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Get him out of there translate French

588 parallel translation
He's sick and unless we get him out of there right away, I'm afraid he's gonna die.
Il est très malade et si on ne le ramène pas tout de suite, il mourra.
- Only get him out of there.
N'importe quoi, mais sortez-le.
- Get him out of there.
- Le sortir de là.
Get him out of there.
Faites-le dégager.
Get him out of there. Ladies and gentlemen, there seems to be some delay on our program.
Mesdames et messieurs, il semble y avoir un contretemps.
Get him out of there.
Sortez-Ie de Ia.
- We must get him out of there.
- Il faut sortir de là.
- Want me to get him out of there?
- Tu veux que je le sorte de là?
Tell him I want to help get him out of there. Tell him I want to talk to him.
Dites-lui que je veux l'aider à sortir.
Now, get him out of there.
Maintenant, empêchez-le de rejouer.
I said, get him out of there for half an hour.
Faites-le sortir pendant une demi-heure.
- Get him out of there!
- Sortez-Ie de Ia!
- Let's get him out of there.
- Allons le sortir de là.
Just get him out of there.
Fais-le partir, c'est tout.
Get him out of there!
Sortez-le de là!
Get him out of there.
Sortez-le de là.
I'll get him out of there.
Je le ferai sortir.
Then you get him out of there.
Alors emmène-le, toi!
We'd better get moving, Mike, so we can get him out of there.
Nous ferions mieux de bouger, Mike, nous pourrons peut-être le sortir de là.
You've got 10 seconds to get him out of there.
Vous avez 10 secondes pour le sortir de là.
Just get him out of there.
Faites-le juste sortir.
Nobody can get him out of there except you, Briggs.
Personne ne peut l'atteindre à part vous.
Come on, let's get him out of there before they put him in a straitjacket.
Allons-y avant qu'ils lui mettent la camisole de force.
Yes, I'm going to the asylum and somehow I'm going to get him out of there.
Je pars. Je vais trouver un moyen de le faire sortir.
We've gotta get him out of there alive.
Il faut le sortir vivant.
What happens if we get him out of there?
- Et si nous le sortions du caisson?
I know. We've got to get him out of there.
Oui, il faut le sortir de là.
Now I want you to get him out of there immediately.
Je veux que tu le sortes de là immédiatement.
I'll just have to get him out of there.
Je vais virer ce médecin de là.
Get him up out of there.
Sortez-le de là.
Haven't you fellows caught on yet, there is such a thing as lunacy in the world? I can't get a thing out of him, doctor.
Vous n'avez pas entendu parler de l'aliénation mentale?
Either you get out of here exactly as you came, as little Su-Su Applegate, understand, with never a word to him or anyone else, or there's going to be an extremely nasty scandal with somebody cashiered out of the service.
Soit vous restez la petite Sousou et vous partez. Et pas un mot à qui que ce soit. Soit un vilain scandale éclate, et quelqu'un se fait renvoyer.
Get him out of that side there!
- Encerclez-le! Faites-le descendre!
- Get that leg. Take him on out of there. Get the legs, number four.
Attrapez-lui la jambe!
Get him out there, will you, Mrs. Howells and give him a saucer of milk.
Sortez-le de là, Mrs. Howells et donnez-lui du lait.
There's hundreds of police out to get Johnny and what was the wrong in me diddling him out of harm and putting him into the palm of the hand of mercy?
Des centaines de flics le recherchent. Où est le mal si je le tire de là pour le remettre en de bonnes mains?
I know we don't have jurisdiction over him. I wish there were some way to get him out of town.
Y a-t-il un moyen de lui faire quitter la ville?
Get him out of there.
Ramène-le ici.
Oh, but I could, and I'm the only one who could... because I can anticipate him, try to figure out his next move... and then get there ahead of him... and catch him with his hand right in the jewel case.
Moi, mieux que quiconque. Parce que je peux prévoir ses manœuvres... et le prendre la main dans le sac!
Tell him to stay there. Now get out of here.
Qu'il nous y attende.
You're not gonna leave gino up there. Get him out of here!
- Vous n'allez pas laisser Gino là-haut!
We want the joker who thought of this to come with us and when we get there we're gonna shove him out at 10,000 feet without a parachute.
Que le gars à l'origine de tout ça vienne avec nous... et, qu'une fois là-bas... on le balance à 3 000 mètres d'altitude... sans parachute.
One of these days, there won't be anybody to hold you. Get him out of here! Come on!
Un de ces jours, il n'y aura personne pour vous retenir.
- Gregory, get him out of there, as quickly as possible.
Le plus rapidement possible.
Oh, get him out of there, Tiger.
Il est comment?
We, all of us, went there at one time or another. And all for the same reason : To get money out of him.
On y est tous allés un jour ou l'autre pour la même raison, pour avoir de l'argent.
Get him out of there!
Faites-le sortir de là.
21 00 : 47 : 49 : 05 Get him out of there, will you?
Sortez le de là, voulez vous?
Sam, if you love Darrin, get him out of the advertising business while there's still time.
Sam, si tu aimes Darrin, fais-le quitter le monde de la publicité pendant qu'il en est encore temps.
Get ahold of him. Get out of there.
Sors de là.
I seen the truck, and I seen Barry Waterfield get the hell out of there. And I seen these white guys run after him.
J'ai vu le camion... j'ai vu Barry Waterfield fuir... et j'ai vu ces Blancs lui courir apros.

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