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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Don't call him that

Don't call him that translate French

165 parallel translation
He soesn't mean a thing. Don't call him that.
Il n'est rien pour moi et ne l'appelle pas comme ça.
Don't call him that!
- Ne dis pas ça!
I would, but I don't know where to call him, that's why.
Oui, mais je ne sais pas où l'appeler!
- Don't let him call you that, Pop.
- Ne le laisse pas dire ça.
Now, that man's going to crop up into conversation quite a lot, you know. Don't you think we ought to call him Charles?
Cet homme va souvent revenir dans la conversation, vous ne croyez pas qu'on devrait l'appeler Charles?
Why don't you call him? I think I'll do that.
C'est tout à fait disgracieux.
- Don't call him that.
- Ne l'appelez pas ainsi.
You don't call him that in the bed!
Je parie que tu l'appelles autrement au plumard.
- Don't call him that.
- Ne l'appelez pas comme ça.
Why don't you call him up on the phone and ask him when he plans to do that?
Appelle-le pour lui demander quand.
You can call him, but he can't come here. That's how it is. I don't have a lawyer.
Vous avez le droit de l'appeler, mais il ne pourra pas venir.
Hitch, don't you think it might be a good idea to call him and let him know that you're alright?
Vous devriez lui faire savoir où vous êtes, d'accord.
- Don't call him that. - Who?
- Ne l'appelez pas comme ça.
Don't call him that, and why should I be alone with him?
Ne l'appelez pas ainsi. Pourquoi devrais-je être seule avec lui?
C'est juste un mannequin... Ne le traite pas de mannequin!
And I don't know, I think it's really funny. But he really hates it when they call him that.
C'est vraiment drôle, mais il déteste vraiment, quand ils l'appellent ainsi.
- Don't ever call him that.
- Ne l'appelle jamais comme ça.
I really don't want to call him Boub, the book isn't make to work that quick.
Je ne veux vraiment pas l'appeler Boub, le livre n'est pas fait pour marcher aussi vite.
I got a call from him saying we don't have to worry about money no more, and I said, " That's good.
Et j'ai dit :
I d--I don't have that information, but, I--look... Let me ask him, and I'll have him call you- - I'll call you back.
Je n'ai pas l'information, mais je lui demande et je vous rappelle.
Don't you dare call him that!
Je t'interdis de l'appeler ainsi!
- Please don't call him that.
- Ne l'appelle pas ainsi.
- Don't ever call him that!
Ne l'appelle jamais comme ça. Il n'aime pas du tout.
"So please don't call him because you might rock the boat!" What the fuck is that?
La barque de qui?
Don't call him that.
Ne l'appelle pas comme ça.
- Don't call him that.
N'appelle pas mon père!
Don't call him that in front of George though.
- Faut pas l'appeler comme ça devant Georges.
Don't call him that. His name is Mallory.
Dis pas ça, son nom est Mallory.
Wait, you don't call him like that.
C'est idiot de l'appeler comme ça.
Comme c'est délicat.
Why don't you call him back and remind him that the Mexican consumers who buy his textiles can't afford to buy them.
Rappelle-le, et dis-lui... que les Mexicains ne peuvent plus acheter ses textiles.
So, Gavin, when the man, whose name you don't know, gets out of the meeting that you say he's in, would you call him at the number that you think is in your car, so that we can have the document that you assure us gives us the proof that the senior partners of your law firm really do control the money Simon Dunne left to the children of New York State?
Donc, Gavin, quand l'homme, dont nous ignorons le nom... aura terminé le rendez-vous que vous pensez qu'il avait... pourriez-vous l'appeler au numéro que vous pensez avoir dans votre voiture... pour que nous puissions avoir le document qui, pensez-vous, nous apportera les preuves... que les associé principaux de votre cabinet... sont fondés à gérer l'argent que Simon Dunne a laissé aux enfants de New-York?
"We don't call him that." Fucking rubbing her face in it!
Je n'appelle pas ça comme ça. Lui balancer tout ça dans la gueule!
- Don't call him that, honey.
- Ne m'insulte pas, chérie.
Don't forget to call him "sir" He likes that
N'oublie pas de l'appeler "chef". Il aime ça.
Why don't you call Benjy and tell him that the only reason why you got back into his life... is so that your rich uncle doesn't cut you off.
Appelle Benjy et dis-lui que tu es revenu dans sa vie... pour que ton riche oncle ne te coupe pas les vivres.
- Don't call him that.
- Ne l'appelle pas comme ça.
- Don't call him that.
- Appelle-le pas de même.
- Don't call him that.
- Appelle-le pas de même!
I get that a lot Don't call him
Je suis très occupé avec lui, alors ne l'appelez plus!
Don't call him that!
Ne l'appelle pas comme ça!
You asked me about the two prophets... maybe... the two prophets... are you and me... but if you don't call the governor and convince him to drain the reservoir, if you do what I think you're gonna do, then everything you've worked for... everything that I've ever seen would be for nothing...
Vous m'avez demandé à propos des deux prophètes peut-être que les deux prophètes sont vous et moi mais si vous n'appelez pas le gouverneur pour le convaincre de drainer le réservoir si vous faites ce que je pense que vous allez faire, tout ce pour quoi vous avez travaillé tout ce que j'ai pu voir n'aura servi à rien...
What's up with this picture of you and fat Tony? Nothing, and don't call him that.
C'est quoi cette photo de vous et de Gros Tony?
Anyway... I told Felix that I hadn't met any guys, and... I don't know, I just didn't wanna have to deal with him, so I didn't call you.
Bref, j'ai dit à Félix que je n'avais rencontré personne, je sais pas, pour éviter qu'il ne m'embête, j'ai décidé de ne pas t'appeler.
Don't talk to him, don't even associate with guys his age in case they just shared a steam together in that never-ending Klan meeting they call a country club.
Ne lui parlez pas, ne fréquentez pas ses pairs. Ils ont dû se retrouver au sauna, dans cette secte qu'ils nomment leur club.
I don't call him that anymore. He might be of Mexican descent.
Je suis l'assistant de direction.
Don't call him that!
Crétin! Ne l'appelle pas comme ça.
- Please don't call him that.
Je t'en prie, dis pas ça.
I think I should call him. Yeah. Why don't you do that, slaphead?
Ouais, pourquoi ne pas faire ça, le chauve?
Why don't you call him and just tell him that you're going to go?
Appelle le et dis lui que tu vas y aller.
Don't call him that,
Ne l'appelle pas comme ça.

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