Don't you think translate French
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I don't think so, but you're sweet for asking.
Non, mais c'est gentil de demander.
I know you think you do, but you don't. "I'm like," Sir, it's here. "
Tu crois que si, mais non. " "Je l'ai."
Don't you think that's just gonna cook him further?
Tu ne penses pas que ça va le faire cuire d'avantage?
I don't think you should be a part of this.
Je ne pense pas que vous devriez être de la partie.
I don't think it is good for you. "
Je ne pense pas que ce soit bon pour toi. "
I think, eventually, the more people s... realize...'cause, Mary, you're dealing with people who don't realize that they were victims.
Je pense, finalement, que plus il y a de gens qui... réalisent... parce que, Mary, tu as affaire à des gens qui ne réalisent pas qu'ils ont été victimes.
It's because, you know, once they say, "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar," then, uh, you know, they don't think about themselves anymore.
Vous savez, quand ils crient "Allahou Akbar", ils sont dans un état second.
[Tate] You know... there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about what happened.
Vous savez, tous les jours, je pense à ce qui s'est passé.
You don't know what to think, what you'll find out.
On n'est au courant de rien.
You know, i-in a sense, I don't think it ever gets entirely out of your system but I'd say it's, you know, 95 % there.
Tu sais, d-dans un sens, je ne pense pas que ça sorte jamais entièrement de ton système mais je dirais que c'est, disons, 95 % là.
"I don't give a who you think you are"?
"Peu m'importe qui tu penses être"?
You don't think you're watching fiction.
Tu ne penses pas que tu regardes de la fiction.
You don't think you're watching a movie, made up, you know?
Tu ne penses pas que tu regardes un film, inventé, tu comprends?
- Don't you think?
- Non?
- You don't think he's crazy, do you?
- Tu ne penses pas qu'il est dingue?
Don't you think it's time to ask them for the you-know-what?
Tu ne crois pas que c'est le moment de le leur demander?
You know, I don't think you're ready to be a Trollhunter.
Je crois pas que tu sois prête à devenir Chasseur de Trolls.
- Well... - Don't you think I should be... I don't know... coming up with my own name?
Tu crois pas que je devrais... trouver mon propre nom?
Now, I don't want to alarm you, but I think you're having a heart attack.
Sans vouloir vous inquiéter, vous devez faire une crise cardiaque.
- What do you think this one'll do? - I don't know.
- Celle-ci va t'apporter quoi?
You don't think that...
Tu crois que...?
Why don't you think about a solo career?
Envisage une carrière solo.
Now, if you don't think you can pull it off, if you lost your edge, just tell me and I'll understand.
Si tu ne crois pas pouvoir réussir, si tu as perdu le tour, dis-le-moi, et je comprendrai.
- I don't know. What do you think that one more thing was?
C'est quoi cette dernière chose, selon toi?
- You don't think they're together?
- Vous croyez qu'ils sont ensemble?
- You don't think that I hurt, too?
- Tu crois que j'ai pas souffert aussi?
They probably think that you don't even know how to drive.
Ils doivent penser que tu sais pas conduire.
I don't think so, but thank you.
Je ne crois pas, mais merci.
Why don't you think about it, okay?
Et si vous y réfléchissiez? D'accord?
Don't you think?
Tu ne crois pas?
I hope you don't think that it's weird that I'm here with you right now.
J'espère que tu ne trouves pas ça bizarre que je sois ici avec toi maintenant.
Don't you think she looks...
Tu ne trouves pas qu'elle...
Listen, you dumb motherfucker, you think that we don't have people who we pay to tell us when our relatives call the fucking DEA?
- Écoute, sale crétin, on paie des gens dont le boulot est de nous dire quand notre famille appelle la foutue D.E.A.
I just don't think that you respect the established protocol.
Tu ne respectes tout simplement pas le protocole établi.
They deserve it, don't you think?
Ils le méritent bien, non?
I don't think I have to tell you, without a confession, we're fucked.
Inutile de dire que, sans aveu de sa part, on est fichu.
And two, this is getting a little out of hand, don't you think?
Et deuxio, ça commence à aller trop loin, tu ne trouves pas?
You don't think.
Tu ne réfléchis pas.
I don't give a flying shag what you think your bloody purpose is.
Je me fiche pas mal de ce que tu penses être ta fonction.
I don't think you understand.
Tu ne comprends pas.
Then, you'd better get her out of there and get my money, don't you think?
Alors, tu ferais mieux de la faire sortir de là et récupérer mon argent, tu ne penses pas?
Don't you think?
Qu'est ce que vous pensez?
I don't like to think of you working there, okay?
Je n'aime pas penser au fait que tu bosses là-bas, d'accord?
See, I don't really think, you know, I'm into it.
Je ne pense pas que j'aime ce genre de choses.
Don't you think that's mean?
Tu ne crois pas que c'est méchant?
The real underlying flaw in your life is that you don't think that I'm good.
La principale lacune dans ta vie, c'est que tu ne penses pas que je suis bonne.
This always works better when we do it together, don't you think?
Ça marche toujours mieux quand on le fait ensemble, n'est-ce pas?
That is so sad, don't you think?
C'est tellement triste, vous ne trouvez pas?
Now, I don't know what Charles put in your head... but I am not whatever it is you think I am, okay?
J'ignore ce que Charles t'a mis dans la tête, mais je ne suis pas ce que tu crois, d'accord?
I don't think I can help you.
Je ne peux pas t'aider.
You think I am sick, don't you?
Tu penses que je suis malade, n'est-ce pas?
don't you think so 212
don't you think that 20
don't you think i know that 58
don't you 9508
don't you dare 523
don't you worry 668
don't you understand 702
don't you ever 59
don't you agree 326
don't you like it 136
don't you think that 20
don't you think i know that 58
don't you 9508
don't you dare 523
don't you worry 668
don't you understand 702
don't you ever 59
don't you agree 326
don't you like it 136
don't you remember me 90
don't you see 982
don't you worry about it 53
don't you know 365
don't you remember 435
don't you know it 19
don't you mean 71
don't you trust me 129
don't you start 75
don't you do it 56
don't you see 982
don't you worry about it 53
don't you know 365
don't you remember 435
don't you know it 19
don't you mean 71
don't you trust me 129
don't you start 75
don't you do it 56