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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Do we have to go

Do we have to go translate French

853 parallel translation
Do we have to go, Greg?
Doit-on partir, Greg?
Do we have to go up in the tower to talk?
Devons-nous monter dans la tour pour discuter?
Do we have to go to England, Dearest?
Bientôt nous partirons pour l'Angleterre.
- Do we have to go through with this?
- Devons-nous en passer par là?
Do we have to go there for dinner?
Fallait-il que nous dînions aussi chez eux?
Well, Mr. Marshal, are you coming in, or do we have to go out and get you?
 Alors, tu viens 7  Ou il faut qu'on vienne?  Lâche ton arme.
Where do we have to go?
Où faut-il aller?
Oh, Mama! Do we have to go home so soon?
On doit déjà rentrer maman?
Julia, how much farther do we have to go?
Julia, on a encore beaucoup de chemin à faire?
Do we have to go on with this?
Doit-on continuer ceci?
Look, do we have to go through that, " Well?
Tu vas me bassiner longtemps avec tes "Eh bien"?
- Do we have to go?
- Sommes-nous obligés d'y aller?
Do we have to go so soon?
On doit déjà partir?
Do we have to go through all this again?
On doit vraiment recommencer avec ça?
Golly, do we have to go so fast?
T'as besoin de conduire si vite?
Why do we have to go through all this?
Pourquoi devons-nous faire tout cela?
Oh, dad, do we have to go into it?
On doit vraiment recommencer?
Jeff, do we have to go back?
Jeff, faut-il vraiment rentrer?
Why do we have to go to court to sell it?
Pourquoi aller au tribunal?
- Do we have to go through that again?
- Faut-il vraiment ressasser tout ça?
Do we have to go into that?
Devons-nous aller dans cette?
Why do we have to go dancing?
Pourquoi y aller?
Max, do we have to go all over that again?
- Max, on doit encore en discuter?
How much longer do we have to go?
C'est encore loin?
Well... now, do we have to go to this silly old dinner?
Devons-nous assister à un discours ennuyeux?
Do we have to go anywhere? Why don't we go home to my place and not stir out until peace is declared? Or maybe not then.
Pourquoi n'irait-on pas simplement à la maison, pour y rester jusqu'à ce que la paix soit déclarée!
We have to go sooner, the train will pass soon. Hey, but And these two? I do not think we should leave them well.
Il nous faut partir, le train va bientôt passer écoutez, mais, et ces deux?
Now, if we go beyond facts use our imagination as the criminal does, imagine what might have happen to him and act upon it as I have been trying to do in this case... we usually find ourselves justified.
Allons plus loin. Utilisons notre imagination, comme les criminels. Essayons d'en déduire ce qui a pu se passer.
Do we have to go?
On est obligés?
All we have to do is to go in, find the radar station, blow it to pieces. Then get out of there before the Japs know we're in.
Il faudra trouver le radar le détruire et filer avant que les Japs nous voient!
We'll have to do something for Hollis or else he'll go into shock. Can't we stop and give him some plasma? We can't stop.
Peut-on s'arrêter et donner à Hollis du plasma?
- Where do we have to go?
- Où devons-nous aller?
Do we really have to go to Maxwell's tonight?
Doit-on vraiment y aller ce soir?
"We do not have to go to the bank."
nous ne devrons pas aller à la banque. "
Is good. We do not have to go to the bank.
Nous ne devrons pas aller à la banque!
We do not want to have to go to the bank, do we?
Nous voulons éviter d'aller à la banque. n'est-ce pas?
We do not have to go to the bank.
Nous n'irons pas à la banque!
Do we have to go to Oscar's?
On prend déjà un risque.
What do you say we go to the Ice Palace and have some fun?
Que dis-tu d'aller nous amuser au palais de glace?
But why do we all have to go to him?
Mais pourquoi aller chez lui?
What do you say we dress up tonight, have an early dinner, and go to the opera?
Si on se mettait sur notre 31 et qu'on dînait tôt avant d'aller à l'opéra?
Do you mean to say that all of us who live in this street have got to go through that rigmarole every time we want to leave our homes? Oh, for a month or two.
Vous voulez dire qu'il faudra des papiers aux riverains chaque fois qu'ils voudront sortir?
Oh, why is that, dear? What should we have to do before we can go on?
Il va bien falloir réparer, pour continuer notre route?
When do you think we'll be able to have another go at it?
Quand pourrons-nous procéder à un nouvel essai?
Even though people do everything possible to destroy it and have some success at it we can not go against our true nature.
On fait certes beaucoup pour le foutre en l'air, avec succès d'ailleurs, mais on ne peut rien faire contre le concept initial.
- Cary, do we really have to go?
- Cary, tu y tiens vraiment?
In case the weather clears and we do escape, Starting tomorrow, we will have to go on aberration.
Mais si le temps s'éclaircit et que nous nous en sortons, dès demain, nous diminuerons les rations de moitié.
Except now we don't have to go do we?
Et maintenant, nous ne pouvons plus à nous séparer. 198 00 : 17 : 25,846 - - 00 : 17 : 27,794 N'est-ce pas? Non.
Do you really think we'll have to go to war?
- Nous allons vraiment participer à la guerre?
We don't want to have a perfectly good negligee go to waste, do we?
On ne peut pas laisser perdre ce déshabillé.
All you have to do is sign a full statement naming names - we won't even call it a confession - and you go free.
Signez une déposition complète avec des noms... On n'appellera même pas ça des aveux... Et vous serez libre.

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