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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Don't even think about it

Don't even think about it translate French

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Don't even think about it!
Pas question!
don't even think about it.
Ne le dis pas. N'y pense pas!
Don't even think about it, darlin', just start talking.
Ne réfléchis pas, poussin, ouvre juste la bouche.
If it goes over that... I don't want to even think about it.
Si on prend plus de temps, je ne réponds plus de rien.
- Maybe I can get with her now? - Don't even think about it.
Je vais pouvoir me la faire.
Don't even think about it!
T'occupe pas de l'argent!
Don't even think about it.
N'y pense même pas.
Don't even think about it.
Pas question.
I think I do know what really disturbs me about the work you've described... and I don't even know if I can express it. But somehow it seems that the whole point of the work that you did in those workshops... when you get right down to it and you ask what was it really about... The whole point, really, I think... was to enable the people in the workshops, including yourself... to somehow sort of strip away every scrap of purposefulness... from certain selected moments.
Ce qui me gêne, dans le travail que tu faisais avec ces ateliers de comédiens, si on regarde les choses en face, c'est que ça visait à permettre aux participants et à toi-même... d'éliminer toute utilité positive de votre travail... afin d'expérimenter une sorte d'apesanteur de l'être.
Look, even if it did happen, which it didn't don't you think I might not have known about him?
Même si c'était arrivé, je ne suis pas forcément au courant.
Otherwise don't even think about it.
Faut pas rêver sinon!
Don't even think about it.
Faites pas ça.
Don't even dare think about it, Or you'll get such a spanking.
N'y pense même pas, sinon tu vas recevoir une belle fessée.
- Don't even think about it.
- C'est ainsi.
Don't even think about it.
N'y pense même pas. N'y pense même pas.
Don't even think about it.
N'y pensez même pas.
Don't even think about it!
Pas un geste!
Don't you even think about it.
- Tu sors avec quelqu'un? - T'approche pas de moi! T'approche surtout pas.
Don't even think about it it could cost you your life
N'y songe même pas, cela pourrait bien te coûter la vie.
You don't even have to think about it!
Vous n'avez même pas besoin d'y penser!
N'y pense même pas.
Hey, don't even think about it.
Même pas en rêve!
don't even think about it.
Il va encore falloir remettre toutes les pendules à l'heure. Non.
Yes, don't even think about it.
Oui, n'y pensons même pas.
Don't even think about it.
Arrête un peu tes bêtises!
Superbe soirée. Vraiment.
Don't even think about it. There's no way.
- C'est pas la peine d'y penser.
Don't even think about it!
N'y songez même pas!
Don't even think about it.
N'y pense pas.
Don't even think about it.
N'y songe même pas.
Don't even think about it.
- N'y pense même pas.
Don't even think about it.
C'est même pas la peine d'y penser.
Don't even think about it!
A ta place, je réfléchirais.
- Don't even think about it, Wes!
- N'y pense même pas, Wes!
Don't even think about it.
N'y songez même pas.
Don't even think about it.
Ôtez-vous cette fille de la tête.
Well, I like to think of it as knowing things about people that they don't even know themselves.
Disons que j'aime découvrir des choses sur les gens qu'eux même ignorent.
Comment ont-ils su où j'étais?
Don't even think about it.
- Je vous le déconseille.
Don't even think about it, you mug.
N'y songe pas une minute, pauvre type.
- Don't even think about it.
Laisse tomber.
I don't even think it's worth telling Mom about.
C'est pas la peine d'en parler à maman.
Don't even think about it.
Ne l'écoute pas.
Don't even think about it, Coleman.
N'y pense même pas, Coleman.
Don't you even think about it.
N'y pense même pas.
Don't even think about it.
Pas du tout.
Don't even think about it, Pinker.
N'y pense même pas, Pinker.
I don't even like to think about it.
J'y pense même pas.
Don't even think about it.
Je m'en fous,
Don't even think about it
N'y pensez pas.
Look, Sonny, if I don't make it, man, I just want you to know... Don't. Don't even think about it.
- Si je m'en tire pas, sache que...

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