Gentry translate French
299 parallel translation
The walls in the Count Šándor's mansion were the silent witnesses of the gentry's wild life.
Les murs du château du comte Šándor étaient les témions muets de la vie exubérante des nobles.
I had to show the gentry I've still got what it takes.
Pour leur montrer que je n'avais rien perdu.
Now, you're literate and garrulous, you can talk about this and that, about the stars, about Frenchmen, about the gentry, about the truth.
Tu sais lire, écrire et parler de choses et d'autres Des étoiles, des Français, des nobles, de la vérité...
Seize Parliament, shoot the gentry, and set up a Communist government!
On trucide les nobles et le pays devient communiste.
The gentry comin'in and ordering'pistols and no better in the land.
La gentry commande des pistolets ici et il n'y en a pas de meilleurs.
The well-bred dogs of the gentry picked on him.
Les chiens de race de la gentry le harcelaient. Si.
They all hunt in couples, the gentry.
Ils font la chasse en couples, les gens biens.
That you're wife was murdered and that she's Lillian Gentry.
Votre femme était Lillian Genty et elle a été assassinée.
Lillian Gentry?
Lillian Genty!
Sergeant have you ever heard of a Lillian Gentry?
Sergent, avez-vous entendu parler de Lillian Genty?
But what's the connection between Lillian Gentry's disappearance and the death of Lady Penrose?
Quel est le lien entre la disparition de Lillian Genty et la mort de Lady Penrose?
Lillian Gentry and Lady Penrose are one in the same person.
Ces deux femmes sont une seule et même personne.
Well, old man Gentry is off to jail again.
Le vieux Gentry est de nouveau en prison.
Since when do we have gentry in this country where all men are free and equal?
Et l'égalité des hommes? Un fermier vaut bien un Hollandais de l'Hudson!
Some of the German gentry who were paying your father are working in Rio.
Certains Allemands qui payaient votre père travaillent à Rio.
Nice to meet the gentry, Ma'am...
Enchanté! Je suis Jeffrey.
Indeed, to speak feelingly of him, he is the card or calendar of gentry.
C'est un vrai héros de chevalerie.
Thanks to Mr. Gentry.
Grâce à M. Gentry.
Ohlrig, please... Smith...
Bonne nuit, Gentry.
The D'Ascoynes certainly appeared to have accorded with the tradition of the landed gentry and sent the fool of the family into the church.
Les D'Ascoyne avaient obéi aux bonnes vieilles traditions en vouant l'idiot de la famille à la religion.
And then I met Jim Gentry, Braddock's richest man.
Puis, je fis la connaissance de Jim Gentry, l'homme le plus riche de la ville.
And somehow, right away, Jim Gentry and I became friends.
Nous nous étions aussitôt liés d'amitié.
Jim starts out by selling you something on credit, and before you know it, you're running another Gentry enterprise. Mmm.
Jim vous vend quelque chose à crédit... et vous devenez une annexe des Établissements Gentry!
Did you notify Mrs. Gentry's cousins up in Raleigh?
Vous avez prévenu les cousins qui demeurent à Raleigh?
Mrs. James Gentry.
Mme James Gentry?
I want you to meet Mrs. Gentry.
Je vous présente Mme Gentry.
Let me tell you, Ru... Mrs. Gentry, you look like a million dollars.
Vous êtes belle comme un million de dollars!
So that all my friends can meet Mrs. Gentry.
Mme Gentry recevra tous mes amis.
Jim Gentry! How long is it you've been a member of this country club?
Depuis quand êtes-vous membre du Club?
" Sheriff Anderson, after questioning Mrs. Gentry,
"Mme Gentry a été entendue."
"He said he was forced to accept Mrs. Gentry's story, " since there were no other witnesses to the tragedy.
"qui, faute d'autres témoins, accepte la version de Mme Gentry."
This is Mrs. James Gentry.
Ici, Mme Gentry.
The County bank did make the original note, but Mr. Gentry took it over from them.
La Banque du Fair County avait consenti le premier prêt. M. Gentry a racheté la créance.
Mr. Gentry thought it a very promising project.
Il estimait ce projet très rentable.
Do you want to demand payment on that, Mrs. Gentry?
Vous en exigez aussi le remboursement?
Naturally, you can, Mrs. Gentry. You can also take a million dollars and make a bonfire out of it.
Vous pouvez aussi faire un feu de joie avec un million de dollars.
You can buy a lot of things with Jim's money, Mrs. Gentry.
Vous pouvez acheter bien des choses, Mme Jim Gentry!
Will you be putting up your own sign, Mrs. Gentry?
Vous y mettrez un panneau à votre nom?
I can't do it, Mrs. Gentry, unless I know for sure that...
Je ne peux pas, Mme Gentry, à moins d'être sûr que...
Mrs. Gentry. Jud didn't say he was expecting you.
Jud n'avait pas dit qu'il vous attendait, Mme Gentry.
I was just thinking it's a lucky thing for us that there's a limit on ducks, Mrs. Gentry.
Une bonne chose, ce sont les lois protégeant les canards, Mme Gentry.
Yes, Ruby Gentry was born on the wrong side of the tracks, and the people of Braddock never let her forget it.
Oui, Ruby sortait du Marais. Les gens de Braddock ne le lui pardonnèrent jamais.
It seemed that the town's gentry would not forgive me for having a woman who was not of my class.
Les aristocrates du pays ne me pardonnèrent jamais d'avoir choisi une femme qui n'était pas de mon rang.
Stop. No landed gentry Chelms.
"Ne figure pas dans le bottin mondain."
That was when that no-good trapper, Bushrod Gentry, showed up.
C'est quand ce bon à rien de trappeur, Bushrod Gentry, est arrivé.
Perhaps the gentry have different ways of saying things.
La noblesse?
Good night, Gentry. Now look, Ohlrig, I think you're making a mountain...
Vous exagérez...
Here, Mrs. Gentry sent you some sachets.
Mme Gentry vous envoie des sachets pour le linge.
Very nice. Thank you very much, Mrs. Gentry.
Merci, Mme Gentry.
" in the Gentry home, and said that Mr. Gentry,
"La veille même, dans la soirée, M. Gentry s'était battu"
"only the night before, engaged in a fistfight because of Mrs. Gentry's attentions to another man."
"en raison des attentions de sa femme pour un autre homme."