Cut off his head translate French
287 parallel translation
They cut off his head, but Gogol put it back on.
On lui a coupé la tête, mais Gogol la lui a recousue.
Pierre says the people will cut off his head.
Pierre dit que le peuple veut lui couper la tête.
Cut off his head in the morning.
Emmenez-le à la guillotine et coupez-lui la tête demain matin.
Sire, let me cut off his head.
laissez-moi lui trancher la tête.
Your Highness, let me cut off his head!
laissez-moi lui trancher la tête cette fois!
Then cut off his head!
Alors tranche-lui la tête!
We should have cut off his head!
On aurait dû le décapiter!
I finally cut off his head!
J'ai finalement tranché sa tête.
Finally, they cut off his head, but he kept fighting without his head.
Puis, ils lui ont coupé Ia tête. Mais iI a continué à se battre, sans tête.
And in order to win all that great acclaim and prestige, all I have to do is help you cut off his head.
Et pour mériter cet honneur et ce prestige, je n'ai qu'à lui trancher la tête?
And somebody hit me on the back of the neck. And dragged my friend into the bushes and cut off his head.
Quelqu'un m'a assommé, a tiré mon ami dans les buissons et lui a coupé la tête.
I'll arrest him and cut off his head!
Je vais l'arrêter et lui couper la tête!
You cut off his head with a wire and he kept on talking Colonel, he was just a boy.
Vous avez coupé sa tête avec une corde et il parle encore... Colonel, c'était qu'un gamin...
I cut off his head with a wire and he kept on talking.
J'ai coupé sa tête avec une corde et il continuait à parler.
You know, when I was a young director, and I directed the Bacchae at Yale... my impulse, when Pentheus has been killed by his mother and the Furies... and they pull the tree back, and they tie him to the tree... and fling him into the air, and he flies through space and he's killed... and they rip him to shreds and I guess cut off his head... my impulse was that the thing to do was to get a head from the New Haven morgue... and pass it around the audience.
Ames débuts, j'ai mis en scène "Les Bacchantes"... Lorsque Penthée est tué par sa mère et les Furies, on rabat un arbre pour le lier à une branche, et puis on le projette en l'air, on le taille en pièces, on lui coupe la tête... Ma première réaction a été de trouver une tête à la morgue et de la montrer!
If I can't cut off the head of the enemy, I shall cut off his hand that wields the sword.
je devrais lui couper un bras.
Do you remember the date that King Charles I had his head cut off?
Te souviens-tu de la date de la décapitation du roi Charles Premier?
Because if it was so long ago how could the trouble have got out of his head when it was cut off and into mine?
C'était il y a si longtemps, comment les ennuis ont-il pu sortir de sa tête quand elle fut coupée - et rentrer dans la mienne?
See? Everyone is running around like a head with his chicken cut off.
Les gens courent comme des poulets chans tête, ichi.
The girl who did it... must have been crackers, I suppose really, Strangled him and then half cut his head off.
La meurtrière devait être dingue. Elle l'a étranglé et décapité.
But since justice had to be done, they cut off half his head.
"Hé! on m'avait dit : " Péché avoué est à moitié pardonné. "
Shame they cut his head off.
Dommage qu'on lui ait coupé la tête.
Give me an order and I'll cut his head off.
Dites-le et je lui coupe la tête sur le champ.
He cut his head off.
Il lui a coupé le cou.
At the end, the one that collected the most gets his head cut off.
A la fin, celui qui en aura le plus sera décapité.
Pa was killed at Chickamauga. Jed had his head cut off at Fredericksburg.
Papa a été tué à Chickamauga, Jeff a été décapité à Fredericksburg.
But if he answered wrong, she'd cut his head off.
Et ceux qui se tromperaient, auraient la tête coupée.
He wouldn't stay put with his head cut off.
Même la tête coupée, il ne resterait pas tranquille.
I don't want to cut his head off or anyone else's head, for that matter.
Je ne veux pas décapiter le roi ou qui que ce soit d'autre.
I want to get to the Doctor before they cut his head off.
Je veux trouver le Docteur avant qu'ils lui coupent la tête.
Cut off his head!
Coupe-lui la tête!
he had cut his head off.
il lui a coupé la tête.
Do you want to know why? Why I cut his head off and put it back on?
Vous voulez savoir pourquoi, pourquoi je lui ai coupé la tête avant de la remettre en place?
So you cut his head off.
Alors vous lui avez coupé la tête.
His head's been cut off.
He said that one evening he forgot to put on his wooden wig... and that Paul cut his head off with his axe.
Il dit qu'un soir, il a oublié de mettre sa perruque de bois... et que Paul lui a coupé la tête avec sa hache.
Then, before you know it, the executioner's raised his sword, the neck stiff, a nice clean cut and off with his head.
Alors le bourreau, rapidement, lève son cimeterre, vise le cou rigidifié, et lui tranche la tête aussi sec.
And at a stroke cut off my head Which is doomed to live, though I be dead. The magic sword I guard by his will.
d'un coup de son épée magique et ne laissant de vie que dans la tête, m'abandonna ici à garde de la maudite épée.
Or Abuizé don't recognise your wife, and it means you can cut his head off,
Ou bien Abuizé ne reconnaîtra pas ta femme, et ça voudra dire que tu pourras lui couper la tête.
and you can cut his head off for obvious adultery against your holiness.
Et tu pourras lui couper la tête pour crime manifeste d'adultère envers ta personne sacrée.
Or Abuizé don't recognise Dounia and... squeak, I cut his head off.
Ou il ne reconnaît pas Dounia et... je lui fais couper la tête.
or Abuizé don't recognise Dounia, and I cut his head off.
Ou alors Abuizé reconnaît Dounia, et je lui fais couper la tête.
Well, sir? When they cut Big John's head off, they stuck it on a pole and paraded it around town, waving it like Old Glory. And that man, and this is no Haziyappi, that man was so mean, that his eyes gazing down that pole petrified three grown men that looked too close.
Quand ils ont planté la tête de Big John sur une pique et qu'ils l'ont brandie, il était si affreux à regarder que trois hommes en sont restés pétrifiés.
It's got to the point that the officer-cadet Joaquim José, Tiradentes is on his way to Rio, to cut off the Viceroy's head!
Les choses sont â un stade si avancé, que le sous-lieutenant Joaquim José, Tiradentes, est parti pour Rio aujourd'hui pour couper également la tête du vice-roi.
After death, his head will be cut off and exposed in a public place, impaled on the highest post.
Une fois mort, que la tête lui soit coupée, exposée en place publique et clouée sur le poteau le plus haut.
He had his head cut off.
Quand je me suis réveillé, il était décapité.
I want to cut his head off!
Je veux lui couper la tête!
Before one guy, we cut his head off.
On lui a coupé la tête.
So you go to the pope and you tell him if his archbishop puts one foot in England, I'll cut his head off!
Allez voir le Pape et dites-lui... que si son archevêque pose le pied en Angleterre, je lui coupe la tête!
He cut off his own head
en offrant sa tête.
Apparently, some fool cut his head off... or killed him in some way.
Apparemment, un imbécile lui a coupé la tête... ou l'a tué autrement.