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Get them out of here translate French

665 parallel translation
Get them out of here!
Faites-les sortir d'ici!
Get them out of here.
- Faites-les sortir.
We gotta get them out of here.
Mettons-les à l'abri.
You don't drive them hard enough. Get them out of here!
Il faut être plus sévère!
Get them out of here quick.
Sortons-les d'ici.
Get them out! Get them out of here!
Faites-les circuler!
Well, get them out of here.
Faites-les partir.
Get them out of here, will you?
Ça va. Faites-les sortir.
Get them out of here!
Virez-moi ça!
Well, you'll have to get them out of here.
Ne les amène pas ici.
Get them out of here.
Faites-les partir.
Get them into your ambulance! Get them out of here.
Sautez dans votre ambulance!
And you really think this Dedic, if it was he... will kindly wait for us... until we come to call on him to pay our respects? Get them out of here! Go home and finish your soup.
Vous me dites à 23 h 30 qu'un homme est allé, cet après-midi, dans une de ces 15 maisons, et vous croyez que Dedic, si c'est lui, va gentiment attendre qu'on lui présente nos hommages?
Only hope we get them out of here before the Japs move in.
Pourvu qu'on ait fini avant l'arrivée des Japonais.
Why not pass them around, get them out of here?
Pourquoi ne pas les distribuer?
Get them out of here.
Faites-les sortir d'ici.
Well, in a few moments, I'll do me best to get them out of here.
Je vais essayer de les retenir.
Get them out of here.
Fais-les sortir.
Get them out of here.
Sors-les de là.
Let's get them out of here.
Sortons les de là.
Get them out of here. We'll need these beds. Dr. Snyder wants you, Doctor.
- Qu'ils montent, on a besoin de lits.
Get the kids out of here. Go on, get them out of here.
Fais sortir les gosses d'ici.
Get them out of here, Fuller.
Faites-les sortir d'ici, Fuller.
If you don't like it, I'm out. Get them out of here.
Si mon prix ne te plaît pas, ramène tes petites valises chez toi.
Vous allez les mettre dehors avant qu'on se retrouve au tribunal?
- Get out of here, leave us alone or I'll tell them you're backing the show. No, no, don't do that.
Laissez-nous ou j'annonce que vous nous financez.
You're a moocher like all the rest of them around here, so get out.
Vous êtes un tapeur comme tous ceux qui vous entourent.
I can stop them if you'll get me out of here.
- Je peux les arrêter, si je sors d'ici. - Venez.
Get them all out of here.
Faites-les tous sortir d'ici.
If any of it gets out, you'll go out with your eyes open, only with pennies on them. Now, scram. Get out of here.
Si tu parles, tu ne vivras pas vieux.
Lady, if you can tell them anything, tell'em to get out of here!
Madame, si vous pouvez leur parler, dites-leur de filer d'ici.
Son, you stay here. Don't let them out of your sight till I get back.
Reste ici et ne les quitte pas des yeux.
Get out of here! That's swinging them, Charlie!
Bande d'idiots!
- Get them out of here I said.
- Dehors!
Get them children out of here.
Mettez les enfants à l'abri.
I've a pin and bracelet he gave me worth more than $ 1,000. Will you take them and get out of here?
J'ai un bracelet qui vaut plus de 1 000 $, prenez-le!
You were hunting for it in Dilling study when he surprised you and you killed him. If you have charges to make against me, make them or get out of here.
Si vous n'avez aucune preuve contre moi, sortez.
Dr. Turner, you might use your influence... to benefit these men for once and tell them to get out of here.
Docteur, si vous ne faites rien pour faire partir ces hommes, je vais tirer.
Well, I mean, just let them get one wrong one in here and it'll come out of us.
Que l'on embauche un mauvais élément et c'en est fait de nous.
In that case, we better get them out of here.
Il vaut mieux les mettre dehors.
I'm talking to you as a representative of authority. Because if they could get Molly out of here, August 20, 1943, she would give them $ 10,000.
Si Mulligan peut la faire sortir d'ici ce jour, 20 août 1943, ils auront 10 000 $.
Tell them to send a tow truck, get him out of here.
Qu'ils envoient un remorqueur.
Get them out of here!
Get these records out of here. I don't wanna listen to them again!
Au diable tous ces disques!
All right. Get him out of here. Then you can go back and tell your friends we'll be waiting right here for any more of them that comes in looking for trouble.
Emporte-le... et dis à tes copains que le premier qui se présentera sera bien reçu.
I left them and came up here to get Mike out of jail.
Je les ai abandonnées pour venir sortir Mike de prison.
Ruby, go get the children out of bed and bring them down here.
Ruby, va chercher les enfants et amène-les tous ici.
There's a constant stream of men in and out of here day and night. Can't get them out of my hair. See.
J'ai un véritable défilé d'hommes, chez moi.
Get the dog out of here. Take them all in!
Foutez ce chien dehors, emmenez tout ce monde!
All right, let's tear them up. Burn them and let's get out of here.
Déchirons, brûlons tout ça et allons-nous en.
Get them out of here!
Tout le monde dehors!

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