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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Does that make any sense

Does that make any sense translate French

162 parallel translation
Does that make any sense?
A quoi ça rime?
Does that make any sense?
Ces mots ont un sens pour vous?
Does that make any sense to you?
Ça vous paraît plus clair?
In which each can nest, rest live in, emotionally speaking. Does that make any sense to you, Mr. Shannon?
Un refuge, un nid où chacune peut se reposer, vivre, émotionnellement parlant.
- Does that make any sense to you?
- Tu comprends ce que je veux dire?
Does that make any sense to you?
Vous y comprenez quelque chose?
Does that make any sense?
Cela a du sens?
- Does that make any sense?
- Tu comprends?
Does that make any sense? I'm just still learning... you know, the words.
Je suis encore en train d'apprendre... vous savez, les mots.
He wanted me to tell you that he's very sorry but you don't have Dorek syndrome. Does that make any sense to you?
Il me demande de vous informer que vous n'avez pas le syndrome de Dorek.
Does that make any sense?
Ça veut dire quoi? C'est nul!
Does that make any sense?
- Vous comprenez ce que je dis?
Does that make any sense?
C'est absurde, voyons!
Does that make any sense?
Tu comprends ce queje veux dire?
Does that make any sense to you?
Ça te dit quelque chose?
- Does that make any sense? - lt makes a lot of sense, actually.
C'est très logique, en fait.
Does that make any sense?
Tu comprends ce que je veux dire?
Does that make any sense?
C'est dingue, non? 30 dollars!
Does that make any sense?
Ca n'a aucun sens.
Does that make any sense?
C'est un peu débile, non?
- Drowned? - Does that make any sense to you?
- Ça peut s'expliquer, selon vous?
Does that make any sense?
Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
Does that make any sense?
Est-ce que vous trouvez ça logique?
I get to see my son at their "discretion." Does that make any sense to you?
Je dois voir mon fils que s'ils le decide Cela a un sense pour vous?
Does that make any sense to you? - Uh-uh.
Est-ce que ça a du sens?
Does that make any sense to you?
Ça vous semble logique?
- Does that make any sense?
- Tu comprends ça?
Does that make any sense?
Ça vous semble logique?
Does that make any sense to you here?
Vous ne trouvez pas ça étrange?
Does that make any sense?
Est-ce que ça a du sens?
Does that make any sense?
Ça te paraît sensé?
- Does that make any sense to you?
- Tu peux comprendre ça?
So you go on a ghost tour? How does that make any sense?
Et pourquoi tu pars faire une excursion hantée?
- Does that make any sense to you?
- Ca te parait logique?
Does that make any sense?
Est-ce que ça a le moindre sens?
Does that make any sense?
Tu comprends?
Does that make any kind of sense?
Ce n'est pas très chic de faire ça à la dernière minute. Non.
Does that make any sense to you?
Alors, qu'est-ce que vous en dites?
I guess that doesn't make any sense, does it?
Does it make any sense that nothing happened between two young people sleeping in the same motel room while traveling for that long and far away from home?
Pensez-vous un instant qu'il ne s'est rien passé... entre deux jeunes gens dormant dans la même chambre d'hôtel... pendant toute la durée ce voyage, loin de la maison?
Does that make any sense to you at all?
C'est complètement insensé.
Does that make any sense to you?
Est-ce que vous comprenez?
D-d-does that make any sense? If I could give you just a tad of Zoloft...
Avec un peu de Zoloft...
Does that make any sense?
Tu comprends ça, toi?
That does not make any sense.
Ca n'a aucun sens.
Exactly, but that doesn't make any sense, now, does it?
Absolument. Mais c'est stupide, non?
Does it make any sense that he's running for congressman?
Dire qu'un type comme ça veut être député!
How does that - make any sense?
-... cela peut avoir un quelconque sens?
How does that make life any easier?
Comment est-ce sensé rendre la vie plus facile?
Does that make any sense?
Ça a un sens?
Right, that doesn't make any sense, does it? Uh... I'm going to the supermarket.
C'est vrai, ça n'a aucun sens, n'est-ce pas? Je vais au supermarché.

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