Failli translate French
11,918 parallel translation
I almost got nicked I was on the run for a week.
J'ai failli y passer et j'étais en cavale pendant une semaine.
And nearly cost us a huge pay day.
Et cela a failli nous coûter cher.
For failing in my duties as an officer of this court, death.
Pour avoir failli à mon devoir comme officier de cette cour, la mort.
Oh, Ms. Chanel, I almost forgot.
Mlle Chanel, j'ai failli oublier.
To almost lose the two of you, it's...
Avoir failli vous perdre tous les deux, c'est...
You nearly got Mike killed, so yeah, Paige, I want you out of Graceland, but gone doesn't mean serving life at Leavenworth.
Tu as failli faire tuer Mike, alors oui, Paige, je veux que tu quittes Graceland, mais partir ne signifie pas une peine à vie à Leavenworth.
All right, that's cool,'cause Paige almost got shot, but whatever.
D'accord, c'est cool, Parce que Paige a failli mourir, mais c'est pas grave.
Or that because of her, the Nazis almost took control of this Ministry?
Ou qu'à cause d'elle les nazis ont failli contrôler le Ministère?
Your father was called Enric, your mother, Carma, and you are an only child because your mother almost died birthing you.
Ton père s'appelle Enric, ta mère Carma, et tu es fille unique car ta mère a failli mourir à l'accouchement.
The other day I put one in the microwave and almost burnt down the house.
L'autre jour j'en ai mise une dans le micro-ondes et j'ai failli tout incendier.
But that man was just about to make it so that "Guernica" wouldn't be in the National Museum.
Mais cet homme a failli réussir à empêcher que "Guernica" ne soit aujourd'hui au Reina Sofía.
because they found me with a girlfriend in the bathroom.
Ils ont failli me mettre au couvent parce qu'ils m'ont trouvée avec une amie dans la salle de bain.
I almost confessed to Mary.
J'ai failli le dire à Mary
I almost missed it myself.
J'ai moi-même failli le louper.
I almost ate a roach.
J'ai failli manger un cafard.
I nearly forgot.
J'ai failli oublier.
He almost killed you!
Il a failli te tuer!
The life saver who almost killed you.
Le sauveur qui a failli te tuer.
- Maddy. - He almost died, Travis.
- Il a failli mourir, Travis.
What a way to stop me, by almost killing him.
Quelle façon de m'en empêcher, en ayant failli le tuer lui.
I nearly died of cold waiting.
J'ai failli mourir de froid, à t'attendre.
We barely made it out alive.
On a failli ne pas en sortir vivants.
We made that mistake once before, and it almost bit us in the ass.
Nous avons déjà fait cette erreur, et ça a failli nous tomber dessus.
Ceiling collapse nearly took out the first company on the scene.
La chute du plafond a failli supprimer la 1ère compagnie sur place.
But out of respect for the firefighters who almost lost their lives, maybe you can pull your head out of your ass and help us out.
Mais par respect pour les pompiers qui ont failli perdre la vie, vous pourriez vous enlever ça de la tête et nous aider.
Six firefighters nearly died in this collapse.
6 pompiers ont failli mourir dans cet effondrement.
I almost didn't make it.
J'ai failli ne pas m'en tirer.
( Casey ) Welch's own driver almost died in that crash.
Le conducteur de Welch a failli mourir dans cet accident.
Celia! Oh, I almost didn't recognize you without the rebar stuck in your ribs.
J'ai failli ne pas te reconnaitre sans la barre coincée dans tes côtes.
You almost gave me a heart attack.
J'ai failli avoir une attaque.
We got so caught up in your love story, we almost ran right into your boyfriend.
On était tellement pris par ton histoire d'amour, qu'on a failli croisé ton petit-ami.
We almost had to place him under arrest.
Nous avons failli devoir l'arrêter.
- Just about gave me a heart attack.
J'ai failli avoir un infarctus.
Insurance better cover this because that maniac almost took off our fender.
L'assurance a intérêt à payer. Ce naze a failli emporter notre pare-chocs.
You've come very close to destroying a bunch of lives in the past, including both of ours.
Tu as failli détruire de nombreuses vies par le passé, les nôtres incluses.
Almost forgot.
J'ai failli oublier.
Oh. I almost forgot.
J'ai failli oublier.
I almost told you to move back, you were so close.
J'ai failli te dire de t'ecarter. Tu te tenais si pres.
I have a tattoo, we almost got kidnapped, and we're in the middle of a rave.
J'ai un tatouage, on a failli se faire enlever et on est au milieu d'une rave.
- I almost moved there once.
- Ouais. - J'ai failli y emménager.
We almost killed minor. Ha ha ha!
On a failli tuer une mineure!
You almost died.
T'as failli mourir!
Last time you went deep cover for Vice, you almost lost it.
Lors de ta dernière infiltration pour Vice, tu as failli le perdre.
He almost lost his badge.
Il a failli perdre son insigne.
I thought you said these guys were pros? Your boy almost lost it back there.
Ton mec a failli laisser ça derrière.
If you almost die by noon, you're pretty ready for a date at 6 : 00 p.m.
Si tu as failli mourir à midi, tu es prête pour sortir à 18 h.
Did you ever have any close calls?
Tu as déjà failli y passer?
She almost got us both killed.
Elle a failli nous faire tuer.
You almost killed us.
Vous avez failli nous tuer.
I almost misread him, but you didn't.
J'ai failli mal interpréter, mais toi non.
You know, Celia very nearly died that day.
Celia a failli mourir ce jour-là.