découvrir en vieillissant que ses parents ne se sont jamais aimés, même quand il est venu au monde?
But that's okay.
Mais c'est pas grave.
That's gracious of you, Jamie, but it's certainly not okay.
C'est gentil de ta part, Jamie, mais ce n'est certainement pas bon.
Okay, maybe she's not that enthusiastic about it, but I told her you were coming.
Ça l'emballe pas tant que ça, mais je lui ai dit que tu viendrais.
And then you're gonna pass out, but that's okay, because we're gonna breathe for you.
Puis, vous vous évanouirez, c'est normal, on respirera à votre place.
Okay, that's pretty specific for a creature we've never seen before, but I'm on it.
Combien de détails pour être une créature nous n'avons jamais vu, mais je le fais maintenant.
Okay, but that's never gonna work, unless they believe that you've drawn a line.
Ça ne marchera jamais sauf s'ils croient que vous avez fixé une limite.
Okay, and bravo for that, but, I mean, Will, come on, you are really not the right person for this job.
D'accord, et bravo en passant, mais s'il te plait, Will, tu n'es pas vraiment la bonne personne pour ce travail.
He's really cute and has really big arms but that's okay because he's tentative.
Il est super mignon, il a de gros bras, mais c'est pas grave, c'est pas sérieux.
You might only be able to make out the first line tonight, but that's okay.
Ce sera peut-être seulement la première ligne, mais ça va.
But that's okay, because I have a plan. - Hmm.
Mais c'est bon, j'ai un plan.
His were similar to that one, but none was an exact match. Okay, so, Kate was going to Chicago with another guy, and you were trying to root out whoever was looking into Adler's stuff.
mais aucune ne l'était vraiment. et tu cherchais celui qui fouinait dans les affaires d'Adler.
Okay, but that's got to be against the rules.
D'accord, mais qui a du à l'encontre des règles.
Okay, yes, it's-it's a terrible building, but... does that mean we have to knock it down?
Ok, c'est un immeuble horrible. Mais, est ce que ça veut dire que nous devons le démolir?
But I like to think that he's okay.
- Non. J'aime penser qu'il va bien.
And I may not have what it takes to last for long, but that's okay.
Je ne survivrai peut-être pas longtemps, mais ce n'est pas grave.
But I know that he's an alcoholic, okay?
Mais je sais qu'il est alcoolique. Il a 19 ans et il vit seul.
Okay, yes, I know that I'm not Dr. Bailey, but he's my father, and I really need his lab results.
Bon, oui, je sais que je ne suis pas Le Dr Bailey, mais il est mon père, et j'ai vraiment besoin de ses résultats de laboratoire.
He's harsh sometimes, but he's also the guy that gets thrown off a case and then sits in the gallery and watches an entire surgery just to make sure his patient's okay.
Il est parfois dure, mais il est aussi le gars qui est jeté hors d'un cas puis s'assied dans la galerie et les montres toute une chirurgie juste pour s'assurer que son patient va bien.
But that means we have to move the sink here, because there's no way we can get two sinks on that wall. - Okay.
Mais ça veut dire que nous devrions mettre le lavabo ici, parce qu'on ne pourra pas mettre deux valabos sur ce mur.
but that's not you 16
but that's beside the point 34
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's the thing 39
but that's not true 78
but that's the way it is 43
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68
but that's just it 35
but that's beside the point 34
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's the thing 39
but that's not true 78
but that's the way it is 43
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68
but that's just it 35