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Translate.vc / English → French / [ I ] / I don't know you at all

I don't know you at all translate French

350 parallel translation
Well, men, I don't like what I have to say, but let's face it, you all know the central munitions dump at Spraug.
Les hommes, je n'aime pas ce que j'ai à dire, mais il faut y faire face... vous connaissez tous le dépôt central de munitions à Spraug.
You know I don't like to be critical, Dancer, but... you know, it doesn't look quite right when you and your partner... and your prima donna and your best customer... all go out at the same time.
Je ne suis pas du genre à critiquer mais c'est étrange que vous, votre associé, votre chanteuse et votre meilleur client sortiez tous en même temps.
Something you don't know is that the books aren't all at the library, some are with Madame Duchamps. Those that I was looking for, principally.
Mais y a une chose que vous ne savez pas, c'est que tous les livres ne sont à la bibliothèque, y en a qui sont chez la veuve Duchamps, ceux que je cherchais principalement...
Mr. Case, I don't know you at all.
M. Case, je ne vous connais pas du tout.
I'm nothing like him. There's no resemblance at all. You don't know...
 Je suis un tout autre homme
You know, I don't get you birds at all.
Je ne vous comprends pas.
You know, I don't mind you being such a lofty person at all.
Que vous soyez insultant ne me gêne pas
I was only asking... I don't know why you had to bring him up at all.
Arrêtez de parler de lui!
There'll be an inquest, and you mustn't get mixed up in it. They don't know your name at the theater, I suppose, and if they don't, it's all right.
Il y aura une enquête, mais sa famille ne connaît pas votre nom.
I don't know anything about you at all.
- Je ne sais rien de vous.
I don't at all, but I know what you're going to say.
Pas du tout, mais je sais ce que vous allez dire.
Do you know something I don't? Maybe that's why they all laugh at me?
Parce que tu sais quelque chose - que moi j'ignore - et qui fait rire tout le monde!
You know something? I don't like this at all.
Vous savez, je n'aime pas ça du tout.
The fact that you don't drink at all, Kirk is the greatest argument for drunkenness I know
Que vous ne buviez pas, Kirk, est le meilleur des arguments en faveur de l'ivrognerie.
Look, I don't know what pet names Thorwald had for his wife, but I'll tell you this, all those trips at night with that metal suitcase, he wasn't taking out his possessions, because his possessions are still up in the apartment.
Peu importe comment il appelait sa femme, mais je peux te dire une chose, tous ces voyages de nuit avec la mallette en métal, il n'enlevait pas ses affaires, parce qu'elles sont encore dans l'appartement.
Well, I don't suppose you know very much about all this at present.
Eh bien, je suppose que vous en savez très peu à l'heure actuelle.
You know, Harry, I don't remember ordering those cigarettes at all.
Je ne me souviens pas avoir demandé des cigarettes.
I don't know what you're talking about. I don't feel any way at all.
Je ne ressens rien du tout, je t'assure!
I don't know if the diagrams are of any use to you, dear... but as you see, the words make no sense at all.
Je ne sais si cela vous sera d'une quelconque utilité. Comme vous le constatez, c'est incompréhensible.
Are you telling me I don't know when I've been insulted? ! Not at all!
Tu me dis... que je ne sais pas quand je suis offensé?
Look, honey, for all I know, he's another Casanova. I just don't think I'm gonna have to worry about you at Hegewisch Park. I just don't think I'm gonna have to worry about you at Hegewisch Park.
C'est peut-être un Casanova, mais je ne m'inquiéterai pas pour toi quand tu iras au parc.
I don't know you at all.
Je ne te reconnais pas.
Either I work for me or I don't work at all, you know?
Moi, je suis libre. Indépendant.
The other day in Philadelphia when I was singing, you know, I don't appreciate that at all.
L'autre jour, alors que je chantais, tu m'as fait un coup foireux.
- I don't know you at all.
- Je ne te connais pas du tout.
I don't know who you are and we don't know anything at all about radar or jets or anything else but if you're really low on fuel we'll clear you to land here.
La Guardia, ceci est un jet. Nous avons quatre belles turbines, et elles sont assoiffées. Nous voulons un guidage radar pour Idlewild.
But I don't know you at all.
Mais je ne vous connais pas.
I don't know how to thank you. Not at all.
Je ne sais comment vous remercier.
I don't know you, I don't remember you at all.
Je ne vous connais pas...
If anybody calls, anyone at all you don't know where I am, or how to reach me.
Si on m'appelle, tu ne sais ni où je suis ni comment me joindre.
I don't know why I put up with you at all. - I should have drowned you at birth.
J'aurais dû te noyer à la naissance!
And, really, I don't know ow you can be tense and smile all at one time.
Je ne sais vraiment pas comment tu peux être tendu et sourire en même temps.
Mr. Drayton... I don't know you at all, and I certainly wouldn't want to offend you.
M. Drayton... je ne vous connais pas, et je ne voudrais certainement pas vous offenser.
I don't know you at all.
Je ne vous connais pas du tout.
I don ´ t understand at all, son. - Well, sir since it ´ s secret you probably don ´ t know much about it at all.
Comme elle est secrète, vous ne la connaissez sûrement pas.
If only you and, um, Beryl had come to me earlier, I could have done it without any risk at all. Oh, I don't know.
Si seulement... vous étiez venus me voir plus tôt.
I don't believe that But you know, all I have to do is waltz you around for about seven days, at which time you'll belly stick yourself.
Je ne crois pas, mais vous savez, tout ce que j'ai à faire, c'est vous faire valser pendant environ sept jours, au moment où vous votre ventre gargouillera.
Well, I don't want to show my hand too early, but actually Here at slater nazi we are quite keen to get into orphans You know, developing market and all that.
Je ne veux pas parler trop vite, mais nous hésitons à nous lancer dans l'orphelinat chez Nazi Recouvrement.
I don't want to argue with you on your birthday... but I want you to know I don't share your opinion at all.
Je ne veux pas me disputer avec toi aujourd'hui, maman. Mais tu dois savoir que je ne suis pas du tout d'accord avec toi.
Si j'ai bien compris, tu sais rien de toute cette affaire.
Well, you know, I've been observing you here now... for the last four weeks, and I don't see any evidence of mental illness, at all.
J'ai étudié votre comportement depuis 4 semaines... et je n'ai trouvé aucun signe de débilité mentale. Pas le moindre.
It's so strange, I don't know you at all.
C'est étrange, je vous connais aussi mal que par le passé.
You know, I don't buy this hell-hath-no-fury act of yours. I just think it's your way of blackmailing me and feeling wronged all at the same time.
Cet air offusqué est votre manière de me faire chanter tout en me donnant mauvaise conscience.
Really, I don't know you at all.
C'est qu'en effet, je ne vous connais pas du tout.
I don't know about you, but I don't like myself at all.
Je ne sais pas vous, mais moi je ne m'aime pas.
Sorry. I had no idea you don't know kung fu at all.
J'ignorais que tu ne connaissais rien aux arts martiaux.
I don't know why I'm telling you this, and I'm not ashamed at all.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi je te le dis. Mais je n'ai pas honte.
I don't know how to swim at all. Are you sure?
Je ne sais pas nager du tout.
You know, the amazing thing was that... I don't think he had any interest in children whatsoever. None at all.
L'étonnant, c'est qu'il se fichait des enfants!
I mean, you know... obviously, all ideas in science are constantly being revised. I mean, that's the whole point. But we do at least know that the universe has some shape and order... and that, uh, you know, trees do not turn into people or goddesses... and there are very good reasons why they don't... and you can't just believe absolutely anything.
Les théories scientifiques sont sans cesse remaniées... mais on sait en tout cas que l'univers a un ordre... que les arbres ne se changent pas en humains ou en dieux!
I don't know, if you don't think Hughes would have us in a war in a few months, it wouldn't do any good at all.
- Pourquoi? Parce que Hughes déclarerait la guerre d'ici quelques mois.

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