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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / How much have you got

How much have you got translate French

191 parallel translation
How much have you got?
Combien avez-vous?
How much have you got there?
Combien avez-vous?
- How much have you got?
- Combien avez-vous?
How much have you got left?
Il t'en reste combien?
- How much have you got?
- Combien tu as? - Quatre-vingts cents.
- How much have you got?
- Tu as combien?
Mary, how much have you got?
Mary, combien avez-vous?
How much have you got that says so?
Combien as-tu à parier?
How much have you got here, Joe?
Combien as-tu là?
How much have you got left?
Quelle somme vous reste-t-il?
How much have you got left?
Combien avez-vous?
How much have you got?
Combien avez-vous sur vous?
- How much have you got on you?
Je n'ai rien sur moi.
How much have you got in there?
Combien avez-vous?
How much money have you got left?
Combien d'argent vous reste-t-il?
- How much dough have you got?
- Combien tu as?
- How much money have you got?
- Combien d'argent avez-vous?
How much gas have you got?
Combien d " essence te reste-t-il?
I gotta know how much money have you got left. In gold.
Faut que je sache combien vous avez en or.
How much money have you got?
Combien d'argent as-tu?
- How much money have you got?
- Ça va. Combien tu as?
- How much ammunition have you got?
- Vous avez beaucoup de munitions?
How much ground have you got here?
Combien de terres avez-vous?
How much money have you got?
Combien vous avez?
Mr. Spade, have you any conception of how much money can be got for that black bird?
Avez-vous idée de ce qu'il peut rapporter?
Wait a minute. How much money have you got?
Combien d'argent as-tu?
Tell me, how much cash have you got?
Dites-moi combien vous avez.
How much petrol have you got?
Le plein est fait?
How much money have you got? Money?
Combien d'argent as-tu?
How much have you got?
- Vous avez combien?
- Yeah? - How much of my money have you got in the bank, Quinn?
Combien de mon argent as-tu?
Nut Tree to Nelson, how much gas have you got?
Quel est votre niveau de carburant?
How much money have you got?
Combien as-tu sur toi 7
You shouldn't have done it. No matter how much money that pig's got.
Vous n'auriez jamais dû vous toquer de lui, même si ce porc est riche.
How much money have you got, you and your father, for a lawyer?
Combien d'argent avez-vous... pour un avocat?
How much money have you got, Esther? Money?
Tu as de l'argent?
I feel no matter how much it costs if you've got to sell the kids'bonds I say in the summertime in New York you've got to have air conditioning.
A mon sens, peu importe le prix. Quitte à manquer de pain et à dépouiller ses enfants... l'été à New York exige qu'on ait l'air conditionné.
Now, mind you, I don't think you'd ever show any real style like some of my boys, but you'd probably lick them all because you got something inside of you that a lot of fighters will never have no matter how much I teach them :
Tu n'auras jamais autant de style que certains de mes gars, mais tu les allongeras tous. Car tu as en toi quelque chose que peu de boxeurs ont. Même après des années d'entraînement.
When a man shows as much attention to a girl as you have suddenly, he's in a cathedral and wondering how he got there.
Quand un homme s'occupe d'une jeune femme... il se retrouve à l'église.
How much fuel have you got left?
- Combien de carburant vous reste-t-il?
How much fuel have you got?
- Combien de carburant te reste-t-il?
- How much money have you got?
- Vous avez de l'argent?
How much money have you got? . You must trust me.
Combien d'argent avez-vous?
How much money have you got?
Combien d'argent avez-vous?
How much money have you got?
Combien t'as en poche?
- Don't you know how much this'll cost...? Good news. I got an order for 6000 dozen, but you have to produce them immediately.
Frank, une commande de 6 000 douzaines, urgente.
- I want to know you... - How much time have you got for that?
- Je voudrais que tu...
You can see how much nearer our goal we have got...
"On voit que nous nous sommes rapprochés " De notre but
How much money have you got?
Huit dollars.
Before you start telling me how much guts I've got... I told you I'd have something to say.
Avant que vous ne commenciez à me dire si j'ai des tripes ou non... je vous ai dit, que j'aurais quelque chose à dire.
How much time have you got?
On a combien de temps?

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