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Harmonica translate French

335 parallel translation
Next time bring me some knitting needles or a mouth organ.
Apportez-moi du tricot ou un harmonica.
I'll bet with this peg leg of mine and my harmonica, I could raise $ 3 in no time.
Avec ma jambe et mon harmonica, je peux ramasser trois dollars vite fait.
You mean with your harmonica and my :
Tu veux dire avec ton harmonica et mes :
Well, I've been playing the harmonica for 40 years. Didn't do me a bit of good.
J'ai joué de l'harmonica pendant 40 ans ça ne m'a pas profité.
Hey! Did you ever hear a tune on a harmonica called "A Fox Chase"... with the dogs and everything in it?
Vous connaissez un air d'harmonica qui s'appelle "La chasse à courre"... avec des jappements de chiens?
Say, did you ever hear a fella play a harmonica three different ways... and end up playing it with his nose?
Vous avez déjà vu quelqu'un jouer de l'harmonica de 3 façons différentes... et finir par en jouer avec son nez?
¶ [Playing harmonica] ¶ STRUGGLE ALONG ¶
" Avancez avec courage
I'm not sure, but I think someone began singing. Someone danced and Grandpa Vanderhof sat down and played a mouth organ.
J'ai cru entendre quelqu'un chanter, un autre danser, et Grand-père Vanderhof a embouché son harmonica!
It's a new harmonica.
Un nouvel harmonica...
- Grandpa plays the harmonica. - Really?
Grand-père joue de l'harmonica.
Collected stamps. Went to the zoo when I got the notion, took up the harmonica again and even found time to notice when spring came around.
J'ai collectionné les timbres, je suis allé au zoo, je me suis remis à l'harmonica, et j'ai trouvé le temps de remarquer le retour du printemps!
This would be a fine country if we all visited the zoo and played the harmonica.
On serait bien si tout le monde passait sa vie à aller au zoo et à jouer de l'harmonica!
Here, how'd you like to have my harmonica?
Aimeriez-vous que je vous offre mon harmonica?
I just take out my harmonica and I play on it until that crisis just fades away.
Je sors mon harmonica, et j'en joue jusqu'à ce que la tempête s'éloigne.
I think if we played a duet together, you and I, on the harmonica...
Je pense que si nous jouions en duo, tous les deux...
- You brought it with you, didn't you? - Well, I...
Vous avez apporté votre harmonica?
How about a nice mouth organ, sir?
Que diriez-vous d'un harmonica?
I was fooling around with my harmonica and he comes over and joins in. I haven't been able to shake him since.
Je jouais de l'harmonica, il est venu jouer avec moi, on ne s'est plus quittés.
I reckon that mouth organ's worth more than a dime.
Cet harmonica doit valoir plus que dix cents.
I want to earn another two shillings to buy a mouth organ with.
Pour gagner 2 shillings et acheter un harmonica.
I want one of those mouth organs.
Je veux un harmonica.
Get another sixpence, sonny, then you can have a mouth organ.
Tu auras ton harmonica quand tu pourras le payer.
For the harmonica?
- Pour l'harmonica?
One of the things the owner reported missing was a harmonica.
Le prêteur a signalé le vol d'un harmonica.
A harmonica player?
Un joueur d'harmonica?
Oh, a lot of queer eggs among'em... but an acrobat that played the harmonica? That queer I never saw one.
Il y a plein de mecs bizarres, mais un acrobate-harmoniciste, bizarre à ce point, j'ai jamais vu.
Look. Any of you guys ever know a wrestler who liked to play the harmonica?
Qui connaît un catcheur qui joue de l'harmonica?
Sure. Willie the harmonica player.
Willie l'Harmonica, Willie Garzah.
He's a fella who likes to play the, uh, whatchamacallit.
C'est un gars qui aime jouer de... De l'harmonica.
- I don't know him. - Plays the harmonica.
- Il joue de l'harmonica.
A harmonica?
Un harmonica?
Just as other boys have to have jackknives or harmonicas or baseball bats.
Comme d'autres garçons d'un canif ou d'un harmonica.
That's Lennie. He's my big brother
"Ca c'est son cadeau d'anniversaire un harmonica".
He's twelve today. That's his birthday present, the harmonica.
"Lennie est bon pour jouer de l'harmonica et aussi au base-ball."
Lennie is a good harmonica player He's a good baseball player too.
"Il méritait pas de cadeau parce qu'il prend toujours mon tour."
He shouldn't got no birthday present'cause for all the time he's teasing me not even lets me touch his harmonica
"Il me laisse pas non plus toucher son harmonica." "Lui c'est Joey, mon petit frère. Tous disent toujours :"
Then he new you were dead. If anything happens to that harmonica, you'll pay.
Je lui ai donné pour lui faire croire que t'étais mort.
You brought it.
There was a witness. A little stevedore who played the harmonica saw the whole thing.
Un manutentionnaire qui jouait de l'harmonica a tout vu.
You some harmonica player.
Tu es un as de l'harmonica!
A little guitar sounds good with a mouth harp, don't you think?
Un peu de guitare pour accompagner l'harmonica, c'est joli, non?
Will you tell Greg to quit playing the mouth organ while I practice?
Je ne peux pas étudier... si Greg joue de l'harmonica!
- Yes, Mother? Don't play the harmonica while Robert is playing the piano.
Ne joue plus de l'harmonica.
Tell you what we'll do. This evening, we'll take time for music lessons. Bob will have a lesson on the piano,
Ce soir, je vous donnerai des leçons de piano et d'harmonica.
I wish that kid would stop playing that mouth-organ.
S'il pouvait arrêter avec son harmonica!
No secretive music performed on a glass harmonica behind the curtain?
Vous ne jouez pas de l'harmonica derrière le rideau?
That's Robert's harmonica. You'll get to know it well.
C'est l'harmonica de Robert.
- I want that mouth organ.
Je veux l'harmonica.
Hey, my harmonica!
Ca m'ennuie un peu pour lui.
I left it back in the lot.
Mon harmonica!
Says who? Says Me!
S'il arrive quelque chose à mon harmonica tu me le payeras.

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