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Flaherty translate French

158 parallel translation
Flaherty's downstairs, a couple of dicks with him
Flaherty est en bas.
There's Flaherty, the bull.
C'est Flaherty, le bourre.
I heard somebody in Detroit got to Flaherty and told him to start working on a dancer at the Bronze Peacock if he wanted to find out who shot McClure.
Je sais qu'à Détroit quelqu'un a dit à Flaherty de cuisiner le danseur du Bronze Peacock s'il veut savoir qui a descendu McClure.
I'll soon find out if Flaherty's been working on Joe after I have a little talk with him.
Je saurai si Flaherty a cuisiné Joe dès qu'on aura causé un peu.
You think that would save us? Flaherty?
Tu t'imagines t'en sortir comme ça?
That's worse than suicide
Flaherty? C'est pire qu'un suicide!
Headquarters, I want Sergeant Flaherty.
Central? Passez-moi le sergent Flaherty.
Sergeant Flaherty, this is Olga Stassoff.
Sergent Flaherty? lci, Olga Stassoff.
Hello, Dan, this is Flaherty.
Danny? lci, Flaherty.
According to the statement of Lieutenant Thomas Flaherty of the homicide squad Little Caesar, the once swaggering braggart of the underworld wilted in the face of real danger and showed the world his cowardice.
Selon le Lieutenant Flaherty, de la Criminelle, Petit César, le gangster autrefois hâbleur et fanfaron, a paniqué devant le danger et montré à tous sa couardise.
Flaherty stated further that Little Caesar has contradicted his oft-repeated boast that he could dish it out and take it too. " Yeah.
Flaherty a ajouté que Petit César, contrairement à sa vantardise souvent répétée, n'a pas su frapper et encaisser.
Flaherty ended his interview by remarking :
Flaherty a conclu son interview par cette remarque :
He was yellow, just like Flaherty said.
C'était une lavette, comme dit Flaherty.
- Get me Flaherty, and get him quick.
Passez-moi Flaherty et que ça saute!
- Flaherty speaking.
lci, Flaherty.
Funny guy, ain't you, Flaherty?
T'es un rigolo, hein Flaherty?
Flaherty, get reinforcements for Mulholland.
Slattery, aide-le.
Sir, there's a driver out here named Flaherty.
Monsieur, il y a un chauffeur dehors appelé Flaherty.
Flaherty, where's my horse?
Flaherty, où est mon cheval?
This is Mr. Courtney, Mr. Flaherty.
Voilà Monsieur Courtney, monsieur Flaherty.
Flarety, you're in charge.
Flaherty, remplacez-moi...
Minx, Flaherty.
Minx, Flaherty.
Nice to have you with us, Mr. Flaherty.
Bienvenue sur nos vols, M. Flaherty.
- We'll call you, Mr. Flaherty.
- On vous appellera, M. Flaherty.
Prof. Flaherty. Welcome.
Bienvenue professeur Flaherty.
Demandez à l'agent Flaherty, qui est là d'habitude.
So far, I've met the Flynns, the Foleys, the Flahertys... the Deegans, the Doogans... the O'Connors, O'Neals, McMahons, and all the clan O'Toole.
On m'a présenté aux Flynn, aux Foley, aux Flaherty, aux Deegan, aux Donovan, aux O'Neil, aux McMahon, et à tout le clan O'Toole.
I hear Father O'Flaherty won't be at the Cork convocation.
On dit que le Père O'Flaherty ne sera pas là.
To the rear was a group of Irish teamsters under the leadership of one Kevin O'Flaherly.
À l'arrière, des conducteurs irlandais dirigés par un certain Kevin O'Flaherty.
All right, O'Flaherty. What's your excuse this time, you ignorant immigrant lump?
Bon, quelle sera votre excuse cette fois, espèce d'immigrant empoté?
Well, in that case, O'Flaherty, you strike.
Dans ce cas, faites la grève.
Well, since you have nothing further to say, Mr O'Flaherty, sit down.
Bon. Demain matin, toute cette...
Hello, Mrs. Flaherty.
Oh, Mme Flaherty!
Goodbye, Mrs. Flaherty.
A bientôt, Mme Flaherty.
It's Mary O'Flaherty!
C'est Mary O'Flaherty!
I'll talk with you after court, Mary O'Flaherty.
Je parlerai avec toi après la cour, Mary O'Flaherty.
You're interrupting the business of the court, Mrs. O'Flaherty.
Tu interromps l'activité de la Cour, Mme O'Flaherty.
"The issues of the late Terence Dove and his wife Maureen O'Flaherty Dove..."
"Le litige entre le pauvre Terence Colombe et sa femme Maureen O'Flaherty Colombe..."
She had the O'Flaherty kidneys.
Elle avait les reins des O'Flaherty.
Do you still accuse Mary O'Flaherty of kidnapping the children?
Vous accusez encore Mary O'Flaherty de l'enlèvement des enfants?
Well, how can we find Mary O'Flaherty?
- Comment on peut trouver Mary O'Flaherty?
Mary Magdalene St. Bridget O'Flaherty in County Galway!
Marie-Madeleine Sainte-Brigitte O'Flaherty dans le comté de Galway!
Mrs. O'Flaherty, those children are wards of the court.
Mme O'Flaherty, ces enfants sont pupilles de la Cour.
Oh, for God's sake, Mrs. O'Flaherty, didn't I just see them go into the house?
- Oh, pour l'amour de Dieu, Mme O'Flaherty, Je viens pas juste de les voir entrer dans la maison?
Mrs. O'Flaherty, I was your daughter's husband, and I cherished her.
Mme O'Flaherty, j'ai été le mari de ta fille, et je la chérissais.
Now, please, I want my children back, Mrs. O'Flaherty!
Maintenant, svp, je ne veux que mes enfants, Mme O'Flaherty!
Don't call Flaherty.
N'appelle pas Flaherty.
Mr. Flaherty.
M. Flowerty.
Restez à vos places! Venez, Louise.

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