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Husky translate French

225 parallel translation
Faith, that's a woman's game. Not for a husky like me.
C'est un jeu pour les femmes.
eventually he was able to speak again, and Rains later would say that the unique, husky quality of his voice was due to the effects of the poison gas.
Il finit par retrouver la parole et il expliqua plus tard que le caractère unique et le son rauque de sa voix étaient dus aux effets des gaz toxiques.
But if I was meet half-ape, I wouldn't kick him in the stomach as you did that husky in there.
Jamais je n'ai frappé quiconque, comme vous.
If one husky dog have the smell of you, his boss know from the way he howl that there is stranger in district.
Si jamais un chien esquimau t'a reniflé, son maître saura, à sa façon d'aboyer, qu'il y a un étranger dans le secteur.
Well, he's about your age and fairly husky.
Il a environ votre âge et il est plutôt costaud.
Husky lad!
T'es beau garçon.
- Well, uh, medium height. Husky. - Wore glasses.
Taille moyenne, costaud, portait des lunettes.
He was a husky guy. That's all I got.
Un type costaud, c'est tout.
Fine husky boy you got here, parson, yes, sir.
Vous avez là un sacré beau gaillard, pasteur.
Three cheers for Husky Miller, the coming'champion of the world. - Hooray! - Hooray!
Un triple ban pour Husky Miller, le futur champion du monde!
Don't these gentlemen look like they met us someplace before? I'd swear I met them with Husky Miller.
Je jurerais que j'ai vu ces messieurs chez Husky Miller.
Not for Rum Daniels, the manager of Husky Miller.
Pas pour Rum Daniels, le manager de Husky.
Miss Jones, this is Rum, Husky's manager. And this is Dink, his manager.
Mlle Jones, Rum, manager de Husky, et Dink.
Care to join your friends at the invitation of Husky Miller?
Permettez-moi de vous inviter au nom de Husky Miller.
We don't care what happens between you and Husky once you get to Chicago. He don't appeal to you, well, it ain't nobody's fault.
Une fois à Chicago... s'il ne te plaît pas, ce n'est la faute de personne.
Charge it to Husky.
- Husky paiera le reste.
You just tell Husky what you want.
Demande-lui tout ce que tu voudras.
He's just percolatin'to take care of you real good.
Husky n'attend que ça.
We can't get nothin out of Husky no more.
Husky arrêtait déjà les frais.
She means Husky got his mind set on findin'you.
Elle veut dire que Husky te cherchait.
Great when we were buying'out all the stores, but now Husky's stopped all charge accounts.
On a razzié les magasins, mais Husky ne marche plus.
Be sociable with Husky, or I'll get nowhere with his manager.
Sois aimable avec Husky, ou je ne tirerai rien de Rum.
If you don't show up for Husky, we're right out in the cold.
Si tu ne prends pas Husky, Myrt et moi on se retrouve à la rue.
Husky liable to start blowin'cold.
Husky pourrait se lasser.
She's with that Husky Miller crowd. Got here when we did.
Elle est avec la bande de Husky Miller.
Husky's finished training'for the day.
Husky a fini son entraînement.
Husky Miller's latest woman.
La "dernière" de Husky Miller!
- Husky, you'll kill him with one tap!
Husky, tu vas le tuer!
- That would be the last thing you do.
Husky, ne fais pas ça!
That's enough, Husky!
Ça suffit, Husky!
Introducing, from the great city of Chicago, Husky Miller! And his opponent from Brazil, the South American heavyweight champion, the sensational Kid Poncho!
Avec Husky Miller, de Chicago... et son adversaire brésilien, le champion poids lourd sud-américain...
The time, 2 minutes, 20 seconds of the second round. The winner by a knockout, Husky Miller!
En 2 minutes 20 secondes, au second round, vainqueur par K.O., Husky Miller!
He's a husky old man. He'll live forever.
C'est un costaud vieil homme, Il vivra éternellement.
She has a husky voice.
Elle a une voix rauque.
With a husky young samurai
avec un jeune samouraï.
He's a tall, husky kid with light hair.
C'est un costaud, blond.
You're husky. Strong enough to have choked to death this morning a poor school teacher by the name of Laura Kelly.
vous êtes costaud, assez fort pour avoir étranglé ce matin une malheureuse enseignante, Laura Kelly.
As she breathed the husky whisper Curfew must not ring tonight
Le pli de ses lèvres se durcit. Et elle dit, d'un air anxieux :
His looks were wild with terror, and he spoke to me in a voice tremulous, husky, and very low.
Il était fou de terreur. Il me parla d'une voix tremblante, étouffée et extrêmement basse.
A husky woman
Une femme solide
Her voice is low and husky.
Sa voix est três basse, un peu voilée, presque rauque.
Big husky fella like you.
Un grand gaillard comme vous!
Tall, husky, ugly looking bird.
Grand, costaud, laid.
What's a little piece of lead to a great big husky fellow like you?
C'est quoi, un bout de plomb pour un gaillard comme toi?
Thank you very much. - Cinderella, with a husky voice.
- Cendrillon à la voix rauque...
Husky Miller!
Husky Miller!
Where you know Husky from?
D'où le connaissez-vous?
- For Husky Miller.
Pour Husky Miller.
Husky Miller will sign the bill.
Husky réglera la note.
- Husky Miller, the fighter.
C'est Husky Miller, le boxeur.
And you discovered Husky.
Vous avez découvert Husky?

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