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I've got to go translate French

3,569 parallel translation
I've got to go.
Pas le choix.
I've got to go change.
Je dois me changer.
Look, I've got to go.
Je dois y aller.
Look, um, I've got to go.
Bon... je dois y aller.
Look, I'm really sorry but I've got to go.
Je dois y aller.
I've got to go.
- Je dois y aller.
You know, guys, I've got to go stretch my legs.
Je vais me dégourdir les jambes.
"I've got nowhere else to go."
"J'ai nulle part où aller"...
I've got to go!
Je dois y aller.
Well, I guess I've got to go to class.
Je dois aller en cours.
I got to, um... I've got go home after college.
Je dois rentrer à la maison après les cours.
I've got to go.
Je dois y aller.
- I'm afraid I've got to go.
Excuse-moi, il faut que j'y aille.
Don't move. Dr. Helzer, I've got to go check on my kids.
- Docteur je dois voir mes enfants.
- I've got to go.
- Je dois y aller.
I've, um... got to go.
Je dois y aller.
Right, I've got to go.
Bien, je dois y aller.
I've got to go.
Je dois partir.
Can we talk about this later? I've got to go.
Je dois y aller.
Okay, I've got to go to work.
- Je dois aller bosser.
Oh, I've got to go.
Je dois y aller.
All right, listen, I've got to go.
- Tu leur fais lire ça?
I've got to go and get them out!
Je dois partir et les faire sortir!
Right, I've got to go.
Bon, j'y vais.
Listen, I've got to go.
Faut que j'y aille.
I've got take a chance and go to Carlos.
Je dois tenter le coup et aller voir Carlos.
'I've got to go - Sam's calling, all right? '
Je dois y aller, Sam m'appelle.
I've got to go and talk to him.
Je dois aller lui parler.
I've got to go to work.
J'ai du travail.
Uh, it appears that you've got this covered, so I'm just going to, uh, go inside and take a look.
Vous maîtrisez la situation, je vais aller jeter un oeil là-dedans.
I'll help you for a while, but then I've got to go meet my daughter.
Tu es très douée, tu sais?
Excuse me, gentlemen, I've got to go verbally lash my coworkers.
Excusez-moi, messieurs, je vais fustiger mes collègues.
I've got to go home.
Il faut que je rentre.
Okay, I've got to go.
Allez, j'y vais.
Julianne, I've got to go. I'm sorry.
Julianne, je dois y aller.
I've got to find the missing witness on the moran trial. - All right, go. We'll get this done.
Je dois partir retrouver le témoin pour le procès Moran.
Please, you're torturing me and I've got to go out.
S'il te plait Sylwia, tu me tortures et moi il va falloir que je sorte
I've got a lesbian wedding to go to in the Lakes.
Il faut que j'aille à un mariage lesbien aux Lakes.
I've got her blessing to go ahead and do the C-section today.
J'ai sa bénédiction aller de l'avant et faire le C-section aujourd'hui.
- I've got to go now, Ma.
- Je dois y aller, Maman.
I've got to go back to the reception.
Je dois aller à la réception.
I'll go and tell the manager that you've got cancer and are planning to die here.
Je vais dire au directeur que t'as le cancer et que tu veux mourir ici.
Well, come inside, I've got a couple with your names on and ready to go.
Entrons, j'en ai quelques unes pour toi qui ne demandent qu'à partir.
[Scoffs] Yeah, I've got to go.
Ouais, je dois y aller.
I've got to go back, they're gonna scan my head.
Je dois y retourner. Ils vont me faire un scanner.
I've just got to go into the village for a bit, so if you need anything, ask Olive.
Je dois aller au village. Olive sera ici, si tu as besoin.
I've got to go to work.
Je dois aller bosser.
I've got to go to work.
Je dois aller travailler.
Well, I've got to go.
Bien, je dois partir.
- I've got to go dinner, guys.
Je dois aller dîner, mes chéris.
He was gonna go see the ex-wife. I've got to get to her.
Il allait chez l'ex-femme.

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