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I didn't know anything about it translate French

116 parallel translation
And now he has it. Besides, I didn't know anything about it. Did I, buster?
Je ne suis au courant de rien.
Then the jokes on me too, for I didn't know anything about it
Je serais visée aussi. J'ignorais tout.
You see, this is why I didn't want you to know anything about it.
C'est pour ça que je ne t'ai rien dit.
No, Doc, I didn't know anything about it.
Je ne savais rien! Je t'assure!
I didn't know anything about it.
Elle ne m'en avait rien dit.
I thought you didn't know anything about it.
Vous disiez ne rien savoir.
I mean do they know anything about it? - It didn't stick around!
Je veux dire : savez-vous quelque chose sur la voiture?
I remember I didn't know anything about death... or it didn't touch me closely until I was much older.
J'étais bien plus âgée quand j'ai senti la réalité de la mort.
It's not like it used to be, when I knew all about Eve White and she didn't know anything about me.
Ce n'est plus comme avant, comme quand je savais tout d'Eve Blanc et qu'elle ne savait rien de moi.
I was in it for a while, and I didn't know anything about it.
Parce que j'y ai été mêlé, et je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé.
I didn't know anything about it.
Je n'en savais rien.
Sir, Tell them I didn't know anything about it. Tell them.
Monsieur, dites-leur que je ne savais rien.
I didn't know anything about it if that's what you're thinking.
Je ne le savais pas.
I didn't know anything about it.
- Je l'ignorais.
I don't know it. They didn't say anything about a punchline.
Je ne le connais pas. lls ne m'ont rien dit à propos d'un gag.
I said that you didn't know anything about it.
Tu ne connaissais rien au sujet.
I didn't know anything about it!
Je n'etais pas au courant!
I didn't know anything about it.
Je ne savais rien.
Really, I didn't know anything about it.
Je ne comprends pas.
I didn't know. I didn't know anything about it.
Je suis pas au courant, je sais rien.
Teddy, that stuff about Page. I didn't know anything about it.
Teddy, cette histoire á propos de Page, je n'en savais rien.
I didn't, Al, I swear, I don't know anything about it.
C'est faux, Al. Je n'étais pas au courant, je te jure.
I told you, I didn't know anything about it.
- Je n'en savais rien.
I guess the subways were all on strike, but, you know, I didn't read anything about it in the papers, but who's counting?
Le métro était en grève Pourtant y avait rien dans les journaux
I mean, it's about the kids that were over there who didn't know anything about anything.
Clean représentait les gamins qui étaient là-bas et qui ne savaient rien du tout.
And it didn't matter that I didn't know anything about it?
Ça vous gênait pas que j'en sache rien?
I didn't know anything about it.
Je n'étais au courant de rien.
It wasn't that I didn't know anything about Vivian and Chang.
C'est pas que j'étais pas au courant avec Viviane et Chang.
If he finds it, I'll say Mr. Walker put it in there... and I didn't know anything about it, like the coke.
Sans me le dire. Comme pour la coke. Vous êtes libre.
I didn't know anything about it.
- Je n'étais pas au courant.
I didn't know anything about it. The agency just funneled
Je n'avais aucune idée de ce qui se passait.
I swear I didn't know anything about it, Des, At first.
Je te jure que je ne savais rien.
I didn't know anything about it.
j'en savais rien.
I promised I wouldn't say anything about the hospital because I made a deal with Daria and she kept her part and I kept my part but then I made another deal with Jane and I didn't even know I was making it until it was made
J'avais promis de rien dire pour l'hôpital. J'ai passé un marché. Daria a respecté le sien, mais j'en ai passé un autre avec Jane, mais ça, je l'ai su seulement après l'avoir passé et je viens de le rompre parce que j'ai parlé d'hôpital.
The reason I ask is because when that DA investigator came by today, he was asking me about it, and I realized I really didn't know anything.
Je dis ça parce que l'enquêteur d'aujourd'hui m'a posé des questions sur ça et je n'en savais rien.
Jarod, before we escaped from the Centre that night... I'd been running a simulation that you didn't know anything about called Starpoints. It was designed to create covert identities for the N.S.A.'s top five undercover agents.
Juste avant notre évasion, j'ai fait une simulation appelée Starpoint visant à créer des identités pour les 5 meilleurs agents infiltrés de la NSA.
My family didn't know anything about it and I just didn't tell them.
Ma famille ne savait rien à ce sujet... je ne leur en avais jamais parlé.
All I know is, it was easier before, when I just didn't give a damn about anything.
C'était plus facile avant, quand tout m'était égal.
I don't know if the government knows anything it's holding back from us, but it's not surprising if the government had information it didn't know about.
J'ignore si le gouvernement nous cache quelque chose. Je ne serais pas surpris qu'il détienne des informations qu'il ne peut interprêter.
That's a surprise, I didn't know anything about it.
Et vous me... Oh! Je suis tout abasourdi!
I didn't know anything about it.
Je n'étais pas au courant.
You know, if you're worried about it, I didn't see anything.
Ne vous inquiétez pas, je n'ai rien vu.
I didn't know anything about it.
Je ne la connaissais pas.
- No, I didn't know anything about it.
- Non, j'étais pas au courant.
I told them I didn't know anything about it.
Je leur ai dit que je ne savais rien à ce sujet.
Y'know, just promise me, you didn't know anything until I told you about it.
Promets-moi juste que tu n'étais au courant de rien avant que je t'en parle.
I don't know anything about it, except I didn't do it.
Je ne sais rien sur cette affaire, à part que c'est pas moi.
I didn't know anything about it.
Je ne savais rien de ça.
I heard about what happened, and I wanted to let you know that I didn't know anything about it.
J'ai appris ce qui était arrivé et je voulais que tu saches que je n'étais pas au courant.
You need to tell Jenna that this whole thing was your idea and that I didn't know anything about it, and that she should be mad at you, not me.
Vous devez dire à Jenna que tout ça c'est votre idée, et que je suis au courant de rien, comme ça, elle sera furieuse envers vous, pas envers moi.
- I didn't know anything about it.
- Je n'en savais rien.

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