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I was the only one who could save himself.
Je fus le seul rescapé.
"I was the only one who could save himself, and here is the stone."
"Je fus le seule rescapé, et voici la pierre."
I'm afraid to admit I was mortally offended when he married without consulting me.
Je dois admettre que je fus très offensée quand il se maria sans me consulter.
Tell me... is it true that you were once a champion fighter?
Dis-moi, est-il vrai que tu fus champion des gladiateurs?
I was brought up by Father Perrault.
Je fus élevée par le père Perrault.
Hey, Jeff, there's one of them Texas heroes left behind.
Et je fus sauvé! Il y a un héros du Texas qui est resté!
I was amazed at his violent reaction until the evidence came to me that he owned those very 200 acres.
Je fus surpris par cette réaction, jusqu'à ce que des preuves arrivent, montrant qu'il possède ces 100 hectares.
Suddenly the wind changed and the balloon floated down into this noble city where I was instantly acclaimed Oz, the first wizard deluxe!
Finalement, le vent tomba. Le ballon se posa au coeur de la noble cité d'Oz [on] je fus proclamé premier magicien de luxe!
Then, like all dreamers, I was possessed of a sudden with supernatural powers and passed like a spirit through the barrier before me.
Puis, comme tous les rêveurs, je fus investie de pouvoirs surnaturels et je traversai la grille comme un fantôme le ferait.
That is why I was wounded from behind.
C'est pourquoi je fus blessé par derière.
When he died last March... it pained me more than anything else.
Quand il mourut en mars dernier... J'en fus peiné plus que n'importe quoi d'autre.
I was once a chamberlain... and spokesman for my lord.
Je fus autrefois Chamberlan... et porte-parole de mon Lord.
I was then ushered in my lemon silk shorts into the room where there was Norma Shearer, Claudette Colbert and many, many others.
Je fus ensuite conduit en caleçon de soie jaune vers Norma Shearer, Claudette Colbert, et beaucoup d'autres.
Since then I was invincible.
Des lors, je fus invincible.
I was hanged after having been subjected to the strappado.
Je fus pendu apres avoir subi l'estrapade.
I was that surgeon.
Je fus ce chirurgien.
I was that young assistant.
Je fus ce jeune garçon.
I was that poor devil of a painter... and I'm struggling hard to buy back my soul.
Je fus ce "pauvre diable de peintre", et je lutte pour racheter mon âme.
"On February 11, in the year of our Lord, 1858... " I, Bernadette Soubirous, was sent in the company of my sister Marie... "and my friend Jeanne Abadie... to fetch firewood in the forest."
"Le 11 février, de l'an de notre Seigneur 1858... moi, Bernadette Soubirous fus envoyée... avec ma soeur Marie et mon amie Jeanne Abadie... chercher du bois dans la forêt."
And aided I was.
Et je le fus.
I was staggered, but I didn't know then... how much reason I had to be.
Je fus bouleversé! Mais je ne me doutais pas...
But I married her out of a sense of honour.
Mais je ne fus que plus honnête en l'épousant.
And I suddenly felt panic at the thought of not seeing him again.
Je fus prise de panique à l'idée de ne plus le revoir.
What I am or was doesn't matter compared to that.
Ce que je suis, ce que je fus, peu importe.
At first I was puzzled, because it didn't seem like much.
D'abord, je fus déconcerté, car ça ne paraissait pas grand-chose.
And then one day, the police of Toulon sent for me.
Un jour, je fus convoqué par la Police de Toulon.
I was once a great thief and a magnificent scoundrel.
Je fus jadis un grand escroc, un véritable cador.
I had a sudden impulse to turn and leave but then I remembered the letters.
Je fus tenté de partir d'ici, mais je me souvins des lettres.
I liked your so slender a figure, The way you were lost in deep thought, Your laugh both pensive and eager
Je fus envoûté par ta fine silhouette, par ton air pensif, ton regard, tandis que ton rire triste et éclatant
Instead I found myself being kissed by a stranger.
Je fus embrassée par une inconnue.
And then I was glad she was there, waiting.
Je fus content de la trouver là.
And in this harsh world, draw thy breath in pain, to tell my story.
accepte de me suivre pour dire qui je fus.
When Mama told me I was to go with her, I was thrilled and I was frightened.
Quand / e sus que j'y allais, je fus effrayée.
Suddenly, I had the awareness of something extraordinary.
Soudain, je fus conscient de quelque chose d'extraordinaire.
I was a healthy baby, born of an English mother and Italian father, Who succumbed to a heart attack at the moment of first setting eyes on me.
Je fus un robuste bébé, né d'une mère anglaise et d'un père italien lequel tomba raide mort dès qu'il m'aperçut.
The upshot was that I was dismissed on the spot.
Résultat, je fus renvoyé sur-le-champ.
I remember this because I'm still impressed.
Je m'en rappelle car je fus impressionné.
Since first you were my blushing bride
Depuis que tu fus ma fiancée si sage
But in the end, I was beaten.
Mais au bout du compte, je fus vaincue.
I was soon transferred to a displaced persons camp.
Je fus bientôt transférée dans un camp pour personnes déplacées.
The night was haunted by terror and the sickening conviction that the man from Planet X had Enid powerless in his grasp.
Cette nuit, je fus hanté par la terreur et l'écoeurante conviction que l'homme de la planète X tenait en son pouvoir une Enid désarmée.
"Like the Isis of Alexander, I was once Alexander."
"De même qu'Alexandre je'fus'un héros."
I gotta admit, I was so scared, I couldn't fire my gun. Couldn't even move.
Je fus saisi de frayeur, ne pouvant ni tirer ni bouger.
Even I was frightened by the idea that had come from my heart :
Je fus effrayé par l'idée qui naissait dans mon cœur :
To my disgrace, I didn't know how to make a decision.
Pour mon malheur, je fus incapable de prendre la moindre résolution.
Blow me down and pick me up
J'en fus vraiment tout secoué
Which I have been.
Ce que je fus.
My teacher. Master Koetsu Honami
Le Maître Koetsu Honami dont je fus l'élève.
I was glad it was, and I suddenly knew why.
J'en fus heureux et je compris soudain pourquoi.
They did send me to prison. Prison, mind you. For burning down a furniture store back in 1924.
Je fus néanmoins emprisonné pour avoir incendié un magasin de meubles en 1924, mais la page est tournée et je peux désormais continuer à chercher mon petit-fils.
The war...
Je fus sur le point de l'être, non?
fusion 18
fuss 31
fuse 18
fusco 141

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