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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / Hayato

Hayato translate French

124 parallel translation
Hayato Nanjo and Tokubei Ikeda are in Edo.
Hayato Nanjô et Tokubei Ikeda sont à Edo.
As I suspected, it's Hayato-no-sho Susukida!
Hayatoshô Susukida?
Catch Hayato-no-sho!
Attrapez Hayatoshô!
Or was it Sir Hayato Susukida?
Ou c'est Hayatoshô qui m'a sauvé...
I won't let you get away today, Hayato-no-sho!
Cette fois, je t'aurai!
Are you an associate of Hayato?
Le vieux, tu es un ami de Hayatoshô?
Hayato-no-sho... I promise I'll take your life some day.
Hayatoshô, je finirai par avoir ta peau!
You men locate and capture the woman named Ai, a member of Hayato-no-sho's group.
Vous, trouvez-moi la femme nommée Ai, de la bande de Hayatoshô.
Sir Hayato-no-sho... Until today I've made all the efforts I could to prevent a war between our family and Tokugawa.
M. Hayatoshô, jusqu'à ce jour, j'ai tout fait pour empêcher la guerre entre les Toyotomi et les Tokugawa.
Hayato-no-sho, please take me to Itamiya in Sakai.
M. Hayatoshô, conduisez-moi chez Itamiya, au port de Sakai.
Is it you, Sir Hayato?
M. Hayatoshô!
On top of it all, you got Hayato-no-sho to pay for the foreign arms and offered them to Tokugawa.
En plus, tu as volé Hayatoshô et revendu les fusils!
I'm Mohei! Where's Hayato-no-sho?
Je suis Mohei!
Where is Hayato-no-sho?
Où est Hayatoshô?
This is the camp of Hayato-no-sho Susukida.
Tu es ici dans mon camp.
Our master swordsman, Hayato Yazaki Young... is eager for action!
Notre maître d'armes, le jeune Hayato Yazaki... est prompt à réagir!
Then I beg the services of Hayato Yazaki
Alors je requiers les services de Hayato Yazaki.
You wish Hayato?
Vous souhaitez Hayato?
Hikokuro was most insistent and forced Motome Chijiiwa to commit Suicide lt was Hayato Yazaki who discovered that the blade was of bamboo...
C'est Hikokuro qui a insisté et a forcé Motome Chijiiwa à commettre le suicide. Ce fut Hayato Yazaki qui a découvert que l'épée était en bambou...
Hon. Hayato Yazaki... hon. Umenosuke Kawabe... both swordsmen held in high esteem by the Iyi Clan for their honourand bravery
l'honorable Umenosuke Kawabe... tout deux fines lames tenus en haute estime par le Clan Iyi pour leur honneur et leur bravoure.
Choichiro Kawarasaki ( Hayato )
Choichiro Kawarasaki ( Hayato )
He says his name is Hayato,
Il dit se nommer Hayato.
Hayato has been seen running away with a woman,
On aurait vu une femme fuir avec Hayato. Une femme?
The neighbor said that he saw Hayato escape with a woman wearing a wide-brimmed hat,
Le voisin a déclaré avoir vu Hayato courir avec une femme coiffée d'une capeline.
Hayato, killed in action
Hayato, mort au combat
Isao Natsuyagi
Isao Natsuyagi ( Hayato )
Tell me, Hayato, what about a horse ride?
Dis-moi, Hayato, une randonnée à cheval, ça te dirait?
Listen. Hayato is a nobody now.
Hayato n'est plus rien.
I know that Hayato is in Edo.
Je sais que Hayato est à Edo.
Hayato didn't tell you anything?
Hayato ne t'a rien dit?
Why are you still thinking about Hayato?
Pourquoi penses-tu encore à Hayato?
I'm Hayato's wife.
Je suis la femme d'Hayato.
Do you love Hayato so much?
Tu l'aimes autant, Hayato?
Hayato and his men want to kill our lord.
Hayato et ses hommes, ils veulent tuer notre Seigneur. Où sont-ils?
Hayato, my sister was raped by a lord.
Hayato, ma sœur a été violée par un seigneur.
Shall we let Hayato attack Nariatsu?
On laisse Hayato attaquer Nariatsu?
It's you, Hayato.
C'est toi, Hayato.
And I'm Hayato, former Oshi's vassal.
Et moi Hayato, ancien vassal d'Oshi.
Mr. Yatota and Mr. Hayato.
Yatôta et Hayato.
Look at that, Hayato.
Regarde, Hayato.
Run, Hayato!
Hayato, cours!
Sir Yatota and Sir Hayato are home!
Yatôta et Hayato sont de retour!
What, Yatota and Hayato are home?
Quoi? Yatôta et Hayato sont revenus?
- Hayato!
- Hayato!
Oh, you're Sir Hayato Susukida.
Hayatoshô Susukida...
Où est Hayatoshô?
Sir Hayato, you too!
Hayato, tu es là aussi!

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