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Translate.vc / English → French / [ I ] / I think i can handle that

I think i can handle that translate French

188 parallel translation
Look, Frank, I may be all the things they say I am but I think I can handle that job, and I need it very badly.
Écoutez, Frank, je suis sans doute comme ils le disent, mais je crois pouvoir faire ce boulot et j'en ai besoin.
Yes, I think I can handle that.
Je pense pouvoir faire ça.
I think I can handle that.
Ça me semble bien.
- I think I can handle that.
- Je saurai me débrouiller.
Well, I think I can handle that.
Je dois pouvoir vous fournir ça.
I think I can handle that.
Je devrais pouvoir y arriver.
I think I can handle that.
Je pense pouvoir y arriver.
I think I can handle that.
Je pense que je peux faire ça.
- I think I can handle that.
- Je pense pouvoir m'en sortir.
I think I can handle that.
Je vais y arriver.
I think I can handle that.
Je pense pouvoir arranger ça.
I think I can handle that.
Ca, je devrais y arriver.
I don't think you're acting skill can handle that.
Je ne pense pas que vous possédiez assez de compétences pour cela.
I think we can handle anything that comes along.
Je crois qu'ainsi tout se passera bien.
Why, because I think that you can handle kids without belting their brains out?
Parce que Je crois que je peux aider des gamins à exprimer leur intelligence?
I'm beginning to think that you don't think I can handle it.
Je commence à croire que vous ne me trouvez pas à la hauteur.
- I think we can handle that.
- Oui - Nous effort, la volonté...
I think we can handle that.
Ça doit pouvoir se faire.
Well, as you've only a couple of days here, I expect you'd like to see how we handle some of our larger cases. I think I can lay that on for you.
N'ayant que quelques jours à passer ici, vous aimeriez sûrement nous voir traiter des affaires importantes.
I dont think that they can handle him, he's too clever.
Tes hommes ne sont pas de taille, crois-moi.
I think that I can handle the legal end.
Je m'occupe de l'aspect légal de la question.
I think ol'Pack can handle that.
Pack, il est d'accord.
I don't think I can handle that.
Je n'y arriverai pas.
I don't think I can handle it, that's all.
Je crois pas que je sois à la hauteur.
I think Sammy can handle that one, huh, Coach?
Je crois que Sam peut se débrouiller seul.
I think we can handle that.
On peut payer ça.
With all the practice that I've been doing I think I can handle it
Grâce à mon entraînement, je pense y arriver.
You don't think... that I can handle it, do you?
Tu ne penses pas que j'en suis capable, non?
Well, yeah, but there's oil under that rig, - and I think I can handle being rich. - Yeah?
Oui, mais le pétrole m'attend et je saurai assumer la fortune.
If you're going to tell me that, I don't think I can handle it.
Si c'est le cas je ne sais pas si je peux l'accepter.
I think we can handle that.
On peut vous trouver ça.
Hey, I don't think your rep can handle that.
Ta réputation en prendrait un coup.
I can't think his motives are benevolent so if you come I shall be obliged if you bring that gun you handle so well.
- Ça peut être dangereux. - Dans ce cas... deux armes vaudront mieux qu'une!
I don't see a problem with that, but I think he can handle it himself!
Je n'y vois aucun problème, mais c'est au capitaine de décider!
That's a lot of money! - I think we can handle it. - Plus...
C'est une somme importante... mais nous pouvons le trouver.
Think you can handle that... or do I have to call the police?
Ou dois-je appeler la police?
Thanks, I really appreciate that, but I think I can handle this myself, guys.
Merci, c'est gentil, mais je peux me débrouiller.
I... I don't think I can handle that.
- Je n'en suis pas capable.
What, do you think I can't handle that?
Tu crois que je ne peux pas y faire face?
I think George can handle that.
D'ailleurs George y a survécu.
Don't you think I can handle it that I write a children ¡ ¯ s story...
OK, j'ai écrit un livre pour enfants que ma propre fille déteste!
- I think that's as much information as I can handle, Tessa.
- de toucher les Brakiris et... - Je ne veux pas... Tessa.
- I, um, I think I can handle that.
Je pense pouvoir assurer de ce côté.
You know, Nathaniel, I think I've had about all the action that I can handle.
Vous savez, NathanieI, je crois avoir eu assez d'action comme ça.
I appreciate that, but I think we can handle it from here.
Je vous remercie, mais ça ira.
Okay, Mom, I think that I can handle it...
O.K. maman, ça ira très bien.
If you can't handle that, if you... If you want to decide that my messing up means I'm not worth being your friend then you're not as smart as you think you are.
Si tu ne peux pas comprendre ça, si tu décides que je ne suis pas digne d'être ton ami, alors t'es pas aussi intelligente que tu crois.
Actually, I think that we can handle it.
On se débrouillera.
I think there's people that can handle fear.
Certains maîtrisaient leur peur.
And I don't think I can handle that.
Et je ne pourrai pas le supporter.
I don't think I can handle another problem in that area.
Je ne crois pas pouvoir supporter un autre problème dans cette zone.

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