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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Don't get ahead of yourself

Don't get ahead of yourself translate French

65 parallel translation
Don't get ahead of yourself.
- Ne t'avance pas trop.
Now, don't get ahead of yourself, Lieutenant. I haven't offered anyone a job for months.
Je n'ai offert de poste à personne depuis des mois.
- Don't get so far ahead of yourself.
- N'avance pas si vite.
Don't get ahead of yourself, Magda. You'll probably be eating a banana split before I do.
Ne t'avance pas trop, tu en mangeras probablement avant moi.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Ne va pas trop vite.
For now, why don't you go ahead and get yourself a flashlight and a can of pesticide and crawl down...
Alors, tu vas te bouger, te trouver une lampe torche, un insecticide et nous ratisser tout ça...
- Dating is consensual. - Don't get ahead of yourself.
Les rencards, c'est un accord commun.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Te réjouis pas trop vite.
- Don't get ahead of yourself.
- Ne t'excite pas trop.
Don't get ahead of yourself. I'm not ahead of myself.
Je ne m'excite pas.
I don't want you to get too ahead of yourself.
Ne te crée pas de faux espoirs.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Ne t'en fais pas.
Don't get ahead of yourself, e. b.
Te montes pas la tête, EB.
Uh, what happens to patients after they leave the hospital, I don't know, but try not to get ahead of yourself.
J'ignore ce qui arrive aux patients quand ils sortent d'ici, mais il est trop tôt pour penser à ça.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Ne te réjouis pas trop.
Don't get ahead of yourself, Craven.
Ne te fais pas d'idées, Craven.
- Amy, don't get ahead of yourself.
Ne vous inquiétez pas. Je peux pas partir.
Don't get ahead of yourself there, Rove-ster.
Ne va pas trop loin là, Rove-ster.
Don't get ahead of yourself, Prime Minister.
Ne dépassez pas les bornes, M. le Premier Ministre.
Don't get ahead of yourself, Dad.
Pas si vite, papa.
But don't get ahead of yourself.
Mais ne te mine pas pour rien.
Don't get ahead of yourself, ma.
Ne te fais pas d'illusion, maman.
Don't get ahead of yourself, Paprika!
Cesse de nous donner des ordres!
Don't get ahead of yourself, renda.
Ne vendez pas la peau de l'ours, Renda.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Ne nous avançons pas.
Don't get ahead of yourself, Dr. Engels.
Ne vous avancez pas trop, Dr Engels.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Ma carte de membre
And don't get ahead of yourself.
Et ne soit pas trop sur de toi.
Well, don't get ahead of yourself, mate.
Il est la clé. Vous ne pensez pas que le parquet s'est trompé, n'est-ce pas?
Woah! Don't get ahead of yourself, alright?
Ne t'avance pas trop sur ton cas, d'accord?
Well, don't get ahead of yourself.
Oh, ne vas pas trop vite.
Just don't get ahead of yourself, okay? Ready?
Ne vous avancez pas trop, d'accord?
Don't get ahead of yourself, Hector.
Ne vous montez pas la tête, Hector.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Ne te prends pas pour la plus forte.
O-okay, don't get ahead of yourself, Sheldon.
Sheldon. Tu vas peut-être un peu vite.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Ne vas pas trop vite en besogne.
Man, why don't you save yourself some trouble and go ahead and get rid of that?
Pourquoi tu ne t'éviterais pas des ennuis en te débarrassant de ça?
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Ne te précipite pas.
Don't get ahead of yourself chump.
- Ne prends pas la grosse tête crétin.
Don't get ahead of yourself, Kareem.
Ne t'avance pas trop, Kareem.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
N'y va pas trop vite.
No, I said "starting." Don't get ahead of yourself.
Non, j'ai dit "commencer". Ne t'avance pas.
Don't get ahead of yourself, kid.
Calme ta joie, petit.
Don't get ahead of yourself, George.
Ne t'enflamme pas, George.
Don't get ahead of yourself, son.
Ne t'avances pas trop fiston.
[sighs] But don't get ahead of yourself.
Mais t'emballe pas trop vite.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
N'allez pas trop vite.
- Two of everything. - Don't get ahead of yourself.
Ne parles pas trop vite.
Well, don't get ahead of yourself, Barry.
Ne me prends pas de haut, Barry.
Don't get so ahead of yourself.
N'imagine pas trop de choses.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Ne te réjouis pas trop vite.

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