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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / How are you gonna do that

How are you gonna do that translate French

203 parallel translation
Just how are you gonna do that, Lewis? Where?
Comment comptes-tu faire?
- How are you gonna do that?
- Comment vous y prendrez-vous?
- How are you gonna do that?
- Comment vas-tu l'utiliser?
- How are you gonna do that?
Vous allez y arriver?
How are you gonna do that?
Comment vous allez faire?
How are you gonna do that?
Comment vas-tu faire?
And how are you gonna do that?
Comment allez-vous faire?
- How are you gonna do that?
- Comment tu vas faire?
How are you gonna do that?
Comment faire?
How are you gonna do that, invite them over for a hamburger?
Comment? Tu veux les inviter à dîner?
How are you gonna do that without getting spotted?
Sans te faire voir?
How are you gonna do that?
s'arrêter? ça m'agace.
- How are you gonna do that?
- Comment vous comptez faire?
And just how are you gonna do that without a trust fund?
Et comment feras-tu ca Ç sans une aide financière? !
- Et comment tu vas faire ça?
- How are you gonna do that?
Comment comptez-vous faire?
How are you gonna do that?
Comment vous ferez?
- How are you gonna do that?
- Comment comptes-tu faire ça?
How are you gonna do that?
Et tu vas faire comment?
How are you gonna do that?
And how are you gonna do that?
Et comment comptez-vous faire?
- How are you gonna do that?
- Comment vas-tu faire?
- How are you gonna do that?
- Comment tu vas faire ça?
And how are you gonna do that?
Et comment vas-tu faire?
How are you gonna do that?
Avec quoi?
How are you gonna do that?
Comment ferez-vous ça?
How are you gonna do that?
Comment feras-tu?
- How are you gonna do that?
- Comment allez-vous faire?
How are you gonna do that?
Comment comptes-tu faire?
How are you gonna do that?
Comment allez-vous faire?
- How are you gonna do that?
- Vous savez où il est?
How are you gonna do that?
Et comment?
How are you gonna do that?
Comment tu vas faire ça?
How's people who are sick gonna get well if you do that kind of stunt?
Comment les malades vont-ils guérir, si tu fais... ce genre de truc?
Now, how do you like that, and what are you gonna do about it?
Qu'en dites-vous, et qu'allez-vous faire?
How are we gonna do that and you can't leave this compartment?
Comment? Tu ne peux pas sortir d'ici.
How are you gonna do that?
Ca, c'est celui de Filargi, on neutralise les 2 autres. Et comment?
[Scoffs] How are you gonna do that?
- Comment?
- Well, as the wife of a foreign diplomat... you'd be entitled to that. - How are we gonna do that?
Comment ça?
How in the hell are you gonna do that?
Comment est-ce possible?
What are you gonna do about it? You're not even worth the paperwork. How many times do you get a chance to do that in your life?
Ecoutez... si aucun de nous ne tombe à l'eau, si on arrive vraiment sur une autre Terre, je propose qu'on fasse le serment de rester calmes quelles que soient les circonstances.
- How the hell are you gonna do that?
Comment tu feras?
How many times are you gonna make her do that?
Combien de fois allez-vous l'obliger à faire ça?
I'm just asking you how are we gonna do to go on that trip together.
Je te demande juste comment on va pouvoir partir tous.
And how exactly are you gonna do that?
Comment comptes-tu t'y prendre?
How the heck are you gonna do that?
Comment vas-tu t'y prendre?
How are you gonna do business with a guy like that?
Comment faire affaire avec lui?
How are you gonna get them to do that?
Comment on va leur faire faire ça?
- How the fuck are you gonna do that, Houdini?
- Et comment tu vas faire, Houdini?
How in the world are you gonna do that?
Comment vas tu faire ca?
How the hell are you gonna do that?
Comment vous allez faire ça?

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