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Translate.vc / English → French / [ C ] / Come to think of it

Come to think of it translate French

944 parallel translation
I haven't seen her in a few weeks. Come to think of it, neither have I.
je l'ai pas vu depuis longtemps maintenant que j'y pense, moi non plus.
Come to think of it, she was asking a lot of questions about your company.
Reflexion faite, elle me posé pleins de questions sur votre société.
Come to think of it, I was a bit nervous about the writer being a rookie.
j'étais un peu nerveux de savoir que l'écrivain était débutante.
But, come to think of it, she was always hot-tempered.
Il faut dire qu'elle était colérique.
I don't know. Come to think of it, I... In my subtle way I guess I am a matchmaking Ashes.
Je ne sais pas, mais de fait, â ma façon subtile, je dois être un de ces marieurs.
Oh, come to think of it. He sent the little boy upstairs to get something and he went into the woodshed.
Au fait, il a envoyé le petit chercher quelque chose et il est entré dans la cabane à bois.
Come to think of it, I've just heard from a friend of mine in Germany.
En y repensant, un ami d'Allemagne vient de me donner des nouvelles.
Come to think of it, I did.
En fait, oui.
Come to think of it, there was.
À bien y penser, oui.
It's strange when you come to think of it.
C'est curieux, quand on y pense.
- Come to think of it, wasn't she 18?
- En y pensant, ce n'était pas 18 ans?
Come to think of it, I'd like you to meet someone... who's come for an extended visit.
Au fait, je veux vous présenter quelqu'un qui a l'intention de s'établir ici.
Very bad idea, come to think of it.
Mauvaíse idée, à bíen y penser
Now I come to think of it, we always thought he -
Maintenant que j'y pense, nous avons toujours pensé que...
Well, sir, come to think of it, as a matter of fact it was not the prisoner at all, sir.
En y regardant de plus près, effectivement... ce n'était pas le prisonnier!
You know, Sydney, come to think of it, you ought to get married.
Vous devriez vous marier.
Yes, sir, there sure is lots of different kind of snakes, come to think of it.
Oui, il y a tant de sortes de reptiles. Je vais y penser.
Come to think of it, Godfrey and I have a little unfinished business.
D'ailleurs, Godfrey et moi avons une affaire en cours...
Come to think of it, it wasn't Underdunk, it was Overdunk.
J'y pense, ce n'était pas Underdunk, mais Overdunk.
Or on anything, come to think of it.
Ou autrement, d'ailleurs.
Now I come to think of it, I'm not sure I wasn't his best friend.
À bien y penser, il est possible que j'aie été son meilleur ami.
Come to think of it, I won't be able to leave Here tomorrow, either.
Je ne crois pas que je pourrai sortir demain.
Come to think of it, it was kind of cozy in that little cell.
Quand j'y pense, ma cellule était agréable.
- Come to think of it, it's not, is it?
- D'ailleurs, je ne suis pas Wilson.
Come to... Come to think of it, there was one, yeah.
En y repensant bien, je crois bien qu'il y en avait, si.
À bien y penser, moi non plus.
No, come to think of it, I ain't going your way, am I?
Non, à bien y réfléchir, je ne vais pas du même côté.
Say, come to think of it, shouldn't you have a bathing suit?
Vous devriez avoir un maillot.
now that I come to think of it.
maintenant que j'y pense.
Come to think of it, there was a story about -
Áy penser, il y avait une histoire à propos de —
Come to think of it, at fiirst she was furious.
En y pensant bien, elle était furieuse au début.
Come to think of it, we did have a kid named Pinkerton.
Maintenant que vous le dites, on a eu un Pinkerton.
- So have I, come to think of it.
- Moi aussi, en fait.
And come to think of it, I'm a bit proud of myself.
Et honnêtement, je suis assez fier de moi.
Come to think of it, I never did see a guy that inherited a lot of dough that was any good.
Tous les héritiers sont des bons à rien.
You know, when I come to think of it... after what you done to me, I couldn't wish you anything better... than you hooking up with Billy.
Tu sais, quand j'y pense... après ce que tu m'as fait, je ne peux rien te souhaiter de mieux... que de te caser avec Billy.
That's right, come to think of it.
C'est vrai, en y réfléchissant.
Come to think of it, I never figured why.
En fait, j'ai jamais su pourquoi.
Come to think of it, I believe he did say "destroy".
A bien y penser, je crois qu'il a dit "détruire".
Come to think of it, he never did get it.
Quand j'y pense, il ne l'a même pas lue.
Come to think of it, he tried to keep his back towards me.
Et il me tournait le dos tout le temps.
Well, come to think of it, I'm not talking to you either.
À bien y penser, je ne te parle plus non plus.
Fact is, you could pass for blood relation, come to think of it.
Quand on y pense, vous pourriez être de la même famille.
No, come to think of it, it was a tree.
Maintenant que j'y repense, c'était un arbre.
Come to think of it, Father, how's your heart?
- Comment est votre cœur?
Now I come to think of it, after I wake, it never stays in my memory for more than a few seconds. And none of it ever comes back to me until the next time it starts.
En y repensant, dès que je me réveille, j'oublie tout... jusqu'à la nuit suivante.
Come to think of it, you're the first guy she's looked at since then.
Vous êtes le premier qu'elle regarde depuis.
Odd, now I come to think of it.
Ça me revient maintenant.
Whenever in days to come I think of this place, and I shall think of it...
Chaque fois que je penserai a cette salle... et j'y penserai souvent...
I hope you'll all still think of it as home and come whenever you like... and stay as long as you care to, now or anytime.
Cette maison sera toujours la vôtre. Restez-y tant que vous voudrez.
And you really think this Dedic, if it was he... will kindly wait for us... until we come to call on him to pay our respects? Get them out of here! Go home and finish your soup.
Vous me dites à 23 h 30 qu'un homme est allé, cet après-midi, dans une de ces 15 maisons, et vous croyez que Dedic, si c'est lui, va gentiment attendre qu'on lui présente nos hommages?

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