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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Driscoll

Driscoll translate French

507 parallel translation
I guess you met Driscoll, the first mate.
Vous connaissez Driscoll...
The skipper and Driscoll have stuck to me on two trips.
Le capitaine et Driscoll sont là.
- What's your trouble?
Des ennuis, Driscoll?
Mr. Driscoll, are you on deck?
Driscoll, vous êtes sur le pont?
- What's the matter, Mr. Driscoll?
Que se passe-t-il?
Driscoll said he'd try and signal us if he found Ann.
Driscoll saura où est Ann.
- There's chance for Driscoll.
- Driscoll a une chance!
We leave at dawn, if we get a signal or not. Yes, sir.
Nous partons à l'aube, avec ou sans Driscoll.
Mr. Driscoll and the lady, they're coming back.
M. Driscoll et la dame arrivent!
Mr. Driscoll saved you from the ape? Yes.
M. Driscoll vous a sauvée?
I'll make a speech and tell them about Kong, Darrow Driscoll. When I call you, come take pictures.
Je vais présenter Kong, Mlle Darrow et M. Driscoll, et vous prendrez des photos.
I want you to meet a very brave gentleman, Mr. John Driscoll.
Ie courageux John Driscoll.
- Put your arm around her, Driscoll.
Prenez-la dans vos bras.
I checked on them. Driscoll, Vinci, all of them.
Je me suis renseigné sur chacun.
- Got your figures, Driscoll?
Vous avez les chiffres?
Dr. Driscoll, was that the laboratory's last word?
Dr Driscoll, c'est le dernier mot du laboratoire?
- Driscoll, sir.
- Driscoll.
When I found the native police had picked up a seaman ashore, I guessed it was Driscoll.
Quand j'ai appris que la police du pays avait arrêté un marin, j'ai pensé à Driscoll.
So that's the trouble, Driscoll.
Voilà la cause, Driscoll.
Isn't this your watch, Driscoll?
Ce n'est pas votre tour de garde?
- Well, that's all right, Driscoll.
- Je comprends, Driscoll.
Don't you open that, Driscoll.
Ne fais pas ça, Driscoll.
Aloysius Driscoll.
Aloysius Driscoll.
Yes, Driscoll, you...
Oui, Driscoll, espèce de...
What happened to Driscoll?
Qu'est-il arrivé à Driscoll?
? Of Rafferty, Driscoll and O'Brien?
De Rafferty, Driscoll et O'Brien
I didn't run you into Driscoll's plane and cut his tail off.
Ce n'est pas moi qui ai percuté l'avion de Driscoll.
I want you to know that nobody held you responsible for Driscoll's death.
Sachez que personne ne vous impute la mort de Driscoll. - Sauf vous.
- Pamela Driscoll.
- Pamela Driscoll.
Oh, yes, Pamela Driscoll.
Oh oui, Pamela Driscoll.
Driscoll. Lieutenant Driscoll.
Lieutenant Driscoll.
Could if his eyes weren't slanted the wrong way. Then Driscoll would listen to him.
Si c'était pas un bridé, Driscoll l'écouterait.
- Let me talk to Driscoll!
Passez-moi Driscoll!
- This is Driscoll, sir.
Ici Driscoll.
As a matter of fact, we were both starting with fighter when we first met Sydney, a middleweight named Tiger Driscold.
Nous faisions tourner un boxeur, quand nous avons rencontré Sydney. Un poids moyen du nom de Tiger Driscoll.
Nobody would talk- - from Becky Driscoll... down to that fat traffic cop Sam Janzek.
Et les autres non plus... De Becky Driscoll... jusqu'à ce gros agent de la circulation Sam Janzek.
Becky Driscoll?
Becky Driscoll?
This is Miss Driscoll. Dr. Kauffman- - our one and only psychiatrist.
Voici Mlle Driscoll, Dr Kauffman, notre seul et unique psychiatre.
Mmm. You're Becky Driscoll.
Tu es Becky Driscoll.
Using it for an office.
On s'en sert de bureau, M. Driscoll.
Dr. Miles Bennell and Becky Driscoll... now believed heading north... in a black and white Ford sedan... license number 2-X-3-7-7-9-6.
Arrêtez et détenez le Dr Miles Bennell et Becky Driscoll, se dirigeant vers le nord, à bord d'une Ford blanche et noire, immatriculée 2 - X-3-7-7-9-6.
Lieutenant Driscoll, commanding B Troop, will escort the expedition.
Le lieutenant Driscoll, troupe B escortera l'expédition.
I don't understand Driscoll. Putting cowpokes in B Troop.
Driscoll a choisi des cow-boys pour former sa troupe.
Driscoll wants fighters. - He's got'em.
Driscoll ne voulait pas des cavaliers mais des combattants.
I understand why Driscoll broke the pact but I don't know why the others agreed. It was always their plan!
Je suis surpris que tous suivent Driscoll.
Driscoll, I want two men left here to guard the boat.
Deux hommes de garde!
Jack Driscoll.
Jack Driscoll!
Lieutenant Driscoll, commanding B Troop, Second Cavalry,
Lieutenant Driscoll de la troupe B.
Glad to meet you.
Enchanté Driscoll.

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