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I didn't want to go translate French

878 parallel translation
I didn't want to go back to an empty room without my husband, so I walked around.
J'étais absolument bouleversée. Je ne voulais pas rentrer chez moi, pendant que mon mari était chez cette femme.
Oh, I didn't mean I didn't want you to go.
Je ne veux pas t'empêcher d'y aller.
But I didn't want to go without saying goodbye to you, Mr. Easton.
Je ne voulais pas partir sans dire au revoir, M. Easton.
I didn't want you to go.
Je ne voulais pas que tu t'en ailles.
I thought you didn't want to go to this dance.
Je pensais que tu ne voulais pas venir à cette danse.
I didn't want him to go.
Je ne voulais pas qu'il y aille.
My brother forgot his lunch, and I didn't want him to go without.
Mon frère a oublié son déjeuner et je voulais pas qu'il jeûne.
See, I couldn't go on with the thought that you might be bitter toward me. I didn't want you to think of me like that.
Je ne supportais pas que tu puisses être amer... et que tu penses du mal de moi.
- I didn't want him to go.
- Je ne voulais pas qu'il parte.
I didn't want to go anyhow.
Je ne voulais pas y aller de toute façon.
You knew I didn't want you to go there, but you deliberately went.
Vous ne m'avez pas écouté en y allant!
I didn't see nothing. I don't want to go to the asylum.
J'ai rien vu, je veux pas aller à l'asile.
Stephanie, take my word for it, I didn't want to go out with that fellow Kopeikine, he's a pest!
Stéphanie, il faut que tu me croies, je n'avais aucune envie de suivre ce Kopeikine, c'est un casse-pieds.
I didn't want to go back to the office so I dropped by a bowling alley... at Third and Western and rolled a few lines... to get my mind thinking about something else for a while.
Le bureau ne me tentait pas. Je suis allé au bowling à l'angle de la 3e rue et de Western pour me changer les idées.
Miss Vance, I didn't want to go too far in front of Mr Taylor. - After all, he's the director.
Mlle Vance, je n'ai pas voulu aller trop loin devant le réalisateur.
I couldn't go to her room, and I didn't want to take her to my hotel. - So we went to Laura's. - Yeah?
On ne pouvait aller ni chez elle ni à mon hôtel, on est allés chez Laura.
A home which I didn't even have at home, so why should I want to go home?
Un chez moi mieux que chez moi! Pourquoi irais-je chez moi?
I just didn't want to go on living no more.
Après la mort de ta mère je ne voulais plus vivre.
With Susy gone I didn't want to see any of my friends... or go back to anything I'd ever done before.
Susy étant morte, je ne voulais plus voir aucun de mes amis... ni retourner aux choses que j'avais faites auparavant.
I didn't want to go up... for fear of disturbing you.
Je ne voulais pas te déranger.
I didn't want to go down the hole.
Je n'allais pas "dans" le trou, j'ai glissé.
I told Father I didn't want to go on with this. I wanted to tell you everything. But he had an idea about a bloodstained doll, and I had to put it off.
Je voulais tout vous dire, mais papa a eu l'idée de la robe tachée...
- He's free to go. - I didn't want to hold him.
Il est libre de partir.
Because I wanted to go home. He didn't want Mr Morrison to leave.
Je voulais rentrer... et il ne voulait pas que M. Morrison parte.
He didn't want to go into his own room alone, so I brought him in here with me.
Il ne voulait pas aller dans sa chambre, je l'ai donc amené ici avec moi.
I didn't want you to go through the suspense of it.
Je ne voulais pas vous inquiéter.
I didn't want to go, so I run off.
Je ne voulais pas partir. J'ai déguerpi.
I didn't want her to go.
Je voulais pas qu'elle parte.
Besides, I didn't want them to go poking around in that zippered bag.
Et je ne voulais pas qu'ils regardent dans le sac.
I didn't want you to go to the chair.
Tu vaux mieux que la chaise.
Because I didn't want you to go.
Parce que je ne voulais pas que vous partiez.
I wanted to play in a covered-court tournament and, as usual, she didn't want me to go.
J'avais un tournoi, et elle ne voulait pas que j'y aille.
I don't want you to go but I guess I'd be even more upset if you didn't.
Je ne veux pas que tu partes. Mais je le serais encore plus si tu ne partais pas.
I didn't want to go to him.
Je ne voulais pas.
After that... I didn't want to go on living.
Après cela, je n'avais plus envie de vivre.
I didn't say, I don't want to go with him.
Je n'ai pas dit que je voulais aller avec lui.
I didn't want to go out tonight.
Je ne voulais pas sortir ce soir.
Even if they didn't, I'd still want to go with you.
Je veux venir avec vous de toutes façons.
I didn't want to go on like that forever.
Je ne voulais pas continuer comme ça.
I didn't want to go back to Brixton.
Je ne voulais pas rentrer. Je veux les voir partir.
I didn't want to go anyway.
Je ne voulais pas y aller.
- I wanted to go with her, but she didn't want me to.
Elle n'a même pas voulu qu'on la raccompagne en voiture.
I didn't want you to go on thinking....
Je ne voulais pas que vous pensiez...
And you want to know why I didn't go, don't you, Sheriff?
Vous voulez savoir pourquoi je suis restée?
I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to go to the dance with you.
Sinon je ne serais pas là.
Je ne voulais pas y aller. Mais je ne pouvais résister.
He didn't want me to go, so I was late coming home.
Il ne voulait pas me laisser partir, alors je suis en retard.
Read books my mother didn't want me to read. - I used to go down to the basement.
Avant, je venais tout le temps lire les livres interdis par ma mère.
And when I felt you there beside me I wanted to go on sleeping I was so afraid... I was so afraid to wake up I didn't want the dream to end
Je t'attendais comme... je ne sais pas... comme si je t'avais attendu depuis toujours et qu'enfin tu étais près de moi.
I want to go home! I didn't do anything, Marshal!
Je veux rentrer chez moi, j'ai rien fait, brigadier!
I didn't want to go out.
- On a déjeuné ici, j'avais pas envie de sortir.

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