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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Don't worry about him

Don't worry about him translate French

592 parallel translation
So don't you worry about him, miss.
Ne vous inquiétez pas pour lui.
Don't worry about him, Baron. He'll be home in a few days.
Ne vous inquiétez pas, il viendra sous peu.
Don't worry about him, he'll never know you were here.
Ne t'inquiète pas. Il ne saura pas que tu es ici...
Now, don't you worry about finding him, honey.
Ne vous en faites pas, nous le recherchons.
Why don't you go and see if you worry about him?
Pourquoi n'y vas-tu pas si tu t'inquiètes pour lui?
CHIEF : Now, don't you worry about that, old man, we know he's one of the men who robbed the bank and we'll send him up the river for a long stretch.
Ne vous en faites pas avec ça, on sait qu'il a cambriolé la banque et on l'enverra en prison pour longtemps.
Well, don't worry about him.
Ne t'en fais pas pour lui.
- Don't worry about him, he's having a nap upstairs.
- Ne t'en fais pas pour lui, il se repose là-haut.
Don't worry about him.
Ne t'inquiète pas pour lui.
And don't worry about him, he has a Continental mind.
Ne vous inquiétez pas, il a le tempérament continental!
- You worry about him a lot, don't you?
- Vous vous inquiétez pour lui?
Don't you worry about him.
Ne vous inquiétez pas.
Well, don't worry about him. I'll... I'll take care of him.
Ne vous inquiétez pas pour lui, je vais m'en occuper.
You'll see. Don't worry about him.
Ne t'inquiète pas pour lui.
But don't worry about him.
Ne vous inquiétez pas pour lui.
- But don't worry. - Well, you'd better be quick about it... because if I find him first, you're gonna have another murder on your hands. We'll find him.
- Mais on va le trouver.
Write him my greetings and tell him don't worry about the brass.
Faites-lui mes voeux et dites-lui de ne pas s'inquieter du cuivre.
Don't worry about him.
Ne t'en fais pas.
Don't worry about him.
Pas de souci.
Don't worry about him.
Ne vous frappez pas pour lui.
- Yes. - You don't have to worry about him.
Aucun souci.
Don't you worry about him, now, and I'll call in again later on.
Ne vous inquiétez pas. Je repasserai plus tard.
And I just want you to know that I'll bring him back, Dorinda. He's going to be all right, Dorinda. Don't worry about it.
Mais je veux que tu saches que je le ramènerai et que tout ira bien, ne t'inquiète pas.
Don't worry about a sugar planter. Give him a horse, and he'll ride to his own funeral.
Ne vous inquiétez pas, un cultivateur irait à cheval à son enterrement.
- Don't worry about me. Go after him.
- Vous inquiétez pas, allez-y.
Don't you worry about him.
Ne vous en faites pas.
- Don't you worry none about him.
- T'en fais pas pour lui.
Don't worry about him.
Oh, ne vous inquiétez pas pour lui.
Don't worry about him.
Soyez sans crainte.
Don't worry about him.
Ne t'inquiète pas.
Don't worry about your horse. I'll feed him and water them.
Ne vous inquiétez pas pour votre cheval.
- Don't worry about him, he's gone.
- Ne t'en fais pas. Il est parti.
Don't worry about him.
- Ne vous inquiétez pas pour lui.
Oh, don't you worry about him.
Ne t'inquiète pas pour lui.
Wait a minute. We don't have to worry about him.
Pas de problème.
Don't worry about him. He don't see a thing.
Vous inquiétez pas, il ne voit rien!
- Don't worry about him now.
Ne vous inquiétez pas pour lui maintenant.
Oh, that creature downstairs - oh, don't worry about him.
Cette créature, en bas... Ne vous tracassez pas, je vais la surveiller.
Don't worry about him.
Ne vous souciez pas pour lui.
I'm the best judge of that. Don't you worry about him.
- Laisse-moi seul juge de ça.
Oh, Pat's all right. Don't you worry about him.
T'en fais pas pour Pat.
Don't worry about who feeds him?
Qui va le nourrir?
Don't worry about yoour scientist, Henri, we're not going to chew him up we'll only teach him a lesson...
- Te fais pas de mouron, Henri. On va pas te le manger, on va juste lui refiler une petite tisane.
Ah, don't worry about him.
Ne t'inquiète pas de lui.
Don't worry about him, he's fine.
Oh, il va très bien.
Don't worry about him!
Je m'en fous de tes parents!
Don't worry about him, Mr. Wadsworth. This tour'll do him good.
Ce voyage au Brésil lui fera du bien.
So don't worry about him.
Que veut-on de plus?
Don't worry about him, I'll look after him.
Ne soyez pas inquiet. Je veille sur lui.
Don't worry about him.
Ne vous inquiétez pas pour lui.
Don't worry about him.
- Ne vous inquiétez pas!

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