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Translate.vc / English → French / [ G ] / Gabs

Gabs translate French

38 parallel translation
He gabs 5 minutes and forgets my wife!
Il fait le clown pendant 5 minutes, et il oublie ma femme!
Gabs : What's that?
- Qu'est-ce que c'est?
- Gabs...
- Gabs...
Well... Gabs : Personality?
Sa personnalité?
- l don't know, Gabs. I don't think you do.
Non, Gabs. Je ne le pense pas.
Gabs. lt's only me. I've been thinking about what you said.
Gabs. C'est moi. J'ai réfléchi à ce que tu as dit.
You look different.
Gabs, tu parais changé.
But he gabs to Victor, who gabs to the boss.
Mais il répète tout à Victor, et Victor fait un rapport au patron tous les jours.
She gabs on the phone, even as the outcome remains unsettled.
Elle cause au téléphone même quand le dénouement reste incertain.
Gabs, relax.
Gabs, du calme.
Not you, Gabs.
Pas toi, Gabs.
Come on, Gabs, yell at me.
Crie-moi dessus. KIRA GARDE nos toilettes PROPRES
Gabs, we'll be fine.
Gabs, tout ira bien.
I'm telling you, Gabs, this is all going to blow over.
Je te le dis, Gabs, Ça va se calmer.
We need to think big, Gabs, bigger than Kira.
Il faut penser grand, Gabs. Plus grand que Kira.
Gabs, that's today.
Gabs, c'est aujourd'hui.
No. It's all a lie, Gabs.
Non, tout n'est que mensonge.
Only as a decoy, Gabs.
Seulement en leurre.
- Okay, Gabs, come on. - Okay.
D'accord, Gabs, allons-y.
Remember, Gabs, Mason isn't Mason.
Rappelle-toi, Gabs, Mason n'est pas Mason.
Gabs, you're kind of losing it.
Gabs, tu perds la tête.
- Gabs?
- Gabs.
Come on, Gabs.
Come on, Gabs.
Gabs and nee.
"Gabs" et "'nee ".
Weren't we, gabs?
Pas vrai, Gabs?
" Gabs, Dakota is on fire.
" Gabs, Dakota est en feu.
Hey, Gaby,
Okay. I-I'll be right here, Gabs, okay?
Je serai juste là, Gabs.
Gabs, Connie, Fonygan and Chiles...
Gibbs, Crowley, Cunningham...
- Gabs, come back.
Gabs, reviens.
- J'y vais.
- Gabs!

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