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Translate.vc / English → French / [ I ] / I've been watching you

I've been watching you translate French

623 parallel translation
I've been watching you ever since you bought your first drink from me.
Je t'observe depuis que tu viens boire chez moi. Je te connais.
I've been watching and hearing about you, and I've been worried.
Plus je vous observe, plus je me tracasse.
Joe, I'm afraid you've been watching me too closely.
Vous me regardiez de trop près.
I've been watching you for a couple weeks.
Tu sais, je t'ai observée.
You know, I've been watching you and wondering...
Je vous regardais et je me demandais...
I've been watching you from the day you got out.
C'est inutile.
I've been watching for you all night.
Je t'ai attendu toute la soirée.
I knew you was English, I've been watching you sittin'over there.
Je savais que vous étiez anglais, car je vous voyais assis là-bas.
I've been watching you.
Je vous ai à peine reconnue...
I've been watching every move that you made.
J'ai observé chacun de tes gestes.
I haven't said much to you since you took over this desk, Mason, but I've been watching you.
J'ai peu parlé depuis que vous êtes à ce poste, mais je vous ai observé.
I've been watching that plane because I thought you were up there flying it.
Je regardais cet avion parce que je te croyais aux commandes.
I've been watching you for the last half hour
Je vous surveille depuis une demi-heure.
I've been watching you, Mr. Hunter and I found out...
Je vous ai surveillé et j'ai découvert...
I've been watching you all evening... with that thought in heart and in my eyes.
Toute la soirée, mon cœur et mes yeux vous ont invitée.
I've been watching you.
Je vous observais.
I've been watching you for some time, Mr MacDonald.
Je vous observe depuis un moment, M. MacDonald.
I've been watching you both for an hour.
C'est insupportable!
I've been a-watching you with Ben.
Je vous regardais avec Ben.
Anyways, he says, " I've been watching you.
Bref, il dit : " Je vous ai observé.
I've been watching for you all morning.
Je vous ai cherché toute la matinée.
I've been watching you. You couldn't see me, but I could see you.
Je t'observais sans que tu puisses me voir.
I've been watching you, Widgren.
Je vous ai observé, Widgren.
I've been watching you while you were watching Madame Jarnac.
Je vous ai surveillé pendant que vous surveilliez Mme Jarnac.
I've been watching for you. Go to Lower Euston Road, Number 22.
Je vous attendais 22, rue Houston.
I've been watching you for some time, and I figured something like this might happen.
Je vous observe depuis tantôt, je sentais que ça allait arriver.
- I know you. I've been watching you...
Je sais bien que vous ne m'avez jamais regardé.
I've been watching you... making calf's eyes at that half-breed.
Je t'ai observé... faisant les yeux doux à cette métisse.
I've been watching you for weeks now.
Je vous surveille maintenant depuis des semaines.
I've been watching you English from upstairs.
Je regarde les Anglais d'ici.
"I've been sitting here " watching nightfall, thinking of you.
"Je regarde la nuit tomber en pensant à vous."
I've been watching the roads all morning, like you told me.
J'ai surveillé les routes toute la matinée.
I've been watching for you.
Je vous cherchais.
" I've been watching your work, Miss Finney, and I think you're ready for advancement.
"J'ai observé votre travail. " Vous méritez une promotion.
I've been watching you.
Je vous ai observés.
Look, Pardo, I've been watching you... and up till now, you haven't done anything I can put my finger on.
Je t'observe. Jusque là, rien à redire.
I've been watching you.
Je t'ai observée.
Oh, come on, I've been watching you.
Allons, je vous ai bien observée.
You know, I've been watching all this adolescent by-play this double talk on the telephone. Cheering him on.
Je vous ai vue jouer au chat et à la souris comme une adolescente, avec vos propos ambigus et vos encouragements.
I've been watching you, Sarge.
Je te regardais là-bas, sergent.
I've been watching you out there... and you came close to stepping in some of the land mines.
T'as failli marcher sur une mine.
I was just watching them. I haven't even eaten anything since you've been away.
Je n'ai rien mangé depuis que tu es parti.
[IMITATING CAGNEY] Pardo I've been watching you.
Pardo, je t'ai bien observé.
I've been watching you and you're one of them.
Tu es leur complice!
I've noticed the way you been massaging that right hand when you think no one's watching.
Vous massez votre main droite quand vous croyez qu'on vous regarde pas. Allez-y.
I've been standing over there watching you for the past ten minutes. Hello.
Oh, bonjour.
Yes, I've been watching you.
Je ne veux pas qu'il apprenne de bêtises.
You know, I've been watching you. I can hear that volcano rumbling.
Je t'observe et j'entends gronder Ie volcan.
- I've been watching you.
- Je t'ai observé.
I've been watching you for a long time... and everything I've seen I've liked.
Je vous observe depuis longtemps. Et tout ce que j'ai vu m'a plu.
I've been watching you.
Ne me touchez pas.

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