He doesn't know me translate French
576 parallel translation
You're healthy and happy. But I, believe me... if a man doesn't know death, he doesn't know life.
Pour connaître la vie... il faut avoir frôlé la mort.
He doesn't want me to speak of it to you, but you may as well know.
II ne veut pas que j'en parle, mais autant que tu le saches.
With me? But he doesn't even know me!
Mais il ne me connaît pas!
He invites me to dinner when he doesn't even know me.
" Il m'invite à dîner.
You know how you sound, Mr. Blaine? Like a man trying to convince himself of something he doesn't believe.
Vous me faites penser à un homme qui... veut se convaincre de quelque chose en quoi il ne croit pas.
Don't tell me he doesn't even know your name!
Ne me dites pas qu'il ne sait pas votre nom!
Oh, I know he doesn't like me.
Je sais qu'il ne m'aime pas.
He goes to school with me for years and now he doesn't know what ethyl chloride is.
Il suit mes cours pendant des années et il ignore ce qu'est le chlorure d'éthyle.
Charlie, the fellow I ´ m with... he doesn ´ t know about me, and I ´ d appreciate it very much... you know, if you wouldn ´ t- -
Charlie, l "homme qui m" accompagne, il n "est pas au courant, et j" apprécierais beaucoup, tu sais, que tu ne...
He doesn't want to see me because he's lost his leg and he doesn't even want me to know it's happened till he gets a new leg and learns how to use it.
Il ne veut pas me voir car il a perdu une jambe et il ne veut pas que je le sache avant qu'il ait une nouvelle jambe et qu'il sache s'en servir.
Because I know he doesn't want to hurt me..
Parce que je sais qu'iI ne veut pas me décevoir.
- Not to me. Taylor doesn't make much sense to me. Taking a beating to find somebody he doesn't know... running down a three-year-old murder.
Taylor se fait tabasser pour trouver quelqu'un qu'il ne connaît pas, il s'intéresse à un vieux meurtre.
He doesn't know me.
Il ne me connaît pas.
And he doesn't even know me.
Et il ne me connaît même pas.
I told him about my temporary job, and he doesn't like it. What with the murder and all. You know, madam.
Il n'aime pas me savoir ici avec le meurtre et tout ça.
He doesn't know me.
II ne me connaît pas.
But how can I be sure when I know he still doesn't believe me?
Mais comment puis-je en être sûre quand je sais qu'il ne me crois pas?
He doesn't even know me.
Il ne me connaît pas.
I thought if a man doesn't know what he's doing or where he's going, the best thing for him to do is just back up and start all over again.
Et j'ai réfléchi. Je me suis dit que si on ne savait pas ce qu'on faisait et où on allait, le mieux était de prendre du recul et recommencer à zéro.
He doesn't know anybody - neither Rosa nor me, understood?
Il ne connaît personne, ni Rosa, ni moi. Compris?
Come along! Come along now! He doesn't know me.
Viens, mais viens donc.
He doesn't even know me.
Il ne me connait même pas.
They ought to know by now he doesn't want me, doesn't need me any more.
Ils doivent savoir qu'il n'a plus besoin de moi, qu'il ne me veut plus.
If he doesn't, then I'll know I'm wrong... and I'll give up.
S'il reste impassible, je me serai trompé. Dans ce cas, je renoncerai.
You know, Fitz doesn't like me to kill them, but I do when he's out of the room.
Vous savez, Fitz n'aime pas que je les tue, je le fais quand il est pas là
He doesn't know about me, does he, Nicky?
Tu ne lui as pas parlé de moi?
He doesn't know me from Adam.
Il ne me connaît même pas.
He doesn't know me, but my son Antoine and his son are friends.
Michaud. Il ne me connaît pas, mais Antoine, mon fils, est un ami de son fils.
Well, he doesn't know me.
Il ne me connaît pas.
- But he doesn't even know me.
- Mais il me connaît pas!
- He doesn't know anything about me.
Pour lui, un garçon n'a qu'un but. Il ne me connaît pas...
You know what he's like. He doesn't care about me or Flora. He doesn't care what happens to us.
Il se moque de ce qui peut nous arriver, à Flora et à moi.
He doesn't know a thing about you and me so please watch what you say.
Il ne sait rien de toi et moi.
And Harry, he's so jealous, you know, doesn't like other men even looking at me.
Eux non plus. Je ne vais pas l'épouser, Harry, mais il ne veut pas comprendre.
But what he doesn't know... is that you swore never to see me again.
Mais il y a une chose qu'il ne sait pas... que tu avais juré de ne plus me revoir.
He doesn't know it yet, but I'm going along and I want you to meet me there at 10 : 00.
Il ne le sait pas encore, mais j'y serai, et je veux que tu y sois à 10 h.
He doesn't know she's a cat, but now he thinks I'm a rat.
Il ne me croit pas, il me prend pour un rat.
He doesn't even know me. I'm very sorry.
Il ne me reconnaît même pas.
Doesn't he know you're out with me?
Il sait que vous sortez avec moi.
McFly doesn't know I'm here. He said, when he locked me in my room I'd be safe... as long as I stayed there and kept my mouth shut.
McFly m'a dit, en m'enfermant, que je serais en sûreté tant que j'y resterais et me tairais.
I know he doesn't strike me right.
Je sais quand quelque chose cloche.
It makes me sick to see a child obeying just like that, he doesn't even know where his family is.
Ça me rend malade moi de voir un enfant obéissant comme ça, il ne sait même plus où est sa famille.
He doesn't know how to teach me, him.
Il ne sait pas m'apprendre, lui.
And for him, after this... fight, he can't say he doesn't know me.
Et lui, apres ce... combat, on ne peut pas dire qu'il ne me connaisse pas.
You mean he doesn't know?
Il ne me connaît pas?
If he thinks I'm put off by a locked door, he doesn't know me!
Ce n'est pas une porte verrouillée qui va m'arrêter!
He doesn't even know who the hell I am.
Il ne me reconnaît même pas.
How does he know? He doesn't even know me!
II sait pas, il me connaît pas!
He doesn't want to know about me, Mara.
Il ne veut rien savoir de moi, Mara.
This exemplary citizen, this Meletus I tell you is guilty because he has dragged me into court pretending to interest himself in things he doesn't know anything about. Reply to my question, Meletus.
Je vous dis qu'il est coupable car il m'a traîné en justice prétendant s'inquiéter de causes dont il ne se soucie pas.
My bishop doesn't know, but he's given me exactly what I wanted :
Mon évêque ne s'en doutait pas, mais il m'a donné ce que je voulais.
he doesn't love me 32
he doesn't have to 52
he doesn't 603
he doesn't mind 30
he doesn't understand 65
he doesn't know 228
he doesn't like me 35
he doesn't care 94
he doesn't want to 29
he doesn't like it 37
he doesn't have to 52
he doesn't 603
he doesn't mind 30
he doesn't understand 65
he doesn't know 228
he doesn't like me 35
he doesn't care 94
he doesn't want to 29
he doesn't like it 37