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Translate.vc / English → French / [ I ] / I'll give it a try

I'll give it a try translate French

131 parallel translation
All right, I'll give it a try.
- D'accord, je vais essayer.
Ok, I'll go and give it a try.
Ok, j'y vais et je vais essayer.
I'll give it a try, then.
No decent man would have me, so I think I'll give it a try.
Aucun homme convenable ne voudrait de moi, donc je pense que je vais me lancer.
I think you're fools to try it but I'll supply sufficient water and food to give you a good fighting chance.
Je trouve stupide de s'y risquer, mais je vous donnerai de l'eau et des vivres en suffisance.
Well, I can give it a try. It's not gonna do any good, I'll tell you that.
On peut essayer, mais ça ne servira pas à grand-chose.
I want to marry her. So, if my becoming a Catholic will make that easier... I'll give it a try.
Si ma conversion peut faciliter les choses, essayons.
I'll give it a try.
Eh bien, je le ferai. Est-ce que?
All right, I'll give it a try.
D'accord, je veux bien essayer.
- I'll give it a try if you want me to.
- Je vais essayer.
I think I'll give it a try.
Je vais essayer.
Neither did I, but I'll give it a try.
Moi non plus, je ne l'ai pas su.
- But I'll give it a try.
Je peux y aller.
I'll give it a try.
Now I'll give it a try.
Voilà, je réessaie.
I'll give it a try.
Je vais essayer.
If you can come up with something... i'll give it a try.
J'ai une vague idée.
I'll give it a try but I don't think she'll jump at it.
Je vais essayer, mais je doute qu'elle saute de joie.
I'll give it a try.
Soyez gentil.
I'll give it a try.
Je vais essayer. Comment es-tu devenue aussi bonne?
Okay. We`ll give it a try. I won`t marry you, but we`ll try it for one week.
Je refuse de vous épouser, mais je vous accepte pour une semaine.
But how could I go about it? Well, I'll give it a try.
Je vais essayer d'imiter son chant
I'll give it a try. - Try not.
N'essaie pas.
If you want, I'll give it a try.
D'accord, je vais essayer.
All right. I'll give it a try.
Bien, j'essaierai.
I'll give it a try.
On va voir ça.
- I'll give it a try, sir.
Mais savez-vous courir? - J'essaierai.
Well, I'll give it a try.
Bonne idée, je vais essayer.
Let me have it ; I'll give it a try. Now you understand, it's not going to be very good wine.
Donnez moi ça ; je vais essayer Mais ne vous attendez pas à ce que ce soit du trés bon vin.
Very well, I'll give it a try.
Je vais essayer.
I don't know if he'll ever be the warm, loving dad... that you so desperately need, but we'll give it a try.
Je sais pas s'il sera jamais le père aimant et affectueux dont vous avez si désespérément besoin, mais on va essayer.
Still if that's what you want, I'll give him a ring and try to arrange it, just as soon as I get back to the office.
Cependant, si c'est ce que vous voulez, je lui téléphonerai dès mon retour au bureau.
I'll give it a try.
- J'essaierai.
Okay, okay, I'll give it a try.
D'accord, je vais essayer.
- No! I'm not very good at sports, but I'll give it a try. - That isn't a sport.
Je suis plus fort au jeu vidéo de hockey.
All right, I'll give it a try.
D'accord, je vais essayer.
I'll sure give it a try.
- Je veux bien essayer.
- No, I'll give it a try.
- Non, je vais me sacrifier.
I'll give it a try.
Je veux bien essayer.
Maybe someday I'll give it a try.
Peut-être qu'un jour je t'imiterai.
- I'll give it a try, Alfred.
- Je l'essaierai, Alfred.
I don't really understand, but I'll give it a try. Huh?
Je ne comprends pas tout mais essayons.
I'll give it a try.
J'y vais.
We could give it a try. I'll bring the wine you bring your scarred psyche.
J'apporterai le vin, et vous vos névroses.
- Maybe I'll give it a try.
- Je vais peut-être essayer.
I'll give it a try.
- Merci.
- I'll try. - Just give it a try.
Je vais essayer.
I'll give it a try.
Je vais essayer...
I'm not saying I'll like it. But I'll give it a try.
Je n'ai pas dit que ça me plairait... mais je vais essayer.
All right. I'll give it a try.
Je vais tenter.
- Those days are over, but I'll give it a try.
C'est loin tout ça mais essayons.

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