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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Don't you touch me

Don't you touch me translate French

718 parallel translation
( Esther ) Don't you fucking touch me again.
[ESTHER] Putain, ne me touche plus jamais.
Don't touch me, you wench!
Ne me touche pas fille de joie
Don't touch me, the hell with you!
Tais - toi!
- Oh, don't you dare touch me again.
- Ne t'avise pas - de recommencer!
Don't you touch me, or I'll call for help.
Si vous me touchez, je crie au secours.
I don't want to see you again. Don't come near me. Don't touch me. "
Le moteur vous dit : "C'est fini, je ne veux plus te voir, va-t'en."
- Don't you touch me!
Ne me touchez pas!
I don't want to annoy you any more than I have to, but will you please tell me where I can get in touch with your father?
Je ne veux pas vous ennuyer plus que nécessaire... mais voulez-vous bien me dire où je peux contacter votre père?
You don't have to touch it. It's none of your business.
je te force pas à y toucher, c'est pour moi, ça me regarde
Don't you dare touch that telephone! Give me that phone!
Ne touchez pas ce téléphone!
Don't you dare touch me or...
Si vous me touchez...
Don't you touch me.
Ne me touche pas.
then you can play some more. Don't touch me!
Allez dormir un peu, vous reviendrez.
Don't you dare touch me.
Ne me touchez pas!
- Don't touch me, you scorpion.
- Ne me touche pas, sale scorpion!
Tell me when you reach the bomb, but don't touch it.
Quand vous y serez, dites-le-moi, mais ne la touchez pas.
Why don't you want me To touch that glass?
Pourquoi m'avoir retenu de toucher ce verre?
- Don't you dare touch me!
- N'essaie pas de me toucher.
- Don't you touch me!
- Bas les pattes!
I'll do much better if you don't touch me.
Je m'en sortirais mieux si vous ne me touchez pas.
Don't you dare touch me like that! I'm not interested in your idiotic conversation.
Pourquoi voulez-vous que j'écoute votre conversation idiote?
Don't touch me, you white slaver, you!
Ne me touchez pas, avec votre traite des blanches!
- For God's sake - Don't you touch me
Bas les pattes!
Don't you touch me!
Ne me touche pas!
Don't you ever touch me again!
Ne me touche plus jamais!
Don't you touch me.
Ne me touchez pas!
Just because you're a big movie star... you expect every girl to faint at your feet. Don't touch me!
Toutes les femmes sont à vos pieds, mais pas moi!
Don't you touch me.
Ne me touchez pas.
- Don't touch me! I can't stand you!
Ne me touchez pas, vous me dégoûtez!
I'm telling you, don't ever touch me.
Ne me touchez jamais plus.
Don't you ever touch me.
Ne me touche plus jamais!
- Can't you believe... I don't want you to touch me!
- Tu ne me crois pas?
- Don't touch it! She has given you wealth and brought me here in poverty.
Elle t'a rendu riche et moi pauvre pour m'attirer vers toi.
You're not getting... Don't touch me! Take your hands off me!
Je t'interdis de me toucher!
Don't be stupid. - Don't you touch me, you pig!
- Bas les pattes, espèce de porc!
Is that how you talk to your father? Don't touch me or I'll scream!
Les chasseurs seront seuls avec le pigeon!
Don't you touch me.
Ne me touche pas!
- You don't even want to touch me.
- Tu ne veux même pas me toucher
I said I wouldn't let Pace touch you but you don't have to dance with me.
Vous êtes pas obligée de danser avec moi.
We're probably the only teo people left in the world, and all you can say is don't touch me.
C'est tout ce que vous trouvez à dire, dans notre situation? J'ai peur.
This is why I don't want you to touch me.
Voilà pourquoi je veux pas que tu me touches.
Don't touch me or I'll take your badge number and report you. Report who? Who?
ou je prends ton matricule et je te dénonce! tu dois être en règle!
- You bet! Don't touch that, God dammit!
- Je vais me gêner!
Don't you touch me!
Ne me touchez pas!
Don't touch me, you disgusting slob!
Me touche pas avec ta gale, souillon!
Don't you touch me!
- Ne me touchez pas.
You. Don't touch me.
Dane va rentrer et dans votre intérêt...
- Get away from me! Don't you touch me!
Ne me touchez pas!
- Don't you touch me.
- N'approchez pas!
Don't touch me. I don't love you anymore.
- Ne me touche pas, je ne t'aime plus.
Don't you know better than to touch me?
Ne savez-vous pas qu'il ne faut pas me toucher?

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