But there's translate French
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She got it fired up, but it's awfully quiet out there.
Elle l'a fait fonctionner, mais c'est le silence.
How much progress is it really, if communities of color are still under perpetual surveillance and control, but now there's a private company making money off the GPS monitor, rather than the person being locked in a literal cage?
Où est le progrès si les gens de couleur sont toujours autant surveillés? La différence, c'est qu'une entreprise fera du profit avec la surveillance GPS. Seule la nature de la prison change.
When they give you an offer to go home right then and there, it's like, "I want to go home," but then you know you didn't do it, so you don't wanna plea,
On m'avait offert la possibilité de sortir, j'étais tenté de plaider coupable, mais j'étais innocent. J'ai refusé de plaider coupable, parce que c'était injuste.
But yet, in America, there's absolutely zero closure.
Aux États-Unis, rien n'est pardonné.
But I also think there's trouble of just showing, you know, black bodies as dead bodies, too.
Mais c'est aussi un problème de ne faire référence à la communauté noire qu'à travers des cadavres.
But there's a kind of historical trajectory that we can trace here, um, through media and technology.
On peut isoler une trajectoire historique au niveau des médias et de la technologie.
He can't, but it turns out there's a way he can get you out.
Oui, mais il peut te faire sortir.
It sounded crazy to me at first too, but Harvey's living with the guilt of putting Mike in there and Cahill was willing to do it, so can you blame him?
Ça me paraissait fou aussi au début, mais Harvey vit avec la culpabilité d'avoir mis Mike là-bas et Cahill était prêt à le faire, donc peux-tu le blâmer?
Look, there's only one other thing I can think of, but you'll have to play it just right or we're gonna make things worse.
Écoute, je n'ai plus qu'une seule idée, mais tu vas devoir faire ça bien ou les choses vont empirer.
Rachel, I understand this is a difficult thing to hear, but there's nothing I can do.
Rachel, je sais que c'est difficile à entendre, mais je ne peux rien y faire.
I'm sorry, and I understand how you feel, but there's just nothing more that I can do.
Je suis désolée, et je comprends ce que vous ressentez, mais je ne peux rien faire de plus.
Donna, please, I would not be coming to you if there was another way, but I have been up all night and there is no other way.
Donna, je ne serais pas là s'il y avait un autre moyen, mais j'ai veillé toute la nuit et il n'y en a pas.
But for what it's worth, you were there for me when the victim's father lashed out at me.
Mais vous étiez là pour moi quand le père de la victime m'a agressée.
But it can't be by trying to get her to turn on him, because I'm telling you, there is no way in hell she's gonna do that.
Mais pas en l'obligeant à le trahir, car je t'assure, elle ne le ferait jamais.
But with six outs to go, there's only one question on everyone's mind.
Mais avec 6 retraits à faire, il n'y a qu'une seule question dans l'esprit de chacun.
But there's something I need to fix first.
Mais je dois faire quelque chose d'abord.
I know everything in life is uncertain, but sometimes you have to walk out the door and hope there's not a bus.
Je sais que la vie est pleine d'incertitudes, mais parfois tu dois passer la porte et espérer qu'il n'y ait pas de bus.
But that freaky guy's out there.
Mais ce barjot est dehors.
I know it's far away right now, but you're gonna get there.
T'es pas encore à ton max mais tu vas y arriver.
There you go. Draft and develop is a noble idea, but Aaron and Jordy, they need help now and it's not like your draft did them any favors, so give me a call back, shithead. Jason :
But there's cameras everywhere. What?
Mais tout est filmé.
[Alicia fussing] She's gurgling a bit, but there's no obstruction in her throat.
Elle gazouille un peu, mais aucune obstruction dans sa gorge.
There's no way to know for sure just yet, but I want to cover all our bases.
On ne peut pas le savoir pour l'instant, mais je veux tout vérifier.
I know that this is difficult to process, but the reality is, we don't know what the test results are gonna say and right now there's a baby fighting to survive, a baby just like Alicia.
Je sais que c'est difficile à digérer, mais en réalité, on ignore ce que les résultats vont dire et en ce moment il y a un bébé qui se bat pour vivre, un bébé comme Alicia.
Then why do I still feel like there's a "but" coming?
Pourquoi j'ai toujours l'impression qu'il y a un "mais"?
Yeah, it seems there's something to do with physical contact, but how is she incorporeal?
Il semble que ça ait quelque chose à voir avec le contact physique, mais comment est-elle intangible?
Most people know the legend of Peggy Carter, but there's so many stories that were never recorded.
Beaucoup de gens connaissent la légende de Peggy Carter, mais il y a beaucoup d'histoires qui n'ont jamais été écrites.
I know how much you like to make unauthorized trips, but I needed you here in case of a crisis, and now there's a cris... Hold him down!
Je sais que vous aimez entreprendre des voyages non autorisés, mais j'avais besoin de vous ici en cas de crise, et il y a une crise...
But there's a chance, if you help me, that I can help you get out of here.
Mais il y a une chance, si vous m'aidez, que je puisse vous aider à sortir d'ici.
No, sir, but there's a Quinjet approaching.
Non, Monsieur, mais il y a un Quinjet en approche.
But... there's one more.
Mais, il y en a un autre.
Oh, you can change the outside, but what's inside is still there.
Tu peux changer l'extérieur, mais ce qui est à l'intérieur est toujours là.
Newton's Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an opposite but equal reaction.
La troisième loi du mouvement de Newton dit que pour chaque action, s'oppose une réaction égale.
There will always be life in the ocean, but it's not gonna be necessarily the kind of life we want.
Il y aura toujours de la vie dans les océans. Mais pas forcément des formes de vie qui nous intéressent.
But it's really fundamental. Unless there's a price put on carbon.
Mais il est fondamental de taxer le carbone.
- Yeah. - But you start to look at the science, look at what's going on in the Antarctic and, and scientists saying that there are sections of ice that guarantee four to six meters of ocean level rise, which will be catastrophic for the future.
Mais au vu des données scientifiques, de ce qui se passe en Antarctique, où les scientifiques disent que la fonte des glaces haussera le niveau de l'océan de 4 à 6 mètres, l'avenir s'annonce catastrophique.
But when you go up there and see it with your own eye, how thin the world's atmosphere is, tiny little onion skin around the earth.
Depuis l'espace, on voit de ses propres yeux à quel point l'atmosphère terrestre est fine. C'est comme une peau d'oignon autour de la Terre. C'est l'oxygène qu'on respire.
But there's a caveat.
Mais il y a une condition.
I realize you Americans like to solve your problems with brute force, but there's an easier way.
Je réalise que vous les Américains aimer résoudre vos problèmes par la force, mais il y a un moyen plus facile.
When there's nothing to aim for, Life's aimless.
Quand il n'y a pas de but apparent, la vie est inutile.
But there's only one person who understands. What I'm going through.
Mais il y a qu'une personne qui peut comprendre ce que je ressens.
Well, yeah, but there's a lot of housing projects going up, there's roads being paved, and it's The Sunshine State.
Oui, beaucoup de projets immobiliers en cours, de routes étant goudronnées et c'est l'État ensoleillé.
Misha gleeful plays the role of the jester, but under the surface there's a lot more to his story.
Misha joue le rôle du joyeux guignol, mais il y a plus dans sa vie qu'il ne le laisse voir.
The film industry doesn't have more gay people, it's just more accepting... there must be many gay people in your office too... but sadly they have to hide the fact
Il n'y en a pas plus, ils sont juste plus acceptés. Il y a sûrement plein de gays dans ton entreprise. C'est juste qu'ils doivent se cacher.
But it's okay, silence is good sometimes... there is beauty in silence too... let's be silent
Mais c'est rien, parfois il y a de la beauté dans le silence. Soyons silencieux.
But there's not a lot of teams that are looking for a 67-year-old coach.
Mais il n'y a pas beaucoup d'équipes qui recherchent des coachs de 67 ans.
But there's only some spots of blood and then that, so maybe someone cut themselves, something like that.
Entre les gouttes de sang et ça, je me suis dit que quelqu'un s'était coupé.
In fact, on the clasp, there's Sollecito's DNA profile, but there were at least two others.
Sur l'attache, il y a l'ADN de Sollecito, mais il y a l'ADN d'au moins deux autres personnes.
But you're trying to find the answer in my eyes, when the answer's right over there.
Vous essayez de trouver la réponse dans mes yeux, quand la réponse se trouve là-bas.
Of course I did, but you can't build a better world if there's nothing left of it.
- Bien sûr que si. Mais on ne construit pas un monde meilleur sur des ruines.
I can disable any camera you want, but there's nothing I can do about the guards.
Je peux désactiver les caméras que tu veux, mais je peux rien faire concernant les gardes.
but there's more 55
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
but there's nothing here 17
but there's something 16
but there's no time 25
but there's not 22
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
but there's nothing here 17
but there's something 16
but there's no time 25
but there's not 22
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
there's always hope 39
there's no time like the present 22
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275
there's a way 67
there's always another way 25
but there's nothing 25
there's always hope 39
there's no time like the present 22
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275
there's a way 67
there's always another way 25
there's nothing to see 65
there's nothing i can do about it 58
there's nothing in here 52
there's nothing to be scared of 52
there's nothing wrong with that 87
there's a woman 38
there's an 48
there's nothing we can do 240
there's nothing i can do 295
there's nothing to do 49
there's nothing i can do about it 58
there's nothing in here 52
there's nothing to be scared of 52
there's nothing wrong with that 87
there's a woman 38
there's an 48
there's nothing we can do 240
there's nothing i can do 295
there's nothing to do 49