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Hilly translate French

246 parallel translation
Over there, in that hilly section.
Par ici, dans ces collines.
There's no navy in Idaho because it's too hilly.
Il n'y a pas de marine en Idaho.
Bit hilly though, one up to Bedfordshire.
Mais ça grimpe jusqu'au Bedfordshire...
- Hilly terrain. - Hills...
- Un terrain accidenté.
Call me Hilly.
Appelez-moi Hilly.
Oh, Hilly!
Oh, Hilly!
You do love me just a little, don't you, Hilly?
Vous m'aimez un peu, n'est-ce pas Hilly?
Hilly, you old devil.
Hilly, vieux diablotin!
- Hilly.
- Hilly.
But I think you do not like girls, Hilly.
Mais je croyais que vous n'aimiez pas les filles, Hilly.
Ruby? It's me.
Ruby, c'est moi, Hilly.
Hilly's so sad that Ruby's leaving.
Hilly est si triste que Ruby s'en aille.
Joint, Hilly!
Un joint!
- Hilly Burns.
- Hilly Burns.
That's short for Hildegard.
Hilly Burns? Hilly pour Hildegard.
Hilly, a dead man fell off the roof.
Un mort est tombé du haut du train.
You're very beautiful, Hilly.
Tu es très belle.
Hilly, wake up.
Hilly, the man that I saw outside the window last night... this is him.
L'homme que j'ai vu à la fenêtre, c'est lui.
Hilly, this man has been murdered.
Il a été assassiné!
- Hilly, the professor is dead. I'm sure of it.
Il est mort, j'en suis certain.
Hilly, you'll have to go back to my compartment, straighten it out.
Hilly, allez un peu dans mon compartiment.
- Thank you. I will. Hilly...
Merci, volontiers.
In Hilly's compartment.
- Dans le compartiment d'Hilly.
What about Hilly?
- Et Hilly?
You be responsible for Hilly. Get her off the train and to safety.
- Portez Hilly en lieu sûr.
We've gotta see if Hilly's still on the train.
Il faut voir si Hilly est encore dans le train.
- Hilly, are you all right?
- Hilly?
I missed you, Hilly.
Tu m'as manquée.
It's all right, Hilly. He's a friend of mine.
Ne t'inquiète pas, c'est un ami.
Get the letters, Hilly.
Hilly, les lettres.
- Come here, Hilly.
- Viens ici.
- Is that your old lady Hilly?
- Quel voleur. - C'est ta dulcinée, Hilly?
- Very hilly.
- Três vallonné.
Native to the hilly country of the state of Hidalgo... is a large cactus named maguey.
Dans l'Etat d'Hidalgo pousse, parmi les montagnes, un grand cactus appelé maguey.
I'm a Scorpion, Hilly.
Je suis un Scorpion, Hilly.
Hilly Blue's sending Rambo around seeing me tomorrow,
Hilly Blue m'envoie Rambo demain.
Hilly Blue recognized you as a man of talent.
Hilly Blue sait que tu es un mec de talent.
Hilly wants to put that talent to use before it spoils.
Hilly veut l'utiliser avant qu'il soit gâché.
You keep beating Hilly's prices. And I can run jewelry eight days a week.
Continuez à battre les prix de Hilly et je vous prends des bijoux à la tonne.
Who is Hilly?
C'est qui Hilly?
Hilly Blue, first estate.
Hilly Blue, le caïd.
Hilly is trying to squeeze out independents like us.
Il essaie d'étrangler les indépendants comme nous.
Even if they handed that stuff over to us, Going against Hilly Blue just ain't safe.
Faire la guerre à Hilly Blue, ça coûte cher!
Hilly found out about the watches.
Hilly a su, pour les montres.
You want to move that shit, You got to talk to Hilly.
Si tu veux fourguer tout ça, faut le feu vert de Hilly.
- Hilly nous paie un max!
Then we make Hilly Blue pay top money for it.
- Alors là, problème!
I want to invite you to a party at Hilly's, Saturday.
Vite... T'inviter à la soirée chez Hilly, samedi.
Nate thinks Hilly did it.
Ils croient que c'est Hilly.
Hilly, I didn't imagine it.
Je n'ai pas inventé!

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