Did you know her well translate French
100 parallel translation
Did you know her well?
Vous la connaissiez bien?
- Did you know her well?
- Ouais. - Vous la connaissiez bien?
Did you know her well?
Tu la connaissais depuis longtemps?
- Did you know her well?
Vous la connaissiez bien?
- Did you know her well?
- Vous la connaissiez bien?
Did you know her well or just in passing?
Vous la connaissiez bien ou à peine?
- Did you know her well?
- Vous étiez proche d'elle?
Did you know her well? Not really.
Did you know her well, the girl who died?
Vous la connaissiez bien, la... la fille qui est décédée?
Did you know her well?
La connaissiez vous bien?
How well did you know her?
Vous la connaissiez bien?
- How well did you know her?
Vous étiez proches?
Well, she did her best to make it, but you know how these things are. Such short notice.
Elle a voulu l'annuler mais tu vois, c'était trop tard.
Oh, well, you did break her plates, you know.
DODO : Vous avez quand même cassé ses assiettes.
How well did you know her, Alex?
Tu la connaissais bien, Alex?
- How well did you know her, Warren?
- Vous la connaissiez bien, Warren?
- How well did you know her?
- Vous la connaissiez bien?
How well did you know her?
Tu la connaissais bien?
- How well did you know her?
- Et vous, la connaissiez-vous bien?
- How well did you know her?
- Non. - Vous étiez proches?
I didn't get to know her as well as you did.
Je l'ai pas connue aussi bien que toi.
You know perfectly well what you did to her.
On sait ce que tu lui as fait
Well, maybe you caught her on the cusp of a new wash cycle. You know, she did laundry the day after she met you.
Elle a peut-être démarré un cycle de lessive... le lendemain de votre rencontre.
- What did you think of her? - Well, you know.
Quelles sont vos impressions?
Besides, even if I did tell her that... well you know. I'm not saying that I do,'cause I don't.
Et même si je lui disais, eh bien, tu sais, je dis pas que je le ferai, parce que c'est faux...
How well did you know her boyfriend?
- Vous connaissiez son copain?
How could you know her as well as you think you did?
Comment peux-tu imaginer bien les connaître?
So, if you know her so damn well-- - Why the hell did you lose her?
Et si vous la connaissez si bien, pourquoi diable l'avez-vous perdue?
Look, you know as well as i do That if we let him go with her, that'll be that, 'Cause no matter what she did to him, she's still his mother,
Tu sais aussi bien que moi que si on le laisse partir avec elle, ça sera la fin, parce que peu importe ce qu'elle lui a fait, elle est toujours sa mère, et on est deux pédés.
- And did you get to know her very well?
- Vous avez fait connaissance?
Julie Cochran, how well did you know her?
Et Julie Cochran? Vous la connaissiez bien?
Did you know her well?
Tu la connaissais bien?
How well did you know her? Not well. Madeline prosecuted one of the first cases that I had ;
Quand il est réveillé par un accident, il enlève les draps sales il les met dans le lave-linge et et parfois il regarde des dessins animés, ça ne nous dérange pas.
How well did you know her?
La connaissiez-vous bien?
Well, they brought her into the Crisis Unit, and, you know, for all the bad things she did when she was home, she straightened up, acted as if she was perfectly normal.
Ils l'ont donc admise... dans le Centre de Crise et puis, vous savez, alors qu'elle faisait n'importe quoi quand elle était à la maison, elle s'est ressaisie, et se comportait comme si elle était tout à fait normale.
Mr. Breen, how well did you know her?
Mr. Breen, combien la connaissiez vous?
Yeah, well, you know, I did... arrest her father for murder.
Eh bien, tu sais, je... J'ai bouclé son père pour meurtre.
Well, did you know that a girl's test scores can vary up to 20 points at different times in her cycle?
Saviez-vous que les notes d'une fille peuvent varier de 10 points en fonction du cycle menstruel?
Well, how well did you know her?
- Vous la connaissiez comment?
Did you know her very well?
Tu la connaissais bien?
So you did know her pretty well?
- Donc tu la connais bien?
On a la liste.
Well, you know, I seem to remember when our plane was about to crash, you did say something to her about being the one.
Il me semble qu'au moment où notre avion allait s'écraser, tu lui as dit qu'elle était la femme de ta vie...
Well, you did turn her sprabble and sloppy joe party Into a sophisticated soiree, so... you know,
Tu as transformé sa soirée Scrabble et Sloppy Joe * en une soirée sophistiquée, alors...
And how well did you know her?
- Et vous la connaissiez bien?
How well did you know her?
A quel point la connaissiez vous?
Did you know her pretty well?
- Tu la connaissais bien?
you know, she was a pageant girl right up into her teens, and she did pretty well.
Vous savez, elle a fait des concours de miss pendant toute son adolescence, et elle réussissait plutôt bien.
Sydney. Did you know her pretty well?
- Tu la connaissais bien?
- Did you know her pretty well?
Je l'ai rencontré, y a 4 ans.
Did you know her pretty well?
Sydney. - Tu la connaissais?