He doesn't know that translate French
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He knows that we lived together in Israel, but he doesn't know the...
Il sait qu'on a vécu ensemble en Israël... mais il ne sait rien de la nature de tout ça.
You should know, then, that he doesn't share her affection!
Vous devriez savoir, alors, qu'il ne partage pas son affection!
If there's a war, and they draft him, though he doesn't know why, and the war goes on anyway, then that's his fault ; and it serves him right.
Si la guerre éclate, s'il est mobilisé et qu'il ignore pourquoi, qu'il n'y est pour rien, c'est de sa faute, et tant pis pour lui!
That doesn't say anything to me. I know where he keeps the keys to the apartment.
- Je sais où est la clé de son appart.
when you know perfectly well that he doEsn't have any money?
Vous savez bien qu'il n'a pas un sou.
In times of social crisis and tension, in times when changes come so thick and fast that the individual can no longer place himself in his group, when he knows that something is wrong, but doesn't know what,
Dans un climat de crise sociale et de tension, quand les changements sont importants et rapides, l'individu ne trouve plus sa place dans le groupe.
That kid doesn't know if it's night or day when he gets going.
Ce gosse ne sait plus s'arrêter.
He doesn't know that, but...
Non. Mais...
Ootek has taken a particular interest in the study, though I've learned there is little about wolves that he doesn't already know.
Ootek s'intéresse de près à mon étude, bien qu'il en sache déjà très long sur les loups.
He doesn't know what that is.
- Il ne sait pas ce qu'est un domestique.
Tell him that if anyone comes around asking questions he doesn't know anything.
Dites-lui que si quelqu'un vient poser des questions, il ne sait rien.
But since the bagger doesn't know that, he stays and we leave.
Mais comme le ramasseur l'ignore, il reste pendant qu'on s'en va.
We came to let you know that our son Ernesto... He doesn't want to return to school.
- On est venu pour vous avertir que notre fils Ernesto, il ne veut plus retourner à l'école,
- He doesn't even know that girl!
- Il ne la connaît même pas!
It's just that he doesn't know what it is.
Il ne la comprend pas, c'est tout.
Who? He doesn't know that.
- Il ne le sait pas.
Bon, mon voyageur, on va se promener?
He doesn't know. He says that the NVA ain't been around in a couple of months.
Il ne sait pas. ll dit que l'A.V.N. n'est pas venue depuis deux mois.
No, but he doesn't know that.
Non, mais il ne le sait pas.
Besides, we don't want Yuri travelling with some rookie agent that he doesn't even know, do we?
Et puis, Yuri ne va pas voyager avec un agent débutant qui lui est étranger, non?
Well, maybe what he needs is someone that he doesn't know so well... someone that he can open up to.
Il lui faut peut-être quelqu'un de moins proche. - À qui il pourrait se confier.
I know he doesn't gamble or anything, but it's good that he's out there trying to meet new people.
Il ne joue pas... mais c'est bien qu'il rencontre des gens.
Then it's just me and Calderone, and he doesn't know he has no help when he steps off that plane.
Et après, c'est entre lui et moi. Il ignore qu'il sera seul en arrivant.
He doesn't say anything, but I know every time he looks at me, he's thinking about how he caught us in that car.
Il ne dit rien, mais quand il me regarde... il pense à ce qu'il nous a vus faire. Je le connais depuis longtemps... et quand Al ne dit rien, il ne pense à rien. Crois-moi.
If a man knows your frailties, it doesn't necessarily mean that he's your enemy, you know.
Ce n'est pas parce qu'un homme connaît vos faiblesses... qu'il est nécessairement votre ennemi.
I'm in love with this man... but he doesn't know that.
Je l'aime. Mais il ne le sait pas.
We all know you're a big, tough guy, Ben... but that doesn't mean you're a loner. And it takes a big man to admit that he needs his friends.
Tout le monde sait que vous êtes un dur, Ben, mais ça ne veut pas dire que vous êtes un solitaire, et il faut avoir du cran pour admettre qu'on a besoin de ses amis.
He seems to be indicating that he doesn't know him.
Il semble te dire qu'il ne le connait pas.
But he doesn't know that.
Je sais.
Could it be that he really doesn't know how he made the transmission?
Se peut-il qu'il ne sache vraiment pas comment il a opéré la transmission?
After all, he doesn't know that life is impossible here now.
Après tout, iI ne sait même pas... que Ia vie est devenue impossible ici
It's a startling thing when you look your father in the eye and you know that he doesn't exactly know who you are.
C'est terrible, de regarder son père dans les yeux en sachant qu'il ne vous reconnaît pas.
Make sure Chris doesn't do any stunts or race any fast cars, or, you know, that he doesn't- -
Veille à ce que Chris ne fasse pas de cascade, de course de voitures... tu sais, qu'il ne- -
He doesn't know I know that. Hi, Ray.
Il ne sait pas que je sais.
But he doesn't know that he knows.
Mais il ne sait pas qu'il sait.
If you've been listening, you know he doesn't like that.
Mais il n'aime pas se faire poser des questions directes.
But what he doesn't know... is that your eyesight is 20 / 20.
Mais ce qu'il ne sait pas... c'est que tu as une vision parfaite.
He doesn't even know that I've telephoned you.
Il ne sait même pas que je t'ai téléphoné.
I know what he planned on doing. But that doesn't mean you had to be in on it. And you might not have known about it beforehand.
Je sais ce qu'il avait prévu de faire mais ça ne veut pas dire que tu étais dedans.
He doesn't know where we are now, and I'd like to keep it that way.
Il ne sait pas où on est et c'est parfait comme ça.
Let's take it out for a test drive. Despite the fact that he has no license, and from what Marina says doesn't know how to drive, he hits the curves like A.J. Foyt at the Indy 500.
Bien qu'il n'ait pas de permis et ne sache pas conduire, il négocie des virages comme un as d'Indianapolis.
I'm the only one in town That doesn't know what he's doing.
Je suis le seul à ne pas savoir ce qu'il fait.
He doesn't have to know that we're desperate.
Il ne doit pas savoir qu'on est désespérés.
He doesn't know that he's about to pay me back for cheating me out of what's rightfully mine.
Il ne sait pas encore qu'il va payer pour m'avoir escroqué de ce qui est à moi.
That means he doesn't know.
Ça veut dire qu'il ne sait pas.
Better that she should sleep with someone else? Some jerk that he doesn't even know?
Il vaut mieux qu'elle couche avec toi qu'avec le premier taré venu.
They're 0-6! Doesn't he know there's fans out there that would shoot at a plate like that?
Il y a des tas de dingues qui seraient prêts à tuer, pour ça.
That boy's going into the church and he doesn't even know how to protect a girl's honor.
Ce garçon va à l'église et ignore même comment protéger l'honneur d'une fille.
He doesn't know that yet.
Il ne le sait pas encore. Il dort toujours.
So he might know something that Bullock doesn't want revealed.
Il pourrait donc savoir quelque chose que Bullock veut garder secret.
Are you telling me that she doesn't know what he does for a living?
Vous voulez dire qu'elle ne sait pas ce qu'il fait dans la vie?
he doesn't love me 32
he doesn't have to 52
he doesn't 603
he doesn't mind 30
he doesn't understand 65
he doesn't know 228
he doesn't like me 35
he doesn't care 94
he doesn't want to 29
he doesn't like it 37
he doesn't have to 52
he doesn't 603
he doesn't mind 30
he doesn't understand 65
he doesn't know 228
he doesn't like me 35
he doesn't care 94
he doesn't want to 29
he doesn't like it 37