He doesn't mean it translate French
475 parallel translation
Because he sees the sun today doesn't mean he'll see it tomorrow.
- Celui qui voit le soleil aujourd'hui le verra-t-il demain?
He doesn't mean it.
Il ne peut pas!
Now look here, boys, just because a fellow wears a hat, you know... it doesn't mean he can't throw a snowball.
Les enfants, ce n'est pas parce qu'un homme porte un chapeau qu'il ne sait pas lancer des boules de neige.
Say, just because a guy takes off his shoes and socks to go wading, doesn't mean that he's planning to swim the Atlantic, does it?
Si un homme se déchausse pour traverser à gué, il ne s'apprête pas à franchir l'Atlantique.
- You mean he doesn't know it?
- Il ne le sait pas?
You mean you want him to have the policy without him knowing it. And that means without the insurance company knowing that he doesn't know it.
Vous voulez l'assurer à son insu et sans que la compagnie sache qu'il ne le sait pas.
I mean, she's crazy about him and he doesn't seem to mind it.
Je veux dire, elle est folle de lui et ça ne le dérange pas.
Because, a chap becomes a ghost, it surely doesn't mean that he ceases to be a gentleman.
Devenir fantôme signifierait ne plus être un gentleman?
AII the money and the glory that he gets through you doesn't mean a thing to you, does it?
L'argent et la gloire qu'il obtient grâce à toi ne veulent rien dire pour toi, pas vrai?
He does mean it, doesn't he, Aunt Sissy :?
Papa est sincère, dis?
He doesn't mean it that way, I'm sure.
La noblesse voit peut-être les choses autrement.
He doesn't mean anything by it.
Il n'est pas méchant.
When he told Claggett to open up the church it doesn't mean he'll put on a pair of white gloves and cuddle up to you in the front pew.
Et s'il a soutenu l'église, il n'ira pas jusqu'à vous y accompagner!
He doesn't really mean it.
Il ne le pense pas vraiment.
Just because a man has one perfect rose in his garden at home, it doesn't mean that he can't appreciate the flowers of the field.
Ce n'est pas parce qu'un homme a une rose parfaite dans son jardin qu'il ne peut pas apprécier les fleurs des champs.
Perhaps it doesn't mean anything to him, as long as he gets paid.
Peut-être que seul l'argent l'intéresse.
Maybe he did have some ideas. It doesn't mean that I shared them.
Il avait peut-être son idée mais ça n'engageait que lui.
It doesn't mean he's drowned! No one says it does, but it's the nearest we've come.
C'est tout ce qu'on a pour l'instant.
I mean, maybe he doesn't mean it but he acts like he does.
Même s'il ne le pense pas, il agit tout comme.
- He doesn't mean it.
- Il ne pense pas ce qu'il dit.
- He doesn't mean it.
- Il plaisante.
He's seen photos of gas cases, but it doesn't mean anything to me.
Il a vu des photos de gazés, mais ça ne veut rien dire pour moi.
What do you mean'run down'? He doesn't look it to me.
Je suis contente de te voir.
Listen, mam, I wish you'd tell him... he really doesn't think that he's guilty, and he should keep it to himself, you see what I mean?
Vous devriez lui dire. S'il est vraiment sûr d'être innocent, il devrait la boucler.
He doesn't mean anything with that chip on his shoulder. It's just his way of fighting everybody because he can't cure the patients.
Il parle comme ça parce qu'il n'arrive pas à soigner les patients.
- He doesn't mean to do it. - He does!
- Il n'est pas sérieux.
He doesn't mean it.
- Il ne le pense pas.
It was posted in Rome, but that doesn't mean to say that he posted it!
Elle a été postée à Rome, mais pas forcément par lui.
He doesn't really mean it, boys!
Il veut pas dire ça, garçons!
Look, we know he doesn't mean any harm but the judge doesn't know it.
Ecoutez, je sais qu'il est inoffensif, mais le juge ne le sait pas.
- It would mean he doesn't exist!
Il n'existe pas!
That doesn't mean that he doesn't love it.
Ça ne veut pas dire qu'il ne l'aime pas.
That doesn't mean he expected it to happen.
Ça ne veut pas dire qu'il voulait que ça arrive.
Yes, there is, but it doesn't mean he'll let you in.
Oui, mais ce n'est pas sûr que vous y arriviez.
He doesn't mean it.
Il ne pense pas ce qu'il dit.
That doesn't mean he was responsible for it. His trial will tell, Captain.
Ce champ est composé de particules subatomiques puissantes.
- He doesn't mean it.
- Il ne pense pas à mal.
He doesn't mean it. He doesn't want to go.
Il ne le pense pas, il ne veut pas partir.
However, it doesn't mean that he was going to leave the country tonight.
Néanmoins, ça ne veut pas dire qu'il partait ce soir.
He doesn't mean it personally.
- Ce n'était pas contre vous.
He doesn't mean it.
Y a rien de méchant.
He could win 1500. It doesn't mean he will.
Il pourrait gagner 1500 $ mais cela ne dit pas qu'il gagnera.
I don't mean to be unkind. I just think it's better that he doesn't get around other influences and stuff.
Sans vouloir être désagréable, il vaut mieux qu'il se mette à l'abri de mauvaises influences.
I can't understand why he talks that way about Wilder... he doesn't mean it
Je ne peux pas comprendre pourquoi il parle ainsi de Wilder... il ne pense pas ce qu'il dit
He doesn't mean to criticize, but you will not find it easy to hit a meteor with your warheads pointing toward the USSR.
Sans vouloir vous critiquer, il vous sera difficile de toucher un météore avec des fusées pointées sur l'URSS.
I mean, a lawyer doesn't turn down a divorce case just'cause it might get sticky, does he?
Un avocat ne refuse pas une affaire de divorce de peur que ce soit délicat.
He doesn't mean it like that.
Tu sais bien qu'il est pas méchant.
He really doesn't mean it. You guys are just at each other's throats.
- Higgins ne le pensait pas.
No doubt we're all crazy in some ways, believe me, but that doesn't mean we have to go parading out our psychosis to some other psychotic just because he has a white coat and a degree, does it?
On est tous dingues, d'une manière ou d'une autre, mais ça ne signifie pas qu'il faut exhiber nos psychoses devant un cinglé sous prétexte qu'il a un diplôme.
He doesn't mean anything by it.
C'était sans intention, Zack.
He's just a bit old, that's all, It doesn't mean he's afraid,
II est un peu vieux, c'est tout. - Ce n'est pas pour ça qu'il a peur.
he doesn't love me 32
he doesn't have to 52
he doesn't 603
he doesn't mind 30
he doesn't understand 65
he doesn't know 228
he doesn't care 94
he doesn't like me 35
he doesn't want to 29
he doesn't like it 37
he doesn't have to 52
he doesn't 603
he doesn't mind 30
he doesn't understand 65
he doesn't know 228
he doesn't care 94
he doesn't like me 35
he doesn't want to 29
he doesn't like it 37