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Calmly translate French

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See how calmly I say the word which tormented you for so long.
Vois-tu comme je prononce calmement le mot qui t'a tourmenté si longtemps.
I shall wait calmly and with confidence that you'll come to get me.
"J'attendrai tranquillement que tu viennes me chercher. " Embrasse Friede de ma part.
Look at it calmly.
Restez calme.
And if you mean Mr. Brooke, he hasn't asked me. If he should, I shall merely say quite calmly and decidedly :
Quant à M. Brooke, s'il s'agit de lui... il ne m'a rien dit.
If you talk, very calmly... sometimes that keeps animals quiet.
Si vous parlez, faites-le doucement, cela les calme, parfois.
Could you apply all your fine and honorable rules to yourself, punish yourself as calmly and completely as you have Blackie?
Pourrais-tu appliquer tes beaux principes à toi-même et te punir froidement et aussi irrémédiablement que Blackie?
Let's speak calmly. Be reasonable.
Parlons-en calmement.
Mary, do you think you can take this situation calmly?
Mary, tu penses que tu peux prendre cette situation calmement?
Now, let us discuss this matter calmly.
Discutons de cela calmement.
It's easy to tell. Whether he wins or loses, he always leaves calmly.
Qu'il ait gagné ou perdu, il sort de la salle également calme!
I want you to sit down very calmly and make up your mind exactly how you're going to tell me the truth.
Asseyez-vous calmement et décidez de la manière... dont vous allez me dire la vérité.
And now, as an older comrade, I beg you to try to listen calmly.
Asseyez-vous, Georges. Et maintenant, je vous prie, .. en camarade plus âgé de m'écouter avec calme.
The nerve you have sitting there, talking about it so calmly.
Vous avez du culot d'être assis là, parlant calmement.
He'll burn, Father, calmly, steadily, pleasantly.
Il brûlera, Père, calmement, régulièrement, agréablement.
If you'd forget guns and forget killings... and learn to think calmly and kindly... you'd get well.
 Oublie lesarmes et les meurtres.  Pose-tôinun peu. Sois gentil
But instead of modestly and calmly playing your part as a national hero, instead of giving radio audiences the twaddle they expect, you start sounding off about Christine. In public!
Et au lieu de faire modestement ton métier de héros national, au lieu de débloquer pour tes auditeurs, tu te mets à leur parler de Christine, publiquement!
You're not to say a word to Stephen until you've thought this out very calmly.
Tu ne lui diras rien avant d'avoir réfléchi! Calmement.
I thought I might go on one of those 60-day cruises so I can think it out calmly, rationally.
Je pourrais partir deux mois en croisière, et réfléchir calmement.
- Well, no, it isn't that... - I'll think about it too, calmly and rationally.
Moi aussi, je vais réfléchir calmement.
Knowing your friendship for Helen... and Geoffrey, it's safe to assume that you wouldn't be working here as calmly as you are... unless you knew where they were.
Connaissant votre amitié pour Helen- - et Geoffrey- - on peut en déduire que vous travaillez ici calmement... parce que vous savez où ils sont.
We should calmly wait for the law's judgment.
Nous devons attendre calmement notre jugement.
Calmly and quietly, she goes through the doorway and the door closes behind her.
Calme et tranquille, elle passe la porte, qui se referme sur elle.
Look. I'm willing to forgive your tawdry outburst and talk about this calmly -
Je veux bien excuser votre emportement et parler calmement...
My manners? Look at it calmly.
Mes manières?
Je sais tout.
It seems to me you're taking this very calmly, Jerry.
Je te trouve bien calme, Jerry!
When his quota is exceeded that haughty aristocrat of the Andes... calmly sits down and refuses to budge.
Lorsque son quota est dépassé, cet aristocrate hautain des Andes s'assoit calmement et refuse de bouger.
I said to myself quite calmly :
Je me suis dit calmement :
He'd go about his ordinary business calmly. Except when the fit to kill was on him.
Il mènerait tranquillement sa vie, jusqu'à ce qu'une crise le prenne.
Rudd, listen to me calmly for just a minute.
Écoute-moi calmement pendant une minute.
Well, it's strange to hear a man of science like yourself calmly admit that he believes in a superstition so fantastic.
C'est étrange d'entendre un scientifique comme vous... avouer calmement qu'il croit à cette étrange superstition.
So think it over calmly.
Alors, réfléchissons calmement.
Let's look at this calmly and reasonably.
Analysons la situation calmement...
We've very little to go on when you consider it calmly.
On a très peu de preuves quand on y pense calmement.
We'll talk this over calmly tomorrow.
Pour discuter.
Now, Mrs. Brown I put it to you calmly.
Mme Brown, je vous le demande calmement.
Now let's examine this calmly Johnny.
Examinons cela calmement, Johnny.
And, Edith, as you're not in the navy, it's unnecessary to do everything at the double. - And, Edith, when you're serving dinner... try to remember to do it calmly and methodically. - Very good, ma'am.
Rien ne vous oblige à toujours courir.
I want to explain to you calmly and without emotion... that beyond any shadow of doubt, the ghost or shade or whatever you like to call it... of my first wife, Elvira, is in this room now.
Tu dois considérer un fait indéniable. Le fantôme, l'ombre, comme tu voudras, de ma première femme est ici.
You'll be able to think about it more calmly in the morning.
Tu auras la tête plus reposée demain matin.
I'll give you my answer calmly and sensibly.
Je suis calme. Je te réponds calmement et raisonnablement.
Who shout and then speak calmly here?
Qui crie et qui parle calmement ici?
- But calmly.
- calmement.
You won't take it so calmly when you hear.
Attends, tu ne sais pas tout...
But if he does, I shall say quite calmly and decidedly :
Mais s'il le fait, je dirai calmement :
And now, Captain, we can discuss things calmly.
Maintenant, capitaine, on peut discuter calmement.
I'd rather not have known, but he said calmly,
J'aurais préféré qu'il ne me le dise pas. Mais il me dit tranquillement :
They go calmly about their work
Ils vont tranquillement à leurs affaires.
I don't think he meant to boast of it. He spoke of it quite calmly.
Il en parlait très simplement, sans aucune vanité
- You speak of it so calmly.
- Tu en parles si tranquillement!

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