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I wanted to say something translate French

236 parallel translation
I wanted to say something
Je voulais vous dire...
I wanted to say something to you.
J'avais quelque chose a vous dire.
I wanted to say something completely different to you :
Je voulais dire autre chose Je voulais vous dire :
I wanted to say something but you were so happy in your work.
Je souhaitais vous l'annoncer, mais vous sembliez si épanouie dans votre travail.
I wanted to say something...
Je voulais te dire encore une chose...
In fact, remember when I was holding your hands before, I... I wanted to say something, but I lacked the, uh, confidence.
Quand je vous tenais les mains, je voulais dire quelque chose, mais j'ai manqué de courage.
I was... I wanted to say something.
Je voulais dire quelque chose.
I was lonely. I wanted to say something in my own language.
J'avais le cafard et j'ai dit quelque chose dans ma langue.
I wanted to say something, but I didn't have the courage.
Je voulais lui dire quelque chose, mais je n'en ai pas eu le courage.
I wanted to say something too.
Hum, je me disais aussi, tu vois?
I wanted to say something but I didn't.
Je voulais te dire quelque chose.
Forgive my daring, but I.. I wanted to say something.
Pardonnez-moi mon audace je voulais aussi dire quelque chose
I wanted to say something important. Ah, yes!
Je voulais dire quelque chose d'important.
I wanted to stop him, I wanted to say something, I wanted to hear something.
Je voulais l'arrêter, je voulais dire quelque chose, entendre quelque chose
Barnabas, I wanted to say something to you.
Barnabé, je voulais encore te dire une chose.
I wanted to say something.
Je voulais dire quelque chose.
There's something I wanted to say to you, Mike.
Il y a quelque chose... que je voulais te dire.
Say, Daddy, I wanted to ask you something.
Dis, papa, je voulais te demander quelque chose. Vas-y, grand bonhomme.
Miss Hudson! There's something I wanted to say to you.
Je veux vous parler.
I guess Dr. Von Hallor here would say you were riding on those bottom waves... because you wanted to drop something that was burning your fingers.
Je suppose qu'ici le Dr. Von Hallor dirait que vous êtes au creux de la vague... Parce que vous avez voulu laisser tomber quelque chose qui vous brûlait les doigts.
I had wanted to say something to you.
Je voulais vous dire quelque chose.
Why didn't you say so? There's something I wanted to tell you.
Il y a quelque chose que je voulais te dire.
I didn't come to say good-bye with the others because... there was something I wanted to tell you.
Je ne voulais pas vous dire au revoir avec les autres... parce que j'avais quelque chose à vous dire.
I must say that yesterday you gave me the impression you wanted to tell me something important.
Hier vous m'aviez donnée l'impression... de vouloir me dire quelque chose d'important
But every time I saw something I wanted, I did say to myself..
Je me disais toujours :
There's something I wanted to say too.
Je voulais dire quelque chose aussi.
Alan, there's something I wanted to ask you. Why did you say it would be better for Ronnie to leave?
J'aimerais que vous m'expliquiez pourquoi vous auriez préféré qu'il parte.
Meli, I want you to stay in Firecreek and I want us to say something, bring it out in the open like I wanted to do when you came.
Je veux que tu restes à Firecreek et nous parlerons, nous leur dirons, comme je voulais le faire au début.
There's something else I wanted to say. I've got an idea, that...
Mais j'aimerais discuter une idée que j'ai depuis longtemps.
I wanted to have your say something!
Mlle, j'ai quelque chose à vous dire.
Eve, I said I had something I wanted to say to you.
Eve, j'ai dit que j'avais quelque chose à te dire.
I just wanted to say something nice to her.
Je voulais lui dire quelque chose de gentil.
Wasn't there something I wanted to say?
- Je voulais te dire un truc, non?
Something is gonna happen and I wanted to say good-bye.
Quelque chose va arriver. Je voulais te dire adieu.
There's something I wanted to say.
Et j'ai quelque chose à te dire.
I wanted to know who dared say something so mean.
Je voulais savoir qui avait osé dire une telle méchanceté.
No, no, no, just wanted to introduce ourselves and say howdy. Can I help you with something?
Je peux vous aider?
I just wanted to say, I don't know, something.
Je voulais dire... je sais pas, quelque chose.
There was something I wanted to say to you.
Il y avait quelque chose Je voulais vous dire.
I just wanted to say that... I guess I still have something to learn about boxing.
Je voulais juste dire qu'il me reste encore à apprendre sur la boxe.
There's something I've wanted to say to you for a long time.
Il y a longtemps que je voulais te dire cela.
Let me say something I've always wanted to say.
Laisse-moi te dire une bonne chose :
I've wanted to ask you something, and I can only say this once...
Je voulais te demander quelque chose. C'est le moment ou jamais...
Listen. Um... I really wanted to say something to you, Jack.
Il faut que je te parle, Jack.
There's something I wanted to say to you.
Je veux te dire quelque chose.
Captain Miller, I just wanted to say this is something...
Commandant Miller, je voulais dire que...
Ching-ling there's something I've wanted to say Stay away from the Communists
Ching-Ling j'ai toujours voulu te dire reste à l'écart des communistes
Perfect. - I feel she wanted me to say something.
Elle s'attendait à ce que je parle.
It was just something I wanted to say, and that was that I...
Je voulais vous dire que je...
I just wanted to come here... To come here and say something. Say something important.
Je suis venu... pour te dire quelque chose... d'important.
There was actually something more I wanted to say.
Je voulais te dire quelque chose.

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