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I thought you liked me translate French

168 parallel translation
I thought you liked me.
et j'ai... pensé que vous m'aimiez bien.
I thought you liked me.
Je vous plaisais, pourtant.
I thought you liked me.
J'espérais vous plaire assez.
Last night I thought you liked me.
Hier soir j'ai cru... que tu m'aimais bien.
I thought you liked me.
Vous êtes pas chic!
- I thought you liked me.
- Je croyais que tu m'aimais bien.
I thought you liked me.
- Je pensais que tu m'aimais bien.
I thought you liked me.
Tu ne m'aimes pas?
I thought you liked me.
Je croyais que vous m'aimiez.
I thought you liked me as well.
Je croyais que tu m'aimais bien.
I thought you liked me.
Je te plais, non?
I thought you liked me.
Je pensais que tu m'aimais.
- I thought you liked me. Well, of course I like you.
- Je croyais que tu m'aimais.
I thought you liked me.
Je croyais que vous m'aimiez bien.
I thought you liked me, you bitch.
Je pensais que tu m'aimais bien, salope.
I thought you liked me.
Je croyais que je te plaisais.
But I thought you liked me.
Je croyais que tu m'aimais bien.
You know? I thought you liked me, but you were only using me to free her.
Je croyais te plaire, mais tu te servais de moi.
I thought you liked me.
Je croyais que tu m'aimais bien.
- I thought you liked me.
- Je croyais que tu m'aimais?
What? But, I thought you liked me!
Je croyais que tu m'aimais.
I don't understand. I thought you liked me the way I am.
Je croyais que tu m'aimais comme je suis.
- I thought you liked me.
- Je pensais que tu m'appréciais
I thought you liked me.
- Tu disais bien m'aimer.
But, I thought you liked me, Nick.
Je croyais que je te plaisais.
I cannot believe I thought you liked me.
Moi qui ai cru que tu m'aimais bien.
( Miljan ) I know, but I thought you liked it here with me.
[MILJAN] Je sais, mais je pensais que tu aimais être ici avec moi.
I thought you liked see me happy.
Je croyais que tu aimais me voir heureux.
Like if you said you liked me very much... or that you thought I was pretty... something I can believe for tonight anyway.
Que vous m'aimez bien ou que vous me trouvez jolie, par exemple. Ça, je pourrais y croire, pour ce soir.
I just liked the way you looked, and... I thought you had possibilities.
Votre allure me plaisait... et je pensais que vous aviez des possibilités.
I thought you liked me.
Je suis stupide.
- They had one in uniform blue... I liked it, but I thought you already always wear blue...
- Il y en avait une bleue pervenche, elle me plaisait bien, mais j'ai pensé que toi du bleu, toujours du bleu...
I thought you liked him better than me. Ben, Ben.
Je croyais que tu l'aimais mieux que moi.
I couldn't remember what you liked, so I thought I'd put out an assortment.
Je ne me souvenais plus de tes goûts, alors j'ai préparé un assortiment.
I thought you liked doing things for me.
T'aimais pas faire des choses pour moi?
I thought you liked doing things for me.
Tu aimais faire des choses pour moi.
Listen to me. 'I thought you liked yearbook.'
Ecoute-moi. "Je pensais que tu aimais l'album de classe"...
You tease me and I kind of liked it... But I thought you were a happily married guy.
Je ne déteste pas quand tu me fais du charme... mais je t'ai toujours cru heureux en ménage.
I thought you liked your eggs with the bread with the hole in the middle, a la me!
Avant, t'aimais les œufs... avec un trou dans le pain, à la Moi.
Look, sorry. I just- - l thought you liked me.
Excuse-moi. Je croyais te plaire.
I thought she liked me. You got any weed?
Je croyais qu'elle m'aimait bien.
I thought you liked it when I stole.
Vous aimiez me voir voler, non?
When you said I could get up when I liked, I thought it would be all right.
Comme vous m'avez dit de me lever quand je voulais, je pensais que ça ferait rien.
I thought that's what you liked about me.
Je croyais que c'est ce qui te plaisait chez moi.
I thought you never liked me.
Je croyais que tu ne m'aimais pas.
I thought you liked me. I do.
Si, mais c'est notre 1 ère sortie.
I thought you maybe liked me, but it's obvious that you're not interested.
Je pensais que je te plaisais, mais j'avais tort, c'est évident.
I thought I liked you before, now you look disgusting.
Tu me plaisais avant, mais maintenant tu me dégoûtes.
She is pursuing me. - I thought you liked her.
Elle te plaisait.
I thought you really liked me.
Je croyais que tu m'aimais.
I thought that's what you liked about me.
C'est ce qui te plaît en moi.

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