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I don't know anything else translate French

154 parallel translation
Even if I don't know anything else but this. Even if I don't know anything else but this.
Même si je ne connais rien d'autre.
I don't know anything else.
Je n'en connais pas d'autre.
I don't know anything else.
C'est tout ce que je sais.
I met her that night, and I don't know anything else about her.
Je ne sais rien de plus.
No, I don't know anything else about him.
Je ne sais rien d'autre sur lui.
- Don't think you're revealing anything confidential, I know that he tried to reach somebody else, Mrs. Phillips told me.
Je tiens de Mme Phillips, qu'il a voulu joindre une autre personne.
- I don't know anything else. No, I won't go.
Y aura pas de politique, mais de l'action sociale.
I don't know anything else.
Je ne sais rien d'autre.
I don't know who you are and we don't know anything at all about radar or jets or anything else but if you're really low on fuel we'll clear you to land here.
La Guardia, ceci est un jet. Nous avons quatre belles turbines, et elles sont assoiffées. Nous voulons un guidage radar pour Idlewild.
- I don't know anything else.
Je ne sais rien de plus.
I don't know anything else.
Non, je ne sais rien d'autre.
I don't know anything else.
Je ne sais rien d ´ autre.
I don't know anything else.
Autrement je ne sais pas.
C'est tout ce que nous avons besoin de savoir.
I don't know anything else about him.
Je ne peux pas t'en dire davantage.
I don't know anything else in life that behaves like light.
Je ne connais rien qui se comporte comme la lumière.
I don't care about anything else all I know is that we are going home!
Tout ce que je sais, c'est que je veux rentrer à la maison!
I don't know what you people are playing at, but I won't give you anything else.
Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes et à quoi vous jouez, mais vous n'obtiendrez rien d'autre de moi.
I don't know of anything else that was worth anything.
Je ne vois rien d'autre qui ait eu de la valeur.
I don't know how to do anything else.
Je sais rien faire d'autre.
Duane, I want you to come to the station house. We need to talk more. I don't know anything else.
Nous ne débordons pas de curiosité non plus... mais il se trouve qu'un de vos résidents a été tué.
Black as the inside of your hat. Anything else about them you remember? I don't know.
Car un témoin t'a identifié... sortant d'une voiture... à 300 m de la cafétéria, la nuit des meurtres.
I don't know if I want to play anything else.
Je ne suis pas sûre de vouloir jouer autre chose.
I don't know anything else about it.
J'en sais pas plus.
You know what, Mr. Eddington? I don't give a damn what you think of the Federation, the Maquis, or anything else.
Vous savez, M. Eddington, je me fiche de ce que vous pensez de la Fédération.
I don't know anything about the numbers or anything else in here.
Je sais rien à propos des chiffres. à propos de rien.
If you want to tell me you are getting married or anything else from your play life, I don ´ t want to know.
Si tu veux me dire que tu vas te marier ou autre chose de ta vie, je veux pas savoir.
I don't know me as anything else.
Même pour moi, je n'étais que cela.
I've never asked the church for anything, but I don't know where else to turn.
Je demande jamais rien au Ciel, mais j'ai besoin de vous.
I mean, she didn't, but- - - I keep thinking about what you said in the seminary... about how, you know, the life of a priest is hard... and if- - and if you can see yourself being happy doing anything else... you should do that. I don't know.
Et... elle ne l'a pas fait.
Look, i know you don't care about being smart Or going to school or anything else, But just because your lives are such lost causes,
Je sais que vous vous fichez des bonnes notes, d'aller à l'école et de tout le reste, mais c'est pas parce que vous êtes foutus que je dois faire pareil.
I don't know if Buffy's thinkin'too clear on that one, or anything else right now.
Buffy n'a pas les idées très claires en ce moment.
I mean, Harvard is hard to get into... and I don't know why I even spend my time thinking about anything else.
C'est difficile d'entrer à Harvard et je ne vois même pas pourquoi je pense à autre chose.
I don't know anything else.
Je sais rien d'autre!
Yeah... but I don't know anything else... about Scarrans. I've told you everything. We don't only have to talk about Scarrans.
Ouais... mais je ne sais rien de plus...
I don't know, anything else you wanna blame me for you big bitch?
J'en sais rien. Tu veux m'accuser d'autre chose, salope? Tu gâches tout.
I don't know how to do anything else.
Je ne sais pas comment faire autre chose.
If they don't find anything, I need to know how else to get him.
S'ils ne trouvent rien, il me faut un plan B.
I don't know anything else.
Je ne sais rien de plus.
I don't want to know anything else.
Je veux rien savoir de plus.
After six years in the White House and eight as the governor's daughter, I don't really know anything else.
Après six ans à la Maison Blanche... et huit comme fille du gouverneur, j'y suis habituée.
Just to talk... you know I don't want anything else.
Pour parler, rien d'autre. Tu sais que je ne veux rien de plus.
I told you, I don't know why Angel gave up that kid or anything else.
Je vous l'ai dit : je sais pas pourquoi Angel a laissé tomber ce marmot. Ou le reste.
ANGEL : I don't want to go in blind. You know anything else?
Spike, tu sais autre chose sur lui?
You know, I don't think I should say anything else without calling Brad's criminal attorney.
Il vaut mieux que j'appelle l'avocat de Brad.
If you don't think I know that after losing my wife you have no business being my friend much less anything else.
Si tu crois que je ne le sais pas depuis la mort de ma femme, nous ne pourrons pas être amis et encore moins autre chose.
- Who else knows? - I don't know anything.
Qui d'autre est au courant?
I don't want to know anything else about you.
Je veux rien savoir d'autre sur toi.
- I really don't know anything else.
- Je ne sais vraiment rien d'autre.
I'm fighting'cause I don't know how to do anything else.
Et parce qu'ils ne savent pas quoi faire d'autre.
I mean, you must have noticed that 85 % of our time together we spend in your garage, but it was easier for you, so guess you just didn't bother to suggest anything else or at least... I don't know, Ephram, thank me for it.
Tu as dû remarquer qu'on passait 85 % de notre temps dans ton garage, mais c'était plus facile pour toi, alors je suppose que tu ne t'es pas donné la peine de suggérer autre chose, ou au moins... je sais pas, Ephram, me remercier pour ça.

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