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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / How much do you need

How much do you need translate French

568 parallel translation
- How much do you need?
- Combien te faut-il?
How much do you need?
- De combien as-tu besoin?
How much do you need?
Combien vous faut-il?
- How much do you need?
- Combien vous faut-il?
I'm very much afraid I haven't the change. - How much do you need?
Je crains de pas avoir de monnaie.
How much do you need?
Combien te faut-il?
How much do you need?
Combien veux-tu?
- How much do you need?
How much do you need?
- Combien vous faut-il?
Well, how much do you need?
Eh bien, combien vous faut-il?
I can't feed my kids on faith. How much do you need? Hey!
De combien avez-vous besoin?
- All right, Tom, how much do you need?
Tom, combien veux-tu?
Tell me, you must be stony broke... Would you like me to help you? How much do you need?
Dis-moi, tu dois être à sec... tu veux que je te dépanne?
How much do you need for all the expenses?
Combien vous faudrait-il pour l'hôpital?
How much do you need?
- Ha. De combien as-tu besoin?
"How much do you need?"
"Combien veux-tu?"
- How much do you need?
- Il faut faire combien?
How much do you need?
Ah. Qu'est-ce qu'il te faut?
- Well, how much do you need?
- Combien il vous faut?
How much do you need?
Combien tu veux dépenser?
How much do you need?
ça va, j'ai compris...
How much do you need?
De combien avez-vous besoin?
So how much do you need?
Raconte, combien il te faut?
- How much do you need?
- De combien as-tu besoin?
- How much do you need?
- Combien il vous faut?
How much do you need?
Il te faut combien?
- How much do you need?
Il te faudrait combien?
- And how much do you need?
- Vous avez besoin de combien?
- How much money do you need, gentlemen?
- Combien vous faut-il? - 54 $.
How much money do you need for immediate bills and wages?
Combien d'argent vous faut-il pour payer les factures immédiates?
I'm going to let you help me. - How much do you need?
- J'accepte votre aide.
How much dough do you need?
Il te faut combien?
Only a few moments ago, she told me how wonderful you were, how much you loved me. Do you need her reassurance?
Elle disait combien vous êtes rare et combien vous m'aimez.
How much time do you think you'll need?
A ton avis, il te faudra combien de temps?
- How much do you need?
Combien veux-tu?
- How much of a list do you need? - Only the top half dozen names.
- Combien de noms voulez-vous?
How much longer do you need us?
Encore combien de temps as-tu besoin de nous?
How much do you think they'd need to live decently?
Combien leur faut-il, pour vivre décemment?
How much money do you need?
De combien d'argent as-tu besoin?
How much more proof do you need? The death of James Pawle...
La mort de Pawle n'est pas une preuve suffisante?
How much "exp" do you need to "ush"?
Un ouvreur a besoin "d'exp."?
- How much money do you need this time?
- T'as besoin de combien?
- How much longer do you think you will need?
BARBARA : De combien de temps avez-vous encore besoin?
- How much do you need?
- Combien il te faut?
How much interest do you need? Just a little... not even worthy of your holy lips.
- Une bagatelle... indigne de tes lèvres sacrées.
How much time do you need?
Combien de temps te faut-il?
How much time do you think you'll need?
Il te faudra combien de temps?
How much time do you need?
Combien de temps encore?
How much do you need?
Comblen te faut-il?
How much more do you need for your ticket?
Combien te manque-t-il pour ton billet?
How much money do you think she'd need, Charles?
Combien d'argent lui faudrait-il?

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