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Translate.vc / English → French / [ C ] / Can you tell me what's going on

Can you tell me what's going on translate French

140 parallel translation
Mr. Lombardi, can you tell me what's going on here? I mean...
M. Lombardi, que se passe-t-il ici?
You can, erm, tell me what's going on while I eat.
Dis-moi ce qui se passe pendant que je mange. TROÏLUS :
Jane, can you tell me what's going on?
Jane, pouvez-vous me dire ce qui se passe?
Tell you what I'm going to do I'll buy you a beer, and we can forget this incident. lt's on me.
Je vais te dire ce que je vais faire, je vais te payer une bière et on oubliera cet incident. C'est pour moi.
Can you tell me what's going on here?
Je peux savoir ce qui se passe, ici?
Can you tell me what's going on?
Vous pouvez me dire ce qui se passe?
Can you tell me what's going on on this planet?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe sur cette planète?
Can you tell me what's going on here?
Que se passe-t-il ici?
Look, Doc, I don't mean to intrude, but if you tell me what's going on, maybe I can help.
Si vous me dites ce qui s'est passé, je pourrai peut-être vous aider.
Can you tell me what's going on?
Tu peux m'expliquer ce qui se passe?
- Can you tell me what's going on?
- Mais qu'est-ce qui se passe?
Maybe you can tell me what's going on.
Tu peux me dire ce qui se passe?
What's going on? Is there something wrong? You can tell me everything, I am your friend.
Ecoute-moi, quand ça ne va pas, parle-m'en, je suis ton amie.
Can you try and tell me what's been going on?
Tu peux essayer de me dire ce qui se passe?
Well, if you really want to thank me, you can tell me what's going on.
Si vous voulez vraiment me remercier, dites-moi ce qui se passe.
I want to know everything you can tell me about what's going on at those locations.
Je veux en savoir le plus possible sur ce qui se passe dans ces endroits.
Then maybe at least you can tell me what's going on.
Dites-moi au moins ce qui se passe.
But can you tell me what's going on?
- Oui. Mais dites-moi pourquoi.
Maybe you can start to tell me what the hell's going on!
Tu pourras peut-être commencer par me dire ce qu'il se passe, bon sang!
I can't tell you what's been going on the last couple of days because it's work and it's confidential but it's made me think a lot about Delia.
Je ne peux pas te dire ce qui s'est passé au cabinet, parce que je suis tenu au secret professionnel, mais ça m'a permis de méditer sur Délia.
I'm trying to help your son but I can't unless you tell me what's going on.
Comment aider votre fils... si vous ne parlez pas franchement?
Lex, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on.
Tu dois tout me raconter, sinon, je ne pourrai pas t'aider.
- Can you tell me what's going on?
- Peux-tu me dire ce qu'il se passe?
Can you just tell me what's going on?
Que se passe-t-il?
Whoa, look, celine, i can't help you Unless you tell me what's going on.
Ecoutez Céline, je peux vous aider si vous me dites ce qu'il se passe.
I hope you can tell me what the hell's going on.
J'espère que vous pouvez me dire ce qu'il se passe, bon sang.
I'd ask you what's going on, but I know you're not gonna tell me. I can't.
Je sais que tu ne m'en diras pas plus.
Then can you enlighten me? Can you tell me what's going on?
Alors vas-y, explique-moi tout.
Listen, I'll put on the kettle and you can tell me what's going on.
Je vais mettre de l'eau à chauffer, et tu vas tout me dire.
Why the hell can't you tell me what's going on?
Mais que diable se passe-t-il?
Can you tell me what's going on?
Tu peux me dire ce qui se passe?
Now, can you please just tell me what's going on here?
Maintenant, est-ce que tu peux, s'il te plaît, me dire ce qu'il se passe là?
I wanna tell you what's going on right now so bad but it might lead to an argument. We can't argue because off I'll go.
J'aimerais tant tout t'expliquer... mais on risquerait de se disputer, et ça me ferait partir...
Why can't you guys just tell me what's going on?
Dites-moi ce qui se passe.
Can you tell me why you're here, what's going on?
Que faites-vous ici? Que se passe-t-il?
Can you tell me what's going on?
Pouvez-vous me dire ce qui se passe?
How about you just tell me what's going on with my brother, and we can both get on with our day?
Dites-moi ce qui arrive à mon frère que chacun puisse continuer sa journée?
I hope you can tell me what's going on with the weather.
J'aimerais des explications sur la météo.
I can't even begin to try to comprehend what you're trying to tell me! All I know is that we're going to my wife's funeral this morning!
Je ne saisis pas un traître mot de ce que tu dis, mais on enterre ma femme ce matin.
Ann, can you tell me what's going on here?
Ann, tu peux me dire ce qui se passe ici?
Honey, can you just tell me what's going on?
Chérie, dis-moi ce qui se passe.
Not without your cooperation, I can't, but if you talk to me, if you tell me what's going on, I can take care of you, okay?
Pas sans votre coopération, c'est un fait, mais si vous vous confiez à moi, si vous me dites ce qui se passe, je peux m'occuper de vous, ok?
- Can you tell me what the hell's going on?
- Peux-tu me dire ce qui se passe?
Why can't you tell me what the hell's going on.
Pourquoi ne voulez-vous pas me dire ce qui se passe ici?
You tell me what's going on - I can take care of you.
Dites-moi ce qui se passe... Je peux garantir votre sécurité.
I'll get you in a minute, yeah can you please tell me what the hell is going on in here?
Je vous retrouve dans une minute, oui. Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît me dire ce qu'il se passe ici, bon sang?
Can you tell me what's going on here?
Pouvez-vous me dire ce qui se passe ici?
- Honey, can't you tell me what's going on?
- Ma puce, dis-moi ce qui se passe. - Rien papa.
I don't know what's going on with us, and I can't tell you why you should waste a leap of faith on the likes of me... but, damn, you smell good, like home.
Je peux pas te dire ce qui se passe entre nous, ni pourquoi tu devrais gaspiller un acte de foi pour quelqu'un comme moi. Mais bon Dieu, que tu sens bon... comme un chez-soi.
Can you tell me what's going on?
Vous pouvez m'expliquer?
You don't have to tell me what's going on. I can read it.
Inutile de me faire un dessin.

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