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By the looks of things translate French

47 parallel translation
By the looks of things, somebody who hated Blake.
Apparemment, quelqu'un qui déteste Blake.
She likes it here by the looks of things.
Elle est apparemment heureuse ici.
By the looks of things, you can't tell what disease may be lurking here.
Avec tout ce foutoir, on ne sait pas quelle maladie on peut attraper.
Well, by the looks of things, she was the last to go.
Eh bien, d'après l'aspect des choses, elle a été la dernière à partir.
By the looks of things... it ain't been so good with you and Donna.
Bon. Ça a pas l'air d'aller fort entre toi et Donna.
Well, about four or five thousand of them by the looks of things.
Ils doivent être 4 ou 5000, à ce que je vois.
I'm on my own anyway, by the looks of things.
Je le suis déjà quand je vois ce qui arrive.
Oh, I would say by the looks of things, that's Amanda and that would be Helen.
Je dirais que ceci est Amanda et que ceci est forcément Helen.
And by the looks of things, he was pretty competitive with Jimmy.
On dirait qu'il l'est pas mal avec Jimmy.
By the looks of things, you could've fooled me.
À te regarder, on aurait dit le contraire.
By the looks of things, mate, so do you.
Vous aussi, on dirait.
Yeah. You know, I could tell by the looks of things when I drove in.
J'ai vu ça dès que je suis arrivé.
By the looks of things, better than ever.
Apparemment, plus que jamais.
Well, not very well, by the looks of things.
Ben, pas très bien apparemment.
And by the looks of things, the next one's gonna be something big.
Et au train où vont les choses, la prochaine ce sera quelque chose de grand.
By the looks of things I'd say you're one sad song away from deep-throating a shotgun.
À te regarder, je dirais que t'es sur le point de faire une pipe à un fusil de chasse.
By the looks of things, it couldn't have been more than four or five hours.
D'après ce que je vois, pas plus de 4 à 5 heures.
By the looks of things, so is everyone else.
D'après ce que je vois, tout le monde l'est.
Nicking it, by the looks of things.
Il me l'a piqué.
Now, by the looks of things, I'd say you were between jobs.
Vous semblez en mal d'enquête.
By the looks of things somebody bled one out here pretty recently. Mm-hm.
Il semblerait que quelqu'un en ait dégommé un récemment.
Been there at least a week by the looks of things.
À première vue, il est là depuis au moins une semaine.
He's getting on all right, by the looks of things.
Ça a l'air d'aller.
By the looks of things, that was quite some time ago.
D'après ce que j'ai vu, ca doit faire un moment.
You're lucky. By the looks of things we probably would have found you in a motel room dead, with a suicide note and the murder weapon. "Naval intel agent, highly critical of Medina, snaps, kills him."
Vous avez de la veine. avec une lettre de suicide et l'arme du crime. le tue.
And laid by the looks of things.
Et draguent apparemment.
Yeah, not always, by the looks of things.
Pas toujours, apparemment.
By the looks of things, she's been abducted.
Elle a été victime d'un enlèvement.
Someone pretty sozzled by the looks of things.
Quelqu'un d'assez imbibé vu ses affaires.
A storm is coming and by the looks of things, it could be bad.
Une tempête arrive et voyant les choses, ça pourrait être mauvais.
And by the looks of things, I did a pretty good job.
Et en regardant ces choses, j'ai plutôt fait du bon travail.
And by the looks of things just in time.
Et apparemment, j'arrive à temps.
You handled it poorly by the looks of things.
- Ce n'est pas très réussi apparemment.
And by the looks of things, you can't hack a day without your favorite controlled substance.
Et d'après ce que je vois, vous ne supporteriez pas 24 h sans votre chère substance.
( breathing hard ) By the looks of things, only thing you love, mama, is a fix. Mm-mm.
A ce que je vois, la seule chose que tu aimes, mama, c'est une dose.
It seems I've been tasked with doing what your coward of a boyfriend could not, which, by the looks of things, is dissuading you from whatever madness it is you're about to attempt.
J'ai été chargé de faire ce que ton lâche de petit copain n'a pas pu, ce qui, d'après ce que je vois consiste à te dissuader de la folie que tu es sur le point de commettre.
And, by the looks of things, our killer studied it, too.
Et, de ce point de vue là, notre tueur les a étudié, lui.
- And judging by the looks of things, you wouldn't have been much use to me anyway.
De toute évidence, tu m'aurais pas été très utile.
By the looks of things, she did.
Apparemment, c'est le cas.
And by the looks of things, they've been seeing each other for about six months.
Et au regard des choses, ils se voient depuis 6 mois.
Quite literally, by the looks of things.
Littéralement, d'après les apparences.
And by the looks of things, you're another soul held captive by the Dark One.
Et par le regard des choses, tu es une autre âme gardé en captivité par le Ténébreux.
And by the looks of things, he's making himself quite at home.
Il semblerait bien qu'il s'y sente comme chez lui.
Hey, no offense, Xena... but by the way things are going, looks like we need another chief, somebody that knows the lay of the land, somebody with a little moxie.
Hey, je m'excuse, Xena... mais au train où vont les choses, on va avoir besoin d'un nouveau chef, quelqu'un qui connaît bien le coin, quelqu'un qui a des tripes.
Most girls that look like you do, things are easy, they can just coast by on their good looks for the rest of their lives and not really have to...
Pour la plupart des belles filles comme toi, les choses sont faciles. Elles comptent sur leur apparence pour le reste de leur vie et s'inquiètent de rien.
You seemed calmed by the idea of Thorpe as a buyer. I needed to keep things smooth for another 24 hours so that this deal would close without incident, but it looks like I've failed.
Tu semblais rassuré à l'idée que Thorpe était l'acheteur et je devais apaiser la situation un jour de plus pour que le marché se conclue sans incident, mais il semble que j'aie échoué.
Well, by the looks of it, things have taken quite a turn for you.
Apparemment, les choses ont bien changé pour vous.

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