I'd better be off translate French
316 parallel translation
Queenie, you better be here when I get off.
Tu ferais mieux d'être là quand j'aurai fini.
Well, I guess we'd better be off.
Bon, mieux vaut y aller.
- Maybe I'd be better off on a salary. - I'll say you would.
- Je devrais me faire salarier.
I guess I'd better be off.
Je ferais mieux d'y aller.
Like the pigs you all are with your big mouths, and those damn pasts I don't wish to know. If we had to account for the pasts of everyone in the Legion, we'd be better off dissolving it.
Si je devais tenir compte du passé des légionnaires, mieux vaudrait dissoudre la Légion.
Maybe this is crazy. I can't help thinking we'd be better off if you hadn't escaped.
Peut-être est-ce fou, mais aurait-il mieux valu que tu n'en réchappes pas?
There's a definite feeling of tension there and I'm sure you'll be much better off not to risk the discourtesy of the villagers.
Il y règne une très grande tension... et il vaut mieux que vous ne risquiez pas... d'avoir affaire à l'impolitesse des villageois.
Well, Sir, it's pretty hard to drive hungry men, but I think we'd be better off if we stick together.
C'est dur de conduire des affamés. Mais restons ensemble.
Not that I care about him, but I'd be better off that way.
Pas que je me soucie pour lui, mais c'est mieux de cette façon.
I think we'd be better off all around if we'd put our cards on the table.
Si on jouait cartes sur table?
Yes, we'd all be better off at Happy Dale. I sign here as next of kin, don't I?
Nous serions tous plus heureux à Val Joyeux.
I felt that, even when I tried to make myself believe... ... that she'd be better off without you.
J'ai senti qu'elle ne voulait pas te quitter.
I'd better be getting off.
J'y vais.
You have 60 grand. 60 grand. I'd be better off working for some slob at 30 bucks a week.
Je préfère encore mon boulot de bouseux à 30 dollars la semaine.
I think you'd be better off dropping this bitterness and forgetting the past.
Arrêtez d'être aigrie, oubliez le passé.
I suppose you'd be better off with that lousy saxophone player.
Tu serais mieux avec ton joueur de saxo?
I have to, I'd be better off paying a fine.
Je préfère payer le dédit.
I'd be better off showing anything else, don't you see?
Ça coûtera moins cher!
I did it for both of us, so we'd be better off when I finished.
Tout ça, c'était pour améliorer notre situation.
I think I'd better be trotting off.
Je m'en vais.
I think you'd be better off if we go this way.
Je pense que c'est mieux pour toi si on va par-là.
I think she'd be better off someplace else.
Elle serait mieux ailleurs.
I'd be better off.
Ça irait mieux.
I know it's scary on your own, but you'd be better off.
C'est dur de cheminer seul, mais tu ferais mieux de continuer sans nous.
So I thought I'd be better off sorting it out by myself.
J'ai pensé qu'il valait mieux que je m'arrange toute seule.
I don't know. Maybe you'd be better off if they caught you.
Il vaudrait peut-être mieux qu'ils te prennent.
- I'd think that you'd be better off if you hired me.
Je pensais que tu gagnerais à m'engager.
I'd better be off.
J'y vais.
Thank you, it's terribly considerate and kind of you, and I appreciate it, and I've always said there should be a closer interrelationship between the student and the faculty based on better learning, yet the Purple Pit is off limits to the faculty of the university.
Merci, c'est très gentil de votre part, j'apprécie beaucoup, moi qui dis toujours qu'il devrait y avoir plus d'échanges pédagogiques entre étudiants et enseignants, mais vous vous doutez que le Purple Pit sort du cadre de la pédagogie.
Look, I think they'd be a lot better off if they'd just act natural.
Je trouve qu'ils feraient mieux de rester naturels.
Sure, but I think you'd be better off inviting Hurricane Hannah.
Bien sûr, mais tu ferais mieux d'inviter l'ouragan Hannah.
Uh, I think we'd be better off to negotiate... - or let the subs handle it.
Il vaut mieux négocier ou laisser les sous-traitants s'en occuper.
If I didn't know better, I'd almost think that someone wanted this project to go wrong, as though they intended this city should be wiped off the map.
On pourrait presque croire que quelqu'un a voulu faire capoter ce projet, qu'on a cherché à rayer la ville de la carte.
I think we'll both be better off... if we have a clear agreement beforehand.
Je pense que nous nous sentirions mieux si nous nous mettions d'accord dès maintenant.
I don't know. All of them would be better off dead.
Quand on voit ça... on se demande si ce ne serait pas mieux pour eux d'être morts...
Oh, well, I'd better be off.
Eh bien, j'ai à faire.
I'd be better off changing of business... but we are surrounded by rocks. A little corn field, at the most.
Il vaudrait mieux changer d'affaire mais ici avec tous ces cailloux, on ne peut planter que du mais.
I think we'd better be off.
On ferait mieux de partir.
I'm not trying to tell you anything, Doctor I was just thinking that you're going to be a terribly lonely man from here on in and maybe you'd feel better if you got a few things off your chest
Rien, docteur. Je me disais juste que... vous allez vous sentir bien seul à partir de maintenant. Ça vous ferait du bien de sortir ce que vous avez sur le cœur.
I'd better be off to the hospital to see the wife.
Je dois aller voir ma femme à l'hôpital.
Look, Clay. I don't like to say anything... but if it's about your arm,... you'd be better off going to a doctor than that priest.
Écoute, clay, Je n'aime mieux rien dire... mais si c'est ton bras... tu ferais mieux de voir un médecin qu'un prêtre.
Because I felt they'd be better off in a wardrobe than in a dusty old cellar. More convenient.
J'ai pensé qu'ils seraient mieux dans une penderie... que dans une cave poussiéreuse.
I'd probably be better off going alone... but I'm not much of a hero.
Je ferai surement mieux d'y aller tout seul... mais je ne suis pas un héros
Really beautiful. I'd be better off in New York on welfare.
A New York, je m'en sortirais mieux avec les allocs.
I think you'd be better off... You got to lose a few, like me.
Tu sais, Charlie, tu devrais perdre un peu de poids.
We'd be better off if I didn't work at all.
Ça irait mieux si je ne bossais pas du tout.
Now, all I'm saying, Dad, is I think we'd be better off with Bobby down in Austin, with me maneuvering Barnes around up here. Well, maybe so.
DOnc, euh...
Well, I guess I'd better be off.
Je ferais mieux de vous laisser.
I think we'd be better off if we didn't call each other mother and daughter.
Prétendons qu'on n'est pas mère et fille.
Why is it I have a feeling I'd be better off if they'd all been asleep in my bunk?
Je suis désolé, Buck, vraiment :
Besides, even if I go to jail I'll probably be better off,'cause then I won't have to worry about you borrowing'almost everything I own... or gettin'me involved in some of your silly cases.
D'ailleurs, je serai sûrement mieux en taule sans avoir à me soucier des affaires que tu m'empruntes et participer à tes enquêtes stupides.
i'd better go 181
i'd better not 35
i'd better 43
i'd better be going 37
i'd better get going 44
i'd better get back 25
be off 22
be off with you 17
i'd be happy to help 28
i'd be glad to 41
i'd better not 35
i'd better 43
i'd better be going 37
i'd better get going 44
i'd better get back 25
be off 22
be off with you 17
i'd be happy to help 28
i'd be glad to 41