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Translate.vc / English → French / [ C ] / Cora

Cora translate French

988 parallel translation
Try and find out what he wants, Cora.
Essaie de savoir ce qu'il veut.
What did he say, Cora?
Qu'a-t-il dit, Cora?
Smith. - Good bye, Cora.
- Au revoir, Cook.
Oh, I forgot. I can't kiss you, Cora. I got a nasty little cold.
Je ne peux pas t'embrasser, j'ai la grippe.
And Cora will tell you that if Bill doesn't get a job soon, she'll have to go to work herself.
Cora va devoir travailler, son mari est au chômage.
If Father doesn't mind going to Cora's for a while, why don't you come on a visit to us?
Si papa veut bien aller chez Cora, tu es invitée.
I plan to do more than you and Cora.
Je compte faire mieux que Cora et toi.
Mother comes for a visit to us and Father goes to Cora's for a while, hm?
Maman vient chez nous et papa va chez Cora.
How's Cora? How are the children?
Comment vont Cora et les enfants?
I hope I didn't give you the wrong impression about Cora.
Ne vous méprenez pas sur Cora. C'est une bonne fille.
I'm too old to play games with the neighbours'youngsters, Cora.
Je n'ai plus l'âge de jouer avec les petits des voisins.
Yeah. I'm afraid it's all gone, Cora.
C'est déjà fini.
- Oh, I can't. But Cora said his temperature is normal tonight.
Mais Cora dit qu'il n'a pas de fièvre.
Cora's doctor says that Father positively has to go where there are no hard winters, and we thought, on account of Addie living in California...
Le docteur dit qu'il lui faut un changement d'air. Nous avons pensé... puisqu'Addie vit en Californie...
Cora thought that Addie would take you both.
Addie devait te prendre aussi...
And you tell Cora and Nellie and the others that he must never know.
Tu diras à Cora et Nellie qu'il ne doit jamais savoir.
Oh, I'm sorry. I want you to meet Amanda's Aunt Cora.
Je te présente Cora, la tante d'Amanda.
- How'd you like my exhibition, Cora?
- Comment m'avez-vous trouvé, Cora?
What's the matter, Aunt Cora?
Qu'y a-t-il, Cora?
Want to drop back here with me, Aunt Cora?
Laissons-les seuls, tante Cora.
Aunt Cora, Steve, I'm on a diet to dream.
Je vais suivre un régime pour rêver.
Aunt Cora, do you believe in dreams?
Tante Cora, crois-tu aux rêves?
Yes, Aunt Cora.
Oui, tante Cora.
Aunt Cora, please.
Tante Cora, s'il vous plaît.
Cora, will you please recognize that this is an official enquiry?
Cora, je vous rappelle qu'il s'agit d'une affaire officielle.
- Wait a minute, Aunt Cora.
- Un instant.
Cora, you invited me to dinner. Where is it?
Bonsoir, Cora, où est notre table?
Aunt Cora.
Tante Cora.
Come on, Aunt Cora.
Tante Cora?
- Mind if I dance with Aunt Cora?
- Vous permettez?
It isn't that I believe everything that Cora says, but she says everybody is talking.
Non pas que je croie aveuglément cora, mais d'aprês elle, tout le monde jase.
Oh, turn that off, Cora.
Eteins, Cora.
My, Cora, you look lovely tonight.
Hé, t'es mignonne ce soir!
Go on, Cora. Do a little dance for us.
Danse pour nous!
Cora's a wonderful dancer.
Elle danse très bien.
Go ahead, Cora.
Vas-y, Cora.
Cora, you left the new sign burning.
Tu as laissé l'enseigne allumée.
He's a thief, Cora.
II m'a volé!
That's a pretty good bargain, Cora.
C'est même une bonne affaire.
Nick, it's me.
Nick! C'est moi, Cora.
- Easy, Cora. Easy.
Tout doux...
I wouldn't let myself think. And Cora wouldn't even discuss what was gonna happen when Nick came home.
Cora et moi, on pensait à un tas de choses... sauf au retour de Nick.
Have you been thinking about me, Cora?
Tu as pensé à moi, Cora?
And that's a snapshot of Cora and me the day we were married.
Cora et moi... le jour de notre mariage.
Put on the lights again, Cora, please.
Remets la lumière, Cora!
What did Cora say this time?
Qu'a dit Cora?
- You're Cora, no?
Vous êtes Cora?
It's you, Cora.
Do you love me, Cora?
Tu m'aimes, Cora?

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