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He said he'd be here translate French

140 parallel translation
I said about 5 : 00, and he said he'd be here then.
J'ai dit vers 17 h, et il a dit qu'il viendrait.
But 20 minutes ago, Lucky said he'd be here in five minutes.
Lucky a dit qu'il arrivait!
He said Koster had already left with Jaffe and they'd be here in 2 hours by automobile.
Il m'a dit que Koster était déjà parti avec Jaffé et il seront là dans 2 heures de voiture.
- Where's Joe? He said he'd be here.
Il a dit qu'il viendrait.
- He said they'd be here at 7 : 00.
- Qu'ils seraient ici à 19 h.
He said he'd be here when he finishes lining up the National Defense Program.
Il dit qu'il viendra une fois fini le Programme de défense nationale.
I just got through talking to him on the phone. He said he'd try to be here as soon as he could.
Buckley viendra dès qu'il le pourra.
He said he'd be on time with them cattle, and here he is.
Il avait bien dit qu'il amènerait le bétail à temps.
He said he'd be here today.
Il a dit qu'il viendrait aujourd'hui.
François said he'd make it a point to be here, didn't he?
François a dit qu'il tâcherait d'être là.
If we're all gonna be in here 3 or 4 days, close together like, it might be a good idea if a certain party, not to mention no names, was to do what he said he'd do.
Si on doit rester 4 jours enfermés ensemble... il y en a un d'entre nous qui devrait faire ce qu'il a promis.
- Steed. I phoned his flat and someone said he'd be here.
C'est interdit de voyager sans passeport!
He said he'd be here ten minutes ago.
Il devrait être ici!
McFly doesn't know I'm here. He said, when he locked me in my room I'd be safe... as long as I stayed there and kept my mouth shut.
McFly m'a dit, en m'enfermant, que je serais en sûreté tant que j'y resterais et me tairais.
He said he'd be right back so you're to stay here.
Il ne va pas tarder à rentrer. Reste ici, en attendant.
He said he'd be here this morning.
II devait venir, ce matin.
Jesus, he said he'd be here.
II devrait être là.
It's strange, he said he'd be here in a few minutes.
Bizarre, il devait nous rejoindre ici.
He said he'd be here.
Il a promis de venir.
He said he'd be here a week.
He said he was honoured to be here and plans to attend the parade and the ringing of the new bell on Saturday night.
Il s'est dit honoré d'être ici et a indiqué qu'il assisterait au défilé et à la sonnerie de la cloche samedi.
- I don't know. He said he'd be here.
- Je ne sais pas.
TosCanni said he'd be here yesterday.
Toscanni a dit qu'il passerait hier.
He's not here? I called him a little while ago, and he said he'd be in.
Je viens d'appeler, il m'a dit de passer.
Said he'd be back here in time to catch the bus.
Il sera au départ du car.
He said he'd be here in 10 minutes.
Il a dit 1 0 minutes.
He said he'd be here.
Il a dit qu'il viendrait.
He said they'd be here by noon.
Qu'ils seront là vers midi.
A week ago. Said he'd be here in seven days.
- Il allait venir dans sept jours.
Harry. He said you'd be coming here with MacGyver.
Harry a dit que vous viendriez ici avec MacGyver.
Yes, he was here. He said something about a story we might be interested in.
Oui, il voulait me parler d'un sujet qui pouvait m'intéresser.
I thought you said he'd be here. No.
- II devait être ici.
Said he'd be here when the hammer went down.
Il a dit qu'il serait là.
He said, "We could just sit here... staring at her until this time next year... but she would still be the same."
"Si tu restes près d'elle, ça peut durer plus d'un an. " Elle ne bougera pas, elle restera comme ça. "
He said there might be a couple of nights work here.
D'après lui, il y a peut-être du boulot.
He said that if I got good enough grades at Holy Cross... - and I will, I promise... that I'd be admitted here officially.
Il a dit que si j'obtenais des notes assez bonnes à Ste-Croix- -et j'y arriverai, je le promets- - je serais admis ici officiellement.
We're gonna wait for Mr. Rich because he said he'd be here.
Attendons M. Rich, il a promis de venir.
Grandpa said he'd be long dead before you got here.
Grand-pére disait gu ´ il serait mort avant votre arrivée.
That fool said he'd be here by 11 : 00.
Cet idiot a dit qu'il serait là pour 11h.
- He said he'd be here.
- J'en sais foutre rien!
He said he wouldn't be sitting here today trying to explain these things to you or me or... He'd just be dead.
Il ne serait pas là à essayer d'expliquer tout ça, il serait mort.
No, he'll be here, if he said he'd meet you.
Non, il va arriver, si vous aviez rendez-vous.
He said you'd be here, which is why I came.
Il a dit que tu venais, c'est pourquoi je suis venue aussi.
Paul said he'd be here.
Paul a dit qu'il serait là.
He said he'd be here on New Year's Eve.
Les reprendre?
He said he'd be here.
Il a dit qu'il serait là.
He said he'd be here before the party.
Il devait revenir avant la fête.
He said he'd be at the bridge joining here to heaven.
Il dit qu'il sera au pont qui relie ce monde avec le paradis.
- But he said he'd be here.
- Mais il a dit qu'il y serait.
- Dad said he'd be in here.
- Papa a dit qu'il serait là.
- He said he'd be here in a few minutes.
Il vient pour vous parler.

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